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  1. Novembro

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

    ryan, I watched your videos this morning. Crazy! Your guys are gorgeous and mildly terrifying.
  2. Novembro

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    Just watched a docu called "Boy Interrupted". 8/10. So sad.
  3. Novembro

    My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!

    This is amazing! I'm in love with the new scape. When will you be adding fish? 
  4. Novembro

    My Planted 75 Gallon :)

    Damn. That is a wonderful looking tank! 
  5. Novembro

    My Gold Fish :)

    Love his tail fins.
  6. Novembro

    Meet Fabio

    Tank is so cute! I love it.
  7. Novembro

    The Official " Rip Philip Seymour Hoffman" Thread

    One of the greatest actors of our time. RIP.
  8. Novembro

    Meet Fabio

    Nice!   And yeah, that's what the hubs said to me- why no more fish?! I don't know, maybe I should just do my own 1g nano with a betta and let him populate a 10g. What do you think you'll put in with him?
  9. Novembro

    Coping With Fish Withdrawal

    Oh my gosh I would go nuts! I always find myself watching the fish instead of watching whatever movie is on atm. They're so much more entertaining.
  10. Novembro

    Pleco Tattoo...

    I love the idea. 
  11. Novembro

    New Centerpiece Fish

    This! I love the neon blue gouramis.
  12. Novembro

    Update On Upgrading My Tank

    Cute that your son picked those :) Looks like a good start!
  13. Novembro

    Meet Fabio

    He is super fab! Have you posted photos of your whole tank? I'd love to do a single betta tank soon.
  14. Novembro

    Fish Sketches

    Love them! You're great.
  15. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    New pics for those that asked! Everyone is happy happy!       Still working on a background. I definitely think you guys are right.   Almost bought a 10g for myself this weekend. Really want a betta tank 
  16. Novembro

    I Love To Draw :)

    Amazing! I can't draw to save my life.
  17. Novembro

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    Always a good pick!   Just finished Dallas Buyers Club. Didn't think I would like it, but ended up really enjoying it. Great performance by Leto.
  18. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    Thanks guys! :)   We added three more tetras recently. So cool to see them schooling together.
  19. Novembro

    Goldfish Pics - Image Heavy Thread

    Oh they are gorgeous! Amazing photos too! Do you have any of your whole tank setup?
  20. Novembro

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

  21. Novembro

    Creative Quarantine Tank

    Sad :/ Although good work on creating such a nice space for him.
  22. Novembro

    Figure Eight Tank Set Up

    I love the wood on the left! Where did you find it? It looks good so far though :)
  23. Novembro

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    Watched The Counsellor:   7/10
  24. Novembro

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

    Ryan, your fish makes me smile!
  25. Novembro

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

    Love the plat. gourami! 
  26. Novembro

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    Loved, loved Gravity. Haven't seen 47 Ronin. Frozen was dece for a disney film and The Heat was hilarious. Haven't seen Ender's Game and not sure if I want to.
  27. Novembro

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    Decent? You liked? It seemed like a holiday version of what I had seen before.
  28. Novembro

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    What was the last film you saw? Was it any good? Post here!   The last film I saw was Blue is the Warmest Color:   9/10   Ended in my top 5 of 2013 
  29. Novembro

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    He was very humpy haha
  30. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    Oh, no worries lol!
  31. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    Exactly! I love growing plants anyway :)
  32. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    I think that's the fun, though. I have patience for stuff like that, unlike him.    It's okay! It was truly terrible having to be the one cleaning the filter we're here now and I think we both understand the complexities of fish-owning. I personally love it!   We have this:  
  33. Novembro

    Look What I Came Home To

    My dog(s) does that. It's nowhere near as adorable.
  34. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    Oh no, that's fine. We had originally struggled with this tank.   A bit of background- this was an xmas gift for the hubs. I told him to cycle it for 5-6 weeks, but he waited about 2 and had a lfs test the water. They said it was good to go, so he bought a few platys. Long story short, most...
  35. Novembro

    First Tank: 15G

    Thanks :)   I thought it looked alright. I'm not a fan of the fake plants, as I would soon like to start my own planted tank, but this one isn't mine haha   Would you suggest just some black pipeboard for the background?    I would love to do that. We only got the two to alleviate the crazy...
  36. Novembro

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    I had a degu once! He was amazing.
  37. Novembro

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    Some lovely looking pets in here!    We have two dogs- Dexter and Angus. Both are rescues. We just got Angus a few weeks ago and he's settling in so well. Couldn't be more happy.     Dexter:   Angus:
  38. Novembro

    Ethical Question: What To Do With "runts" Of The Litter?

    Could you rehome a few of them?