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  1. cowgirluntamed

    Growing and propogating plants?

    Awesome! Thanks for the help!
  2. cowgirluntamed

    Growing and propogating plants?

    @Colin_T So...I haven't set anything up yet. But I have some totes ready and soil and fertilizer. Lol. My question is...which of these lights should I get? They are all LED. This set up is going into a room that doesn't get direct light and these don't seem very expensive. And I can attach it...
  3. cowgirluntamed

    Growing and propogating plants?

    Thanks so much for the info! I will definitely have to give it a try. I will post pics of when I get it setup. This may be very interesting!
  4. cowgirluntamed

    Growing and propogating plants?

    So...I could do plastic tubs instead of pots though? As long as I drill some small holes anyway? Some people have one large plastic tub with smaller ones inside that hold the soil, and the larger one holds the water. Would this work? Also, I'm assuming I would keep the lid on the bigger...
  5. cowgirluntamed

    Growing and propogating plants?

    So....I was looking into the best way to start growing and propogating some plants fairly easily that is not in a typical aquarium set up. Like....if I bought plastic tubs and added lights. Is submersed or emersed the better way for this? I am mainly looking at some different types of anubias...
  6. cowgirluntamed

    55 gallon tank mates!

    Well it won't exactly be soon. Gotta let my panda cories grow more before putting the guppies in that tank. Then I don't have to buy more of them! Then I will almost have a free quarantine. I will have to let any baby guppies grow after I get the adults out! Lol.
  7. cowgirluntamed

    55 gallon tank mates!

    I'm looking for something to go with the gourami....I'm pretty sure zebra danios aren't it! Way too boisterous. I actually tried harlequins, I'm not sure that the gourami was bothered by them, but the glowlights didn't like them at all and hid in one part of the tank. Those may be...
  8. cowgirluntamed

    55 gallon tank mates!

    Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted. Some things have changed. I'm just trying to do a little research because I'm having issues with my 55 gallon. I have a bunch of glowlight tetras, a blue 3 spot gourami, a Male super red bristlenose, and 3 peppered cories. Water parameters last I...
  9. cowgirluntamed

    A tip for anyone checking a framed aquarium for level

    Just fyi....the tank being level is a little different than what the OP is mentioning, though he found it while checking the level. Rimmed tanks need to be FLAT on a surface to make the tank secure so the glass won't have pressure points. But the actual water level being off, as long as the...
  10. cowgirluntamed

    Cardinals and floating plants

    I absolutely love my floating plants! I have salvinia minima in two tanks and some amazon frogbit in one of them as well. I see all the fish up picking around the roots, even the cories! And seeing as how other plants so far dont seem to grow so well yet...the floaters have helped dramatically...
  11. cowgirluntamed

    New ideas for 20 gallon high tank. Any comments?

    Just a bit of an update and to clarify the behavior. I wouldn't really call these fish hyper. but they are not as sedate as the glowlights. They have their moments of zippiness but it's not constant. I do think I'm going to try them with the black neons and see how it goes. Then I just need a...
  12. cowgirluntamed

    New ideas for 20 gallon high tank. Any comments?

    Yes, I do have moderately hard water and unfortunately love the tetras. Lol. Though I'm trying to stay with the more adaptable species. I wouldn't call the glowlights active per say.....but they didn't just stay in one corner. The rasboras just seem like to go back and forth a lot and are faster...
  13. cowgirluntamed

    New ideas for 20 gallon high tank. Any comments?

    20 gallon high is 24 long x 12 wide x 16 tall. Current stocking right now is 13 black neon tetras and 1 male guppy. Lots of snails. Planted(or trying to be lol). My floating salvinia minima is awesone. Anyway....I recently added 7(for a total of 8) harlequin rasboras to my 55 gallon where my...
  14. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

  15. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    Is it OK for the blue to be on at the same time as the white? I'm only asking because with this light you can get their timer which is not a ramp timer. But you set the white and blue lights seperately. I would want the blue lights to come on first and go off last to sort of make it a bit of a...
  16. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    Thanks Colin! I can't ever remember what the colors do. What about green light? What does it do? Some of these lights I'm looking at for plants specifically, just have 6500k white leds and blue acintic leds. Is this an ok combinaton? I believe they say full spectrum on the white...
  17. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    @NickAu one more question on that light...does hi lumen mean high light? Or is it still a low/medium light?
  18. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    Hm...I didn't see the 2ft version when I clicked but the 4ft isn't a bad price. Maybe it's just out of stock or something. Thanks Nick!
  19. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    On your beamswork...does it only have the 6500k white leds or does it have the rgb leds too? I think the brand I was looking at was aquaneat.
  20. cowgirluntamed

    Black neon tetra tankmates?

    I've looked into the small rainbows and I don't think I care for them much. I love tetras....what can I say. Lol. I'm pretty sure I can overstock a bit with my great growing salvinia. Lol. This tank went from one not full grown 3 spot gourami, sat a couple of weeks after I moved him, and then...
  21. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    I don't think the fish would like 100%. Lol. One thing with the aquasky is I can control each color; white, red, green, and blue. I did try upping the white on the 20 gallon and the plants didn't respond well. So I put it back. It could just be a spectum color problem and not just a brightness...
  22. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    Thanks for the info! I'll see what I can do. I need to see where I can buy the plant first. Lol. Hopefully it will help me!
  23. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    Why would anubias shrink over time? I know eventually they lose the older leaves but I've had a nangi for 3-4 years and it's just gotten bigger and only just started losing original leaves but they were replaced. I do think I will increase the photo period some but not by twice as much. Maybe a...
  24. cowgirluntamed

    Black neon tetra tankmates?

    I'm done with guppies for a while. So at least 10 von rio tetras if I go for those...and I could do more regular neon tetras since they are smaller? I know these don't do as well either but as cheap as they are I would be willing to try. So 13 black neons, 13-15 regular neons OR 10 von rio...
  25. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    We cross I think 16 hours may be a bit much. Though my pleco and snails would love the algae growth! I use root tabs for the crypts and crispus and any heavy root feeders. I have not tried a common amazon sword but the kleiner bar sword started to do well and then just didnt...I...
  26. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    The lights I have are both the fluval aquasky leds. I have them with maybe half of the white light on and some of the rgbs. The 20 gallon is 16 inchest high and the 55 is 20 1/2 in high. That's the outer dimensions. Photo period is 8 hours. In the 20 my plants used to pearl after every water...
  27. cowgirluntamed

    Black neon tetra tankmates?

    Tank is 20 gallon high, 24 inch long x 12 in wide x 16 inch high. Ph is 8.2. Gh and kh are around 12 to 13 (api liquid tests). Yes I know it's harder water but I want to try to stick with more hardy tank raised species. Current stock is 13 black neon tetras and 1 guppy (that may or may not...
  28. cowgirluntamed

    Easy stem plants???

    For whatever reason...I can't seem to get stem plants that will grow! They seem to start to change over from emersed to submersed and then just stop. I have low light low tech tanks with harder water. I've tried both types of water sprite (even floating this didn't do well...), mexican oak...
  29. cowgirluntamed

    Tank level

    None of my tanks are I don't worry about it as long as the tank is flat on the stand and has no spaces between the stand and tank. This can cause pressure in those places and glass doesn't breaks. Lol. Now, my tanks have black rims that the glass sits in which is not...
  30. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand?

    Maybe Thanks for the tips!
  31. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand?

    If I ever have a fish room and get the large fish I want...I will probably dabble with making some food for them then. As for the small fish, I will stick with mostly flakes and pellets and go buy some frozen for a treat now and then. I may try fluval bug bites or even the sera o-nip things as...
  32. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand?

    Yeah, I've been following your thread for it. It looks cool! and I have no douby that they are awesome fish. I'm just not ready for them quite yet. Lol. Thanks for the info Colin. I know it would be easy but I think I will skip the mosquito larvae. I'd worry I would get something else in the...
  33. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand?

    Don't worry, I'm not into difficult fish just yet. Lol. Let me get a low tech planted tank going well first! Then I can step up for other stuff maybe. Lol. By the way, your tank is awesome!
  34. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand?

    Thanks for the info guys! I'm not wanting to culture live food at the moment but I had thought about vinegar eels at one time. Or are those too small and only like fry food? Seems easy enough to keep. Other than that, I just wanted to try frozen since I never have had enough fish before to make...
  35. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand?

    Thanks for the info! I would definitely feed only as a treat. My staples are what I already said. I don't know if the cories eat the flakes or not I any reaches bottom, but I know everybody loves the rest! It's funny watching the tetras start to go after the flakes when they sink and then the...
  36. cowgirluntamed

    Frozen food, which brand? I aquire more fish for my 55...I'm interested in getting some frozen food instead of freeze dried. I was looking in Petsmart's little freezer and saw they had Omega One brand and Sanfransico Bay brand. I'm pretty sure they both had brine shrimp and blood worms, not sure about the rest of...
  37. cowgirluntamed

    Water change and temperasure questions

    I hadn't expected it unless something changed in the well a bit...I don't know what to tell you. My family and I are still drinking it as well as the animals and everything is fine with us. But the fish did stop dying as soon as I started letting it sit's the only...
  38. cowgirluntamed

    Water change and temperasure questions

    The Python is why I had to switch to prefiltering in the first well water was coming straight out of the tap at around 6.5 or so...and then would shoot up to 8.2 which is the norm. A lot of newer fish died because of it, though they may have had other issues as well. But so far with...
  39. cowgirluntamed

    Water change and temperasure questions

    How much is too big of a degree change (with cooler water) for a 50% to 75% water change? I am still prefiltering my water and now that it is going into fall. Nights will be getting cooler. The room the two trash cans are in will get colder. Right now when I do changes its only about 3 degrees...
  40. cowgirluntamed

    Guppies in 20 gallon high questions

    I'm not sure what you saw. I read your post and went and stared at them. The guppies seem perfectly fine to me so maybe just the quality of the vid? And yes, all male guppies. This was my original idea. So I don't have to deal with breeding. The pet store only takes them depending on the color...