Search results

  1. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Dime Sized Angel In Peril. Did I Gas My Fish?

    One of my dime sized silver angels ive had for about a month is suddenly laying on his side at the bottom of the tank under my tiger lotus. He stands himself up for a moment and appears a listless, his breathing is pretty heavy. The others seem fine and there are no signs of distress with any...
  2. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Geophagus Aggression Consultation

    Hello all,        I have a 125 gallon aquarium stocked with three 2.5 inch geophagus altifrons, five medium spotted silver dollars, one 3.5 inch Threadfin Geophagus (Acarichthys heckelii), and a 6 inch Geophagus brasiliensis. The Geophagus brasiliensis rules the tank with an Iron Fist as he is...
  3. 2015-03-15 21.59.37.jpg

    2015-03-15 21.59.37.jpg

  4. 2015-03-15 22.00.39.jpg

    2015-03-15 22.00.39.jpg

  5. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Silver Dollar Shoal With Geophagus?

    UPDATE:   I think im just going to go for it, Ill let everyone know how things pan out.   Cheers!
  6. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Silver Dollar Shoal With Geophagus?

       Hello everyone,         I have a 125 gallon south american biotope, It is currently stocked with one geophagus brasiliensis, three geophagus altifrons, and one acarichthtys heckelii. I want to add 5 silver dollars (Metynnis Hypsauchen). I know they are listed as peaceful but will they be too...
  7. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    Thank you all for your insight. He died this morning. Youre all very kind for responding and I will definitely keep this information on file if I ever have to deal with something like this again.   I have other eartheaters none of which are from my LFS, they are all very voracious eaters. My LFS...
  8. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    I hospitalized him, he is rather active but is not taking food. I tried giving him frozen brine shrimp soaked in metronidazole but he did not ingest it. I went ahead and dosed the water with it as directed on the package anyway, will this destroy my bacterial colony in my hospital tank? Also Im...
  9. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    This was the best picture I could get, It also appears his mouth is not open but horribly swollen.   I will post more when I am able to get a better shot. I know you cant draw much from this picture.
  10. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    He was in his own tank at the LFS, I asked the owner if he was taking food because I have had problems in the past especially with eartheaters purchased from this store. He may have lied to me though I doubt he was, the fish appeared healthy at the time of purchase. Since my last post the fish...
  11. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    I believe something more sinister may be at play. He has shown no improvement over the past 2 days in his new surroundings and his health seems to be deteriorating. What course of action should I take? Should I hospitalize him or will that cause him more stress then benefit? Should I plan on...
  12. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    Hello world,       Two days ago I purchased a Red Hump Geophagus around two inches in length. According to my LFS he was eating readily but is now refusing food. I had him in my 55 gallon but my geophagus brasilensis was roughing him up so I moved him to my 40 breeder yesterday. All the fish are...
  13. tetraodon_biocellatus

    125 Gallon Placement/will This Even Work Help

    Hello world,        I am currently looking into the purchase of a 125 gallon aquarium, my main concern is weight. The location I am considering is on the second floor, adjacent to a load bearing wall. I live in an old home made of heart pine which is supposedly much stronger than other woods and...
  14. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Does Anyone Have Experience Switching Sand Substrates?

    They have had several batches of fry, the other fish hold up well against them. There are plenty of sight barriers and mine only try to control one cave and about a square foot of tank space. The female did however beat the male close to death after their first batch was eaten. But they seem to...
  15. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Does Anyone Have Experience Switching Sand Substrates?

    Do I have to worry about dieoff of bacteria in my filters if they are deprived flow for an hour or two? If the fish are on the floor in a holding bin I cant have my gravity fed canister hooked up anyway, but I can hook up the hang off the back. Should I attach the canister to a separate...
  16. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Starting Over, Need Guidance

    It would be advisable to keep tetras, danio, and rasboras in schools or at least five of their own species. You dont necessarily have too but its better for the fish and it keeps aggression among the individuals in the school and away form your other fish (especially the mollies). All of those...
  17. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Does Anyone Have Experience Switching Sand Substrates?

    I currently have a 55 gallon that I need to seriously revaluate. It has horrible large pebble-blacksand mixed substrate currently and I am going to switch it with pool filter sand. (or PFS if youre trendy). I know I will likely have to move my cichlids into a holding container which I can do...
  18. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Figure 8 Babies

    WOW! Thats incredible! Congratulations! I would try live baby brine shrimp for starters. Take note of all your parameters and anything that could be a breeding stimulus. Strength of lighting? Rockwork? How strong is the current? Tank size? How big are the male and female? Do they have any...
  19. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Juvenile Threadfin Geophagus Wrestling?

    I have a pair of young threadfin geophagus in my 55 gallon, no signs of aggression for the last 6 months but today they have been wrestling side to side ramming each other with their gills flared. Should I be concerned/move one of them or is this natural. Both fish appear heathy at the moment...
  20. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Is He Dying? Also What Is He?

    Glad to hear it!!! Sorry about the misidentification man, hope it didnt cause too much of a problem on your end.   Cheers
  21. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Is He Dying? Also What Is He?

    If he's is eating you could probably leave him where he is for the time being, like most brackish fish they can live in freshwater (though it is not optimal). I've kept brackish water indian chromides in a full fresh and had them breed and thrive for years. Keep an eye on him and see if he...
  22. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Is He Dying? Also What Is He?

    He almost looks like a wasp goby or something, if so he may just need a higher salinity (brackish fish).  They do swim a bit oddly but he does look rather sickly, if you move him to a brackish tank you may have better luck feeding him.   good luck   ^butterfly/wasp goby (not an actual goby)  ...
  23. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Geophagus Surinamensis Fungal Infection/not Taking Food

    Thanks Berryattack,        The larger of the two dropped dead this morning (so much for a happy birthday) I have live plants in the tank but am still considering mythylene, my LFS is closed today/it's MLK day so don't know if any chain fish stores are open ether. But I'll certainly grab some...
  24. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Geophagus Surinamensis Fungal Infection/not Taking Food

    Hello,       I purchased a pair of 4 inch Geophagus surinamensis yesterday from my LFS for my 55. They have developed small white fungal patches at the base of their caudal fins and one has a rather large (about the size of a dime) patch behind his/her (can't sex them yet) operculum just below...