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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. H

    Using Sea Shells In A Tank?

    Just for the record, invert tanks and snail benefit greatly from a few shells.  I have really soft water and the snail love the shells.
  2. H

    Platys And Endlers

    The Endlers breeding drive makes a tank with male only fish hystarical.  They are in motion and being chased or chasing.
  3. H

    Guppy Advise

    I concur with the above.  The only problem is that if you breed them that young, it has a stunting effect on their overall growth..  .
  4. H

    Platy Fry Holding

    You might try feeding some freeze dried blood works.  Sometimes that cleans out the plumbing and makes room for fry to move on their path.
  5. H

    Will My Betta Tolerate Other Species

    You may want to try a swordtail or platy.  Bigger and faster
  6. H

    Orange Dwarf Crayfish

    I have had them and they don't bother fish unless they are sick or dying on the bottom.  If you have copper pipe, it is worth having the water tested.  If you feed your crayfish snails they will get calcium from the shells.  That is typically the problem with these guys.  Additionally, don't...
  7. H

    New To Gouramis! Help!

    Don't know if they are available, but pigmy gouramis such as Licorice or Sparkling are great and you can get a pair.
  8. H

    Ethical Question: What To Do With "runts" Of The Litter?

    I would find someone who has cichlids or other fish that will eat them.  I have Belonasox and raise Endlers and Least Killies.  The Belonasox eat all the deformed fry I can supply.
  9. H

    Sexing Fry

    In my experience feeding live baby brine shrimp and other live foods along with at least a 20L tank excelerates their development. I can always sex mine at 3 months.  I typically keep 6 or so large female Endlers with my sword fry as a ready source oflive food-Fry.
  10. H

    Pond Breeding?

    You can do this only when the temperature outside is stable and suitable for bettas.  That means high 70s-80s day time and 70's night time.  You spawn your bettas indoors just as you would if you were going to raise them in a tank.  Then after 10 days transfer the fry to the pond or pool. The...
  11. H

    Will My Betta "colour Up"?

    I have had great success with live baby brine shrimp, feeze dried cyclops and fry from Endlers of Least Killies.  I typically gut load the fry with color enhancing flakes from Ken's Aquatics and baby brine shrimp.  It seems the chasing down of prey items really gets the betta in good physical...
  12. H

    Creating A Betta Soroity Help Required

    Most of the time female bettas are not too aggressive with eachother.  You should be aware there are some females that act more like males as they are very territorial.  I think you could safely put 10-14 in that size tank.  I would highly recommend that you add a lot of floating debris such as...
  13. H

    Betta Dropsy Cure?

    I've been workingwith bettas off and on for 30 plus years and there is no cure that I'm aware of.