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  1. fugitivepoet

    Something Has Been Killing My Bettas

    I used bottled water from the fish store and had a new betta that lasted literally 1 day in his 1 gallon tank.  He was very happy and active at first, then lethargic, and also had the white cloudiness around him when I found him dead. 
  2. fugitivepoet

    Cleaning Very Old (But Well Stored) Tank Decor

    Hi all....I wasn't able to locate a forum area for this particular subject, so I'm sorry if this is mislocated.  My mom brought me some awesome things for my tank from out of state.  My late Grandfather used them in his tanks in the late 50's and 60's.  Included were a pagoda style house, a...
  3. fugitivepoet

    New To Forum And Happy To Be Here!

    My angel fish body without the fins is the size of a silver dollar or a little bigger.  He actually hasn't bothered the neons.  He occasionally will give a little chase to my larger head and tail light tetra.   Funny thing about my fish....the glow lights and neons seem to have made their own...
  4. fugitivepoet

    New To Forum And Happy To Be Here!

    Hi Flakey!  Fortunately, Nicolay (the angel fish) isn't especially interested in the other fish.  He pretty much keeps to himself so far.  I'm definitely going to get at least a couple more cory fish and will add more to our existing small schools rather than add additional types of tetras. ...
  5. fugitivepoet

    Favorite Thing About Fishkeeping?

      I agree with the above answer!  Suits me as well!
  6. fugitivepoet

    New To Forum And Happy To Be Here!

    It's nice to meet you and that's very good to know!  I will have to add a few!  I just started my tank about 8 weeks ago and have only been able to add fish this weekend aside from my 3 gold zebras which were my starter fish.  In the midst of my tank cycling, a work colleague needed to urgently...
  7. fugitivepoet

    New To Forum And Happy To Be Here!

    I have a 29 gal tank with Marineland Penguin 350 filtration system, & under gravel filters.    My fish children are as follows:   1 large angel fish 1 cory cat 1 bristlenose pleco 1 botia loach 3 head and tail light tetras 3 yellow pistella tetras 3 gold zebra danios 3 male platies 3 glow light...