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  1. F

    Discoloured Fish. What Is Happening?

    I have been searching the internet for possible explanations. This is what I am debating.  I bolded the symptoms that seemed to fit what my fish exhibit:   VELVET - scratching, small gold to white spots, loss of color (but its really a change in colour in specific areas), weight loss, difficulty...
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    Discoloured Fish. What Is Happening?

    Update.  The gourami died this morning and I noticed that our female platy is infact rubbing on media and has some small goldy brown areas on her back.
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    Discoloured Fish. What Is Happening?

    My dwarf gouramis is dying, our african dwarf frogs and one platy have already died (over the last two months).  Something is going through our tank and has me stumped. Now we have a ton of fry and I dont want them sick. Sorry this will be a long post but hopefully the info will help someone...
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    Sick Platy

    How did this go?  I am also in Canada and have some very frustratingly sick fish.  Please post if you had success.
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    Sick African Dwarf Frog -Lumps/tumors

    Let me get back to you on all the water stats. I just did another water change this morning but didnt get chance to get all the tests done (small baby with short naps :S) Hopefully this picture uploads of our fellow the frog.    http://<a...
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    Sick African Dwarf Frog -Lumps/tumors

    Fish food catastrophe.  While I was away my friend dropped a whole container of fish food into our 20 gallon community tank, killing one of my two african dwarf frogs and 2 fish.  I have been trying to get the tank back to healthy (I was away for a month and a half and nothing beyond scooping...
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    Pregnant Platy And Frogs

    Ya I wasn`t sure about the species ratios.  I thought someone might comment saying things were off.  I recently took on the tank from a friend and we have been trying to get it back to a happy balance.   We only have one store selling limited fish in town (I live up in northern Canada) and the...
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    Aggressive Platy: Bad Gender Ratio

    We have a 20 gallon tank so a little more room I think but not a ton. Adding 4 more fish would be pushing it. I am not really sure on fish to gallon ratios and how frogs count.  I would be comfortable with 2 more fish in there max, based on how our fish act and how much space they use.  Ideally...
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    Pregnant Platy And Frogs

    20 gallon.  There are quite a few places to hide but they aren't great.  Frogs can get them all.
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    Aggressive Platy: Bad Gender Ratio

    haha the timeout cave won't work eh? I think we are going to be having some fry soon as she looks huge and can see all kinds of little dots in her belly. Maybe her pregnancy is what set him off. Some serious fish drama going on.  If he doesnt calm down soon, we will try bringing a couple new...
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    Pregnant Platy And Frogs

    So we could just put the java moss into the bottom of the tank or do we have to do some kind of seperation?  I can definitely see the frogs getting right in there after the still.
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    Pregnant Platy And Frogs

    Thanks to all the posts and pictures I can confirm that our female platy is pregnant.  But we have two frogs in the tank who will most definitely eat all the fry.  Nothing escapes them. Ever.    I have never seen fry before and would be courious to see this whole "baby fish growing up" but what...
  13. F

    Aggressive Platy: Bad Gender Ratio

    We have 3 platies.  2 are males and 1 is female. (Didn't know this when they were bought).  For a month everything was great and they joined our community tank nicely (also have a dwarf gourami, 4 neon tetra, 2 danio, two frogs).  Recently however the bigger platy male has started chasing the...
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    New To Fish

    Hello my name is Kate, I have a newly developed interested in fish, as I recently inherited a 20 gallon tank from my roommate and my daughter is absolutely loving it. I am hopeful to get a lot of great advise about my new fish friends and look forward to discussing various fishy topics.   Kate