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  1. F

    Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

    Thanks snork6,   Let's see what happens in the next few days...
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    Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

    Update: Sadly, he died. And his belly was totally flat, did it burst?!   If so, isn't the water now totally contaminated with his bacteria??   I just add some Interpet No 9, Anti Internal Bacteria, in the water, just in case.   Sad.
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    Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

    Thanks snork6,   I'll try to take and post a picture later.   But he was looking really perfect when i bought him, nice perfect tail fin and all. I was surprised to see how fast his tail fin became damaged, it felt like it was too fast for a disease to do that, only a couple of days! More like...
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    Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

    Hello all,   (Sorry for coming here only when I have a problem...    )   We set up this tank 1.5 years ago, and after the first difficult 6 months it was finally fine, cycled (Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0 - 0.25, Nitrate 20 - 40), peaceful, perfect. Well, almost perfect, since we had only 4 small fishes...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Thanks LyraGuppi,   Now our male Gourami is the only Gourami in the tank.   Do you think he will he be ok alone?   We only have 3 Neon Tetras there with him. The Gouramis never even aknowledge the Neons. Though now our male Gourami seems to be noticing them, and either trying to school with...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Clove oil this morning sadly, she was too poor, dying really. It was the only humane thing to do.   The other fish in the aquarium look fine. Let's see.
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Tuesday: She looks worse this morning, lying on the floor almost sideways, still breathing, but looking even paler than before, almost white, and she struggles to swim to the surface to get her air bubbles.   I'm starting to consider euthanasia. But if yesterday's blue bath cleared some skin...
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    Photo Of My Gourami's Skin Lesion

    I've added some updates on the main thread. Any help will be much appreciated.
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Update: The treatment with Interpet Anti-Internal Bacteria didn't make any visible difference. But this morning we found her lying on the aquarium floor almost immobile, and didn't go for the surface when we added food.   So we've decided to try the methylene blue bath, she just had 30 minutes...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

      That is v interesting attibones, thanks.   You help us to figured out their ages. They have tried to breed this summer, built bubble nests, and had fries, 3 times i think. We tried to help the fry grow, trying to get as many as possible and isolate them in a little maternity box inside the...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

      Mostly yes, but with one important change: She is not eating as much or as fast as before. She used to be a Hoover! No longer.   Update: We saw that Interpet's list of symptoms and recommended treatments that come with their medicines, and we are trying their Anti-Internal Bacteria. Let's see...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Hi LyraGuppi,   I can't think of anything like that. Actually just 1 week before this problem appeared I was commenting with my wife that our aquarium had finally achieved a blissful condition of health and harmony, no diseases, no fights, just perfect...   Have i jinxed it???    
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Thanks TwoTankAmin,   Yes, i agree that i shouldn't "panic", and that fish TB is very rare, i had read that same article. Though the data would have been much more useful if it was the rate amongst aquarium keepers, as opposed to the general population.   What is annoying, and worrying, is that...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    I've uploaded a photo with higher resolution online, i'll try to link it here.   Edit: Good, the photo is showing. Unfortunately the focus is not perfect. And that is my best photo, out of some 20 attempts! I think my camera's auto-focus has troubles with the aquarium glass, and the fish moving...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Thanks LyraGuppi,   No, her back is fine.
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Update: Now there is a small lesion on her left side as well.   I've noticed that the lesion has no scales, and Googling about scale loss I bumped into a disease called "fish tuberculosis" (!), which can be transmitted to humans!!!   It doesn't cause human tuberculosis (lung stuff) but it is...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Hi LyraGuppi,   IIRC we bought our Gouramis from our local fish shop around 1 year ago.   I assume they were young then?
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    Photo Of My Gourami's Skin Lesion

    Dear fellow Gourami keepers,   Our female Gourami got some worrying skin lesions. I've posted a photo of it in the "emergency" section of this forum. I would be very grateful if some of the Gourami keepers in this forum could take a look at it and give your opinions about it please:  ...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Thanks Akasha72.   Yes I learnt about baths just yesterday, when googling about my fish problem. I even ordered some Methylene Blue. Is it equivalent to your suggestion of Epsom salt?   And I may have some new development. Baccus may have had a point after all. See my reply to him next.   FF  ...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Thank you for the reply Baccus.   Only a male Gourami and 3 neon tetras. But they've ben together wiyhout any problems for over a year.   The water parameters are all fine.   The tank is just over 1 year old, and now it appears to be fully cycled. We just had many months without any problem -...
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    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Our female gourami got these lesions on her back. I'll try to upload a photo. Please help. Many thanks. 
  22. Closeup lesions 1 PNG.jpg

    Closeup lesions 1 PNG.jpg

  23. F

    Treating Internal Parasites

      Hi SLIM,   In case you are still around (I realise your post is 3 years old!), and remember what happened, did it work?   I'm asking 'cause I am also in the UK (no antibiotics allowed), and I have a Honey Gourami with similar symptoms: not eating, and with that poo - thin, long, and almost...
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    Female Honey Gourami Ate All The Eggs!

      Thanks again DreamertK, essential info there.
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    Female Honey Gourami Ate All The Eggs!

      Thanks PrairieSunflower,   Yes, that's what we were guessing / thinking about doing next time - if it happens again, 'cause the male still looks quite depressed really. Very surprising BTW, as we didn't expect this type of behaviour from a little fish! But I'm sure he will forget about it...
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    Female Honey Gourami Ate All The Eggs!

      Hi sawickib, thanks for replying.   Our aquarium is 10 gallons / 45 litres. Besides the Honey Gourami couple it has also 4 neons and 1 Endler Guppy. The water is fine, we test for these 3 (and more) every week.   Remove the father too?   We don't have much space for another proper tank. We...
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    Female Honey Gourami Ate All The Eggs!

    Hello,   A few days ago we noticed our honey gourami trying to build his nest of bubbles. But he appeared to be having a bit of trouble, probably 'cause our filter and air stones were agitating the water surface too much. Yesterday morning we managed to reduce the surface agitation, and this...
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    What Happens To Fish Returned To Shops? Euthanasia?

    Thank you all very much for the reassuring replies. I phoned the shop yesterday, and they said they would not kill it. So we took the fish back. I hope he is well there.    Thanks again,
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    What Happens To Fish Returned To Shops? Euthanasia?

    What happens to fish returned to shops? Euthanasia?   We bought 3 juvenile honney gouramis about a month ago, and since last week one of them (who is starting to look like a male) grew increasingly aggressive towards the other two (a male and a fefale, we think).   Yesterday we isolated the...
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    Internal Underwater Pump Noise Stresses Fishes

    Thanks Puffer_Nat   That would have been a serious contender. Do you think this filter is quieter than that air pump in my opening post? And does the tubes transmit the pump engine noise to the water?   Amazon says it is "Currently unavailable", but I found it here.  ...
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    Internal Underwater Pump Noise Stresses Fishes

    Thanks for the info DrRob,   Good to know that a slow flow filter could do a good biological work as long as it has a large surface area.   Maybe the weak mechanical filtration could be helped by a weekly siphoning? Specially considering that my aquarium is under-stocked and we plan to keep it...
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    Internal Underwater Pump Noise Stresses Fishes

    Thanks for the reply DO,   The tank I had all those years ago was totally quiet. I put the air pump inside a cupboard, and hanging by elastic bands, and I even managed to stop the air-line from transmitting the noise:  I set one airline from the air pump to a soft plastic bottle, and another...
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    Internal Underwater Pump Noise Stresses Fishes

    Hello all,   I am back to the hobby after many years (decades really). About a month ago we bought a small 45L/10G aquarium. It came with a internal filter, which is a bit noise for us humans out of the water, but much much worse for the poor fish, with that underwater power pump right there...
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    Need To Treat Finrot And Bacteria At The Same Time

    It does help Star4, thanks a lot.
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    Need To Treat Finrot And Bacteria At The Same Time

    Thank you all for the replies.   Update: Unfortunately that Endler has died, and after him 2 more Endlers also died. They had been transferred to the my new quarantine aquarium, treated with Interpet No. 9, but I think it was too late. My 4th (and last) Endler looks totally fine though, healthy...
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    Need To Treat Finrot And Bacteria At The Same Time

    Thank you very much star4, very sensible advices.   News: A couple of hours ago I went to the shop to buy the Interpet No.9 medication, and I saw there a small 7L tank on a half price offer (very cheap, with filter and heater), so I bought it, and now I can separate fish. Should I put the sick...
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    Need To Treat Finrot And Bacteria At The Same Time

    Hello,   Two days ago an Endlers Guppy showed signs of Finrot. Yesterday I bought Interpet No.8 and treated the aquarium with it.   But today 2 other Endlers are are also unwell, and now the symptoms are more clear, not of Finrot, but of Bacteria (besides fins continuing degrading, now they are...