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  1. malfunction

    Could use help Identifying this redish purple plant i just bought

    I’m not the best at identifying plants, but looks like an Alternanthera to me
  2. malfunction

    Whats your favorite fish?

    Right now, I’m obsessed with red Texas cichlids. Their colours look amazing, even if they do cost an arm and a leg!
  3. malfunction

    Geophagus without sand

    Reading through your post, I suspect there are several assertions that aren’t backed up the scientific literature. It’d actually be quite useful if you could identify what research supports the following points you made: “Each species of fish considers everything in their environment to be...
  4. malfunction

    Geophagus without sand

    I guess one thing to bear in mind is that we have very little idea what fish consider to be essential. Assuming fish have the ability to consider anything at all. It’s natural for many of the fish we keep to catch and eat other fish, but that doesn’t mean we must set up our tanks to encourage...
  5. malfunction

    ???Ultrasonic Pest Repellers with Extra Outlet ?????

    I moved house to get away from the crazy woman next door that thought feeding rats was a good idea. Other than that it was a combination of setting poison, getting any holes sealed and making sure no food was left out. Literally all food was kept either in the fridge or a sealed.
  6. malfunction

    Geophagus without sand

    I’ve kept a few different species without sand, and they’ll probably be fine. I’ve used larger pebbles/rocks that were much too big to be swallowed and the fish didn’t seem to care one way or the other. I didn’t get any unusual illnesses or unexpected deaths. I definitely preferred them on sand...
  7. malfunction

    ???Ultrasonic Pest Repellers with Extra Outlet ?????

    I’ve used these before (my old next door neighbour used to feed rats in her garden). They had absolutely no observable impact on my fish. Unfortunately, they had no observable impact on the rodents either.
  8. malfunction

    Can anyone help me to identify

    Not necessarily, no. Vibrabites will be fine - I feed these to mine and don’t have any issues. The cichlid flakes may or may not be suitable, depending on their content. If they’re for vegetarian cichlids then it’s likely to cause the peacocks issues in the long run. If it’s for...
  9. malfunction

    Can anyone help me to identify

    They both look like peacocks to me. They also look bloated (especially the second one). They’ll probably be fine with your yellow labs as the labs will probably be slightly more aggressive than them. Having two might not be enough to disperse their aggression
  10. malfunction

    Peacock not eating and has lump under chin. Swollen face

    It’s tough to tell from the picture, but I’d agree she’s holding eggs
  11. malfunction

    Community Tanks

    I’ve never really been interested in single species tanks and only ever do them when breeding or quarantining new fish. In the wild, most fish live in communities, so I don’t think species only tanks are more beneficial than a well planned community set up. Personally, I find community tanks...
  12. malfunction

    I haven't done a water change since last year.

    I can’t believe I thought this was real until someone explained the joke! Good one @GaryE
  13. malfunction

    Would you eat lab cultivated chicken?

    Lions don’t have the choice of whether or not they kill other animals to eat - we do, especially if we have lab grown meat, so it’s not quite the same. That’s where ethics comes into it. If we have the choice of eating meat without killing other animals then there’s definitely a question of...
  14. malfunction

    Would you eat lab cultivated chicken?

    Actually, you could argue that it is unethical to kill animals for food if we have a viable alternative (i.e. lab grown meat). Also, a few of the practices we have around the way we raise, keep and slaughter livestock is unethical
  15. malfunction

    Would you eat lab cultivated chicken?

    Lab grown meat would be really helpful for combatting climate change and is probably more ethical, given that we wouldn’t have to kill as many animals for food. They could probably make it more healthy than actual meat by fortifying it with vitamins and lowering the fat content, etc. there are...
  16. malfunction

    Mixing gouramis

    I’ve kept pearls with dwarf gouramis and pearls with honey gouramis. In both situations there weren’t any major issues. One of the male dwarf gouramis was noticeably territorial, but it was in a 3ft tank so there was plenty of space for the others to get out of his way. My Pearl and honey...
  17. malfunction

    What is this in my BEACH JAR? part 2

    I just googled geoducks to see what they look like. They look nothing like a duck, and a lot like something ruder!
  18. malfunction

    What type is this?

    I would guess red zebra too
  19. malfunction

    What is Mycobacteriosis?

    It’s a nasty fish bacterial infection that can also be transmitted to humans too. Reading about it can be quite scary as there’s no cure for fish and it can infect fish for a long time before symptoms show. Getting rid of it can be difficult (or impossible according to some opinions). There used...
  20. malfunction

    what's our favorite fish

    Eat: Salmon and whichever ones go into fish fingers Catch: I absolutely hate catching fish Keep: geophagus and rainbowfish. Although now I think about it, my stomach has rumbled in the past when looking at my geos. I wonder just how delicious they are?!
  21. malfunction

    All in one aquariums

    I’ve had a couple of all in one systems and they were fine for what I needed. I had a fluval profile tank for years without any major issues. Those are obsolete now, but I think fluval make other all in one tanks. If you want to customise the equipment (e.g lights or filters) it can be tricky...
  22. malfunction

    Word Game #3

  23. malfunction

    Community Tanks

    Of course you could make the argument that single species tanks are unnatural because in nature, many fish live in mixed species environments. But then again, you could also argue that glass boxes do not occur in any animal’s natural environment. As you said, most people find it much more fun...
  24. malfunction

    Fluval canisters in series

    I think it’s a good idea to leave it as is. If your parameters are still good two months after changing your substrate then you’re probably gonna be fine. If your concerned about that you may have lost beneficial bacteria then it makes more sense to add bottled bacteria than getting more media...
  25. malfunction

    Fluval canisters in series

    How do you know you need more bacteria or more area for them? Are you having issues with your tank? Or are you planning to dramatically increase your stocking?
  26. malfunction

    Fluval canisters in series

    Do you mean connecting two canister filters together? I don’t think that’ll work as you’ll have problems with either flow into the filters or flow back into the tank. Why do they need to be connected in a series? I’m guessing there’s a reason you can’t just set up a second filter in the normal...
  27. malfunction

    What's the coolest and/or most useful aquarium related thing(s) you have bought.

    The most useful thing I’ve bought is probably my water pump for water changes. It makes life so much easier! Coolest I’ve bought is probably my tiger lotus plants. I’m quite talented at killing live plants, but these guys have thrived and reproduced for me. I guess I’m easily pleased!
  28. malfunction

    Word Game #3

  29. malfunction

    Haunted porcelain dolls?

    They’re probably not haunted at all, but just just to be safe I’d safe burn them. Use gasoline. Lots and lots of gasoline just to be sure
  30. malfunction

    Fighting MTS

    Weirdly I’ve found that MTS can be it’s own cure. One day you’ll wake up with 7 massive tanks and suddenly think why the heck am I doing all of these water changes? When you get it that point, you’ll start thinking one or two tanks is more than enough.
  31. malfunction

    Most difficult fish to catch!

    For me, denison’s barb. Not only does their speed make them tricky to catch, they also have a habit of jumping back out of the net!
  32. malfunction

    Is it worth keeping the crushed coral in my filters?

    I’d say get rid of it. You already have a working solution for keeping your GH & kh stable, so you don’t need the crushed coral for that. I’d replace the coral with media. If you’re concerned about it impacting your beneficial bacteria, then remove it gradually, a little at a time. You could...
  33. malfunction

    Fluval 406 filter

    It’s the same filter so flow should be similar, if not the same. The 407 is their updated version of the 406
  34. malfunction

    Time for a new setup

    So I have a 4x2x2 that currently has my malawis cichlids. They’re close to outgrowing it, so time to move them on to one of my bigger tanks. I’m looking for ideas on what to replace them with. It’s crossed my mind to do an angelfish and apistogramma setup, or possibly a barb tank with various...
  35. malfunction

    Fluval 406 filter

    Do you mean too big as in the size of the filter or in terms of flow?
  36. malfunction

    Fluval 406 filter

    I’m pretty sure there’s a newer version (407) - might be worth getting that instead if the price isn’t an issue
  37. malfunction

    Word Game #3

  38. malfunction

    Fluval 406 filter

    I’ve never had Fluval 406s, but I do have a couple of 405s which is the earlier version. They’re well over 10 years old now and still work well. Maintenance/cleaning them can be pretty irritating, but I suppose that’s the case with all canister filters. The flow is decent and they’re good...
  39. malfunction

    Stocking ideas

    Rainbowfish and Central American cichlids could be good options for you