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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. fishlover101

    Help With Raising Betta Fry

    okay well thankyou!
  2. fishlover101

    Help With Raising Betta Fry

    are filters required is my question..? will they help a lot more of the babies live?
  3. fishlover101

    Help With Raising Betta Fry

    Hello everyone.. its been a while since my last post... the baby brine shrimp worked out great.. however im STILL having bettas die... I bought a test kit with strips... although i'm not sure how to use it, and i'm not sure what could be going wrong.... I was thinking of getting sponge filters...
  4. fishlover101

    Tank Pics Update

    looks so nice!
  5. fishlover101

    Hello Newbie To The Hobby

    they looks like platys to me! ( the small guys with the dark tails) ! had LOTS of them and only started with 3... with all the plants you have lots of babies will survive! I love the setup! congrats:)
  6. fishlover101

    Help With Baby Brine Shrimp Care!

    so I have a few questions about the brine shrimp.. how will I know when they hatched and when to take the air stone out? do I need to feed them? I have have egg yolk I read I should feed them.. boiled and then strained... HELP
  7. fishlover101

    Betta Can't Stay Upright

    I had that happen.. later found out it was swim bladder :$
  8. fishlover101

    Help With Fry Food!

  9. fishlover101

    Hello! Beginner Here!

    A 5 gallon is very small for MANY fish.... let alone that many that will grow to such a large size... neons are EXTREMELY active and prefer big schools... my suggestion would be to consider upgrading to a 20 gal OR returning the fish and going for something less active... guppies can basically...
  10. fishlover101

    Help With Fry Food!

    so ive been breeding my bettas... unfortunately out of FOUR spawns only 36 have lived... I realize I messed up.. I did a TON of research on breeding the bettas, but none on raising the actual fry... so I was feeding frozen baby brine shrimp... ive now decided that I am going to hatch my own...
  11. fishlover101

    What Can You Keep With A Betta

    Ive successfully housed neon tetras with one of my males in a ten gallon... HOWEVER not all males are laid back... my trick was I put a small castle into the tank, giving the betta some territory... he was older and tended to hangout near the bottom more, where as the neons were all over the...
  12. fishlover101

    My 5 Gallon Beta Tank

    Looks like a nice setup! I breed bettas, and have never HAD to use a filter in order to keep them alive... it just means more water changes on your part.
  13. fishlover101

    Help With Infusoria

    that's exactly what I read! but I wasn't 100 percent sure sense other sources said other wise! thankyou:)
  14. fishlover101

    Help With Infusoria

    So... I read online on how to make my own infusoria cultures.. the water has turned foggy.. some sites say that it can be fed when foggy and others say to wait until it clears up.. any advice?
  15. fishlover101

    Stocking Question

    sword tails are nice! I only have bettas atm... I breed them... but I had blue gouramis! they were a nice addition but be careful of aggression! goodluck!
  16. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    Okay thankyou! the growout tank is 29 gals.. should I add plants?!
  17. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    thanks for the advice! I was thinking about amazon swords? any other suggestions?
  18. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    Another question... do live plants help with the babies a lot?
  19. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    Thank you for the advice! can I change their water twice a day? as it gets pretty dirty quickly!
  20. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    I can not order cultures online.. and im pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed to keep them... I can do any frozen or freeze dried food that would be found at a petstore... is there a certain kind you recommend? I know the flakes aren't good for them... my goal is to learn more and more.. ive always...
  21. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    is there anything that I can possibly find at home that would be much more suitable than flakes for the bigger fry? I wont be able to go to the store for the next few days and I have no idea what else to feed them!
  22. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    well... see... I was very stupid and did not do much research... so I WAS feeding them frozen baby brine shrimp, as well as crushed flakes.. out of 4 spawns only 33 are alive... BUT ive learned a lot.. and unfortunately it costed the lives of betta fish... I just had another spawn begin...
  23. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    Well.... they are about 1- 2 months right now, since there are multiple spawns im not sure of the exact age.. but still TINY ... but they did start to fight... I separated about 35 into separate cups... (that's all that had lived) .... 2 out of the fish died... however the others seem to be...
  24. fishlover101

    Betta Breeding!

    so I had my first spawn about 2 months ago... I then continued with 3 more spawns after, I placed all of the betta fish in the same tank, since they were within the same size range... the bigger ones began to fight! which surprised me because of how small they are! I separated 32 of them! there...
  25. fishlover101

    Betta Baby Update!

    so... my last post was probably about 5-6 weeks ago! ive been so busy I haven't had a lot of time to post... anyways... the babies have gotten bigger yes, but they are also about 2 months old and only about a cm big!!! I don't know how to make them grow faster!
  26. fishlover101

    What To Feed Betta Fry!?

    thankyou! I don't really have the knowledge on how to culture my own live food... but I will definitely keep feeding them the yolk and baby brine shrimp until they are a bit bigger and I can slowly try flakes! I just finished feeding them the egg! they seemed to be eating it! im hoping it will...
  27. fishlover101

    What To Feed Betta Fry!?

    Thats a great idea! And it will hopefully cost a lot less! Thankyou
  28. fishlover101

    What To Feed Betta Fry!?

    ok so I've bred my bettas 3 times... ive moved all of the fry together into a 29 gallon grow out tank.. theres between 50-100 fry that lived... hard to tell... anyways, ive been feeding them baby brine shrimp, but it's expensive and they need a lot... I was wondering at what age, can I start...
  29. fishlover101

    Breeding Guppies

    guppies will breed in a puddle if you let them. but as mentioned be careful, if too many survive you can become over stocked quickly
  30. fishlover101

    Ill Platy?

    It could be anything, but if I were you, I would separate the two fish, whatever it is, you don't want your other fish catching a disease
  31. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    UPDATE: The betta fry have hatched! theres almost double of what their was from my last spawn. I would say theres at least 200! it incredible. I tried taking pictures of the fry from my first spawn, but they are still too small. so hopefully next week.
  32. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    I honestly have no idea what they are called.. I just purchased them from the LFS and didn't think to ask.. I wasn't intending on breeding them, I was going to try, but didn't think that I would be successful.
  33. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    Thank you! the advice is helpful, I will try not to leave them unattended as best as I can. and youre right I do love my fish :)
  34. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    Thank you! I'm so glad that it all finally is working out. I just hope most of the fry live!
  35. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    For some reason, my bettas wont spawn right away... they have taken 24 hours both times. I put several plants , and a castle etc in there. My male isn't extremely aggressive, which makes it easier. I'm not quite sure what kind they would be, I just picked them up from the LFS. the one ive had...
  36. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    they are tiny right now! I ended up getting a rescue betta from a friend ( I call it a rescue betta because it was taken such horrible care of) anyways, I had no where to put it. So I moved my babies at about 2 days old into my 29 gallon and moved the rescue fish (lucky) into the 5 gal. I also...
  37. fishlover101

    Platy Hiding Behind Filter?

    I can help you as far as the sexing problems. the female with have a fanned out bottom fan, the males will be pointy. They might be becoming ill due to the tank size. but I couldn't tell you. sorry. good luck
  38. fishlover101

    Bettas Spawned! Again!

    Well, my bettas have spawned, yet again. it's been exactly a week since my last spawn, so I figured i'd try again ( I read that you can breed them 3-4 times a month) I did the exact same thing as last time, except in my 10 gallon this time! sure enough I came home from school and found that they...
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