Search results

  1. Fc1700

    Tankmate(s) for a Single Convict Cichlid?

    I have a single female convict in my 20 gallon long. I got her about 10 months ago, and she's been alone since I added her with a blue ram who was bigger than her at the time and she ended up killing. came back one day and the rams eye was missing . That's when I realized their aggressiveness is...
  2. Fc1700

    Sick Ram For Days....any Help?

    So heres the deal. I have a sick (round-bellied) Ram symptoms are lethargic toward the bottom of the tank and not eating. He has an appearing and disappearing red patch on his abdomen.    I got it from the pet store about 4 weeks ago along with another ram. I had a freak leak in my 20 gallon...
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  5. Fc1700

    Mysterious Guppy Death

    I mean, I test the water with a strip test and the ppm was basically all in the safe range. I've brought in water samples to my local fish store before (after doing a strip test with similar results after a fish death) and they've told me the water quality shouldn't have been the issue. If you...
  6. Fc1700

    Mysterious Guppy Death

    So maybe it wont be so mysterious to you guys.   10 gallon tank. (Was) 3 guppies, 2 female, 1 male and 2 rasboras. Male has been in the tank at least 3-4 months. Females and Rasboras 5-6 months. Tank is well established and parameters are fine.    I found my guppy dead this morning. Completely...
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  10. Fc1700

    Female Betta Lethargic/not Eating.

    The best pics. I could get.
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  14. Fc1700

    Female Betta Lethargic/not Eating.

    I could estimate the exact parameters if you think thats important. But according to my strip test, everything is at a safe level. Not even close to stress levels.   She looks even worse today. I just scooped her into the breeder again she was on the bottom of the tank shes barely moving now...
  15. Fc1700

    Female Betta Lethargic/not Eating.

    Hm, in that case or regardless, how long do you think I should keep her in the breeder? Even though the other fish can't get to her she still isn't really eating so should I just release her into the tank now?
  16. Fc1700

    Female Betta Lethargic/not Eating.

    Yes, heater is at about 78. I have 2 serpae tetras a small cory and a male guppy. I know the stocking isnt the greatest but they've been fine for awhile and I may be giving my serpaes and possibly my cory to my cousin who has a larger tank as I am going away for the summer.  My betta and guppy...
  17. Fc1700

    Female Betta Lethargic/not Eating.

    My Female Betta has been very shy (more than normal) the past few weeks. Usually I think shes hiding from my male guppy who seems to bug her a bit, but usually shes not too submissive and will hold her territory out in the open and I have never seen marks or anything on her that shows shes being...
  18. Fc1700

    Adding Salt To Tank?

    I talked to a friend who owns a fish shop and he suggested for me to add 1 tbsp. of salt to my 10 gallon freshwater tank. He said that should be plenty and I wouldn't need to worry about adding more for 6 months or so. I have a fancy tail guppy, 2 serpae tetras, female betta and a cory cat...
  19. Fc1700

    Guppy Turning Gray/black Around Tail?

    All I know is he was a PetSmart Fancy Guppy haha. He just used to be more gold/yellow and less black.
  20. Fc1700

    Guppy Turning Gray/black Around Tail?

    Thank you! Maybe Ill get a female and breed Good to know he looks normal, I just googled it and saw something about "Columnaris" and wanted to make sure that wasn't the case.
  21. Fc1700

    Guppy Turning Gray/black Around Tail?

    Behavior still seems normal, but noticed the discoloration a few days ago. Something to be concerned about? Pics p.s. - Can you also tell from the pics if this is male or female?
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  24. Fc1700

    Which Fish Should I Get A Buddy For?

    Right now I have a 10 gallon with   Serpae Tetra Dwarf swordtail Female Betta Fancy Guppy Otto   Which fish do you think would benefit most from having another one of the same species? Keep in mind I would get another Otto but I'm nervous about the amount of food because I can't get him to eat...
  25. Fc1700

    Blue Ram Is Dying.

    I unfortunately (even though I thought I had way more) ran out of my test strips. So im going to take water sample into fish store tomorrow.   I've always treated the new water I put in with StressCoat.   I use this kind of filter.  ...
  26. Fc1700

    Blue Ram Is Dying.

    Also if anyone is going to comment and can help me with the maintenance of my tank, I would appreciate it being non-condescending and straight forward with what I should do. There is so much contradictory advice given from fish owner to fish owner from fish shop to fish shop.   Thanks.
  27. Fc1700

    Blue Ram Is Dying.

    He looked ok earlier today, but a little sick as he wasnt moving much. Did a water change (took out a little more than usual 40%), thought it would help but it seemed to just stress him out worse to the point of almost dying. (Should of thought of that ).   Now , he is doing a lot of laying...
  28. Fc1700

    Fish Inactive/bottom Of Tank In Dark?

    I've noticed over the past month or so that when I come back at night and my tank light isn't on ( I dont leave it on if I'm gone from say 4-11PM) when I turn the light back on or turn the light on in my room, most of my fish are sitting at the bottom on the gravel barely moving. (dwarf...
  29. Fc1700

    New Oto Owner. Advice?

    I'm a little attached to my Ram, but ill consider it.   I'll talk to the guy at the fish store tomorrow and possibly buy some algae wafers? Any recommended brands? I put a piece of baby spinach on the bottom of the tank tonight that i nuked for 30 seconds. So far my Serpae tetra seems pretty...
  30. Fc1700

    My Tank- Advice?

    Pretty sure its a serpae. I googled both, and they look a lot a like. But Serpae seems to also ring a bell.
  31. Fc1700

    My Tank- Advice?

    I cycled with fish. Blue Ram and Swordtail survived. I had an Angel for about a week or 2 (either ammonia or it was already sick) and my sterbai cory died a couple weeks ago.   Everythings been re-tested and the tank is definitely cycled and nitrates are ok.   Do you know of any good places to...
  32. Fc1700

    New Oto Owner. Advice?

    So with my current situation, would it be more harmful or helpful to add another oto or 2 ? (With the lack of algae edible, but the fish being happier in groups). What amount do you recommend I feed the oto? A few shreads of lettuce every few days with the flakes i use for the rest of the fish...
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  34. Fc1700

    New Oto Owner. Advice?

    Have him about a week in a 10 gallon. Bought him a live plant today since the man at the store told me he needs that algae since my tank may not be produciong enough without it. (I only have fake plants and decor). Problem is my tank is about full, I may be able to stick another guy in there if...
  35. Fc1700

    My Tank- Advice?

    10 gallon TopFin Tank, Filter, and Heater   Airstone   Decor 2 fake plants 1 real plant Large Rock Spongebob House Museum Pillar   Had the tank over 3 months. Done 1 major water change (with siphon).   Fish (in order bought)   Mind you all of them are very small, my Ram and Tetra are the...