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  1. E

    How Does This Stock Sound?

    Neons and beta may not work. I have a solo yoyo loach in my 90 gallon and have never seen it bother another fish. I know for a fact it won't bother any of those fish cause mine lives with all those fish, BESIDES the beta. I've had it for about 4 years and its probably 5 inches long.
  2. E

    Empty Tank Needs Fish!

    55s are typically tall. I see no reason why you can't have 5 angels in there. Just prioritize their water preferences first and pick any other small bottom fish you might want to put in there based around those water parameters. This is assuming you have an over filtered 55.
  3. E

    Stocking Ideas

    Yeah I change my vote. Gourami makes more sense here than angel. So looking at what I recommended before, replace angel for a nice gourami, and i also think you should throw a yoyo loach in there. I love mine. super peaceful fish, slow growing too. And a school of tiger barbs can get nippy...
  4. E

    Stocking Ideas

    Used to have a bala shark that died at the age of 12 or 13 in a 90 gallon. It was no more than 10 inches long when it died. It loved to swim the length of the tank nonstop, so I wouldn't recommend a 46 gallon. it never picked on any fish but we could never put any mouth size fish like neons...
  5. E

    Breeding In A 120 Gallon

    And is there any reason I can't have some moss on the bottom, and then about 10 inches up from the bottom run across a screen that will allow eggs pass through, without letting fish pass through? And then get about 20 egg scatterers like celestrial pearl danios and let them have at it? Have 1...
  6. E

    Breeding In A 120 Gallon

    Bump. Anyone?
  7. E

    Breeding In A 120 Gallon

    Hi, new here. I have a 120 gallon tank fish tank, currently empty. I'm not new to fish, but I have never attempted to breed anything before. I read a lot about breeding pairs of angel fish or small groups of plecos in 20-50 gallon tanks, but not much about 120s. I'm wondering if there are...