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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Agent14

    Did I Create Future Problems?

    Well stuff happens. I get it. I might recommend switching your frozen protein source to chopped finely prawns or mysis shrimp for the once a week snack. Mbunas can handle that better then bloodworms. And all love those equally as much as bloodworms. Thats something even I feel fine tossing in my...
  2. Agent14

    Did I Create Future Problems?

    The tank bosses get "overthrown " throughout time. There in any African tank will be a boss eventually and when they're younger it can easily change and sometimes fast and shocking who by. I currently have a Pseudotropheus polit thats a tiny little thing maybe not even an inch in my tank that...
  3. Agent14

    Did I Create Future Problems?

    If you want to keep these guys, they perhaps can spend a month or 2 in that tank then you'll have to bump up to 55g+ . These are very very aggressive fish that consider murder a sport. I keep Mbuna and love them but in a much larger tank. You'll need to overstock again once (if)you get a bigger...
  4. Agent14

    Does This Sound Good For Mbuna Tank?

    Acei's should go well with them and if you like labs I would highly recommend Tumbi reef white labs as well.  Mbunas are by far my fav fish(aside from my ornate bichir) and I agree that if you are stacking a Mbuna tank..don't worry too much about aggression because they all are and thats just a...
  5. Agent14

    160Gal W/100Gal Sump Lake Malawi

    Thats funny. I have a featherfin cat in my Mbuna tank and he does the same thing. Smacks the fish with his tail fin when they start a battle. If that doesn't stop them a swift turn around and charge right between them freak them out enough to behave. 
  6. Agent14

    160Gal W/100Gal Sump Lake Malawi

    I love the smoochy cat pic!  hahah BTW I want to steal your wifes camera now!  Looks like there is peace in Africa... Fins all look pretty good.. no territory battles yet? Thats great. They love that kinda stuff. Little daredevils! I have two (a white top hara, and a chailosi) that go together...
  7. Agent14

    160Gal W/100Gal Sump Lake Malawi

    O_o.. The labs are the sweetest of the Mbunas...all of them. White labs, yellow labs, etc. they are all least aggressive of a mbuna tank.      Love the tank can't wait for more pics! I have found it's really a challenge to get pics of African cichlids. They are so quick and hyper. Take a...
  8. Agent14

    Fish Id

    I actually am thinking this might not be a hybrid. This guy looks very much like a perfect example of a Metriaclima pyrsonotos.(red top zebra). Which is a Mbuna.  Not a cobalt blue. The fins wouldn't be this orange at all if it was. 
  9. Agent14

    Featherfin Catfish Help?

    Oh my god I love mine too! He is in my 72g with Mbuna cichlids. I got all the cichlids pretty young(all at about 1inch) and This is the best addition and maybe the only non cichlid I could put in that tank. I know they can be aggressive in nature but thats why I like him... He doesn't let the...
  10. Agent14

    Please Identify My Fish

    She may just as easily be a he. This one is young and without a few really good non altered or over exposed pics I couldn't even give you an educated guess. It's very important you get food for herbivore fish. They suffer whats called Malawi bloat if you feed meaty foods..which can kill them...
  11. Agent14

    Please Identify My Fish

    Only the males change color going into adulthood. However I have noticed you see at least a little bit of color difference at this size(I'm guessing this fish is an inch or just a bit more) between males and females.     This is an Auratis(Melanchromis auratus) . A lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlid. Not...
  12. Agent14

    Can Someone Tell Me The Sex Of My Fish Please?

    It at this(what appears to be small size) has 3 eggspots if not more.. hard to tell in the picture. You can vent it once it's older to be sure but I find certain africans easier to sex then others. Yours seems much more male. BTW don't rely on egg spots being an indicator always but in this case...
  13. Agent14

    My First Cichlid Tank!

    Tank is WAAAYY to small. But also your Black convict and your Zebra Should not be together. They are entirely different cichlids and water needs are pretty much opposite as far as hardness and PH. Not compatible. Any African tank needs to be 50+ gallons with more floor space then height. No...
  14. Agent14

    Can Someone Tell Me The Sex Of My Fish Please?

    Red Zebra...Metriaclima estherae(hybrid maybe) most likely male. Cherry Zebra hahaha. No such thing...unless a cross breed then it's still a Red zebra crossed with something similar.(It's a red zebra). But either way very likely a male. And very pretty too I must say.
  15. Agent14

    Angels + Cichlids?

    The mixed African tanks aren't always Best kept together because sometimes they are haps sometime Mbunas. Sometimes accidental cross breeding from someones show tank and hard to say how well they will work. You might want to consider ordering online from a breeder. Also if you are relying on...
  16. Agent14

    Thinking Of Going For Lake Malawi Cichilds

    1) Yes overstocking is the best thing to do. As for filtration I am not sure what that filter is from it's description but The best way to filter a Cichlid tank thats overstocked is to make sure it (be it one or 2 filters) turns over the entire water volume 10x per hr. From what I am guessing...
  17. Agent14

    Has Anyone Had Success With Bn's Breeding In A Mbuna Tank?

    That's a bit dramatic! and well OTT I have done plenty of reading and have got all my fish off very experienced people who keep them and know a lot about them, and my 3 species of chiclids are more than compatible   And are you talking to me when saying "You have enough years to know to keep...
  18. Agent14

    Has Anyone Had Success With Bn's Breeding In A Mbuna Tank?

    Really everyone after this post. specifically..after ..this post...  Are pretending that this idea is fine?? Yes Your bn may survive ..will it thrive no(well f it survives)!! will you be able to breed it Heck this tank. I can't believe you have enough years to know to keep Mbunas...
  19. Agent14

    Has Anyone Had Success With Bn's Breeding In A Mbuna Tank?

    I agree!  And further more Mbunas are some of the most aggressive fish out there no matter the size. Only catfish I recommend in a cichlid tank would be an already nice sized African featherfin.  I saw your greeting. I know you're not new to fish...but African Cichlids ... Well that is a...
  20. Agent14

    The Long Awaited Arrival Of The Infamous Agent14.. You're Welcome

    hahaha. I answer in German sometimes to mess with people. Or any other crazy random way I want to.  I do that too but because I do so much boating... they just claim I'm part pirate. 
  21. Agent14

    A Slow Adventure Through My Zoo

    OK here is the blurriest video in history! Of my Mbuna Frat house. There are more in there but some were hiding because they were angry I shoved their sand around. They like ppicking the black sound out and making a pile in the back with it..then I mix it back together each water change...
  22. Agent14

    The Long Awaited Arrival Of The Infamous Agent14.. You're Welcome

    Nah.. I heard it was because the pubs are loud and they needed to be heard over the other loud drunks. 
  23. Agent14

    Has Anyone Had Success With Bn's Breeding In A Mbuna Tank?

    No!!  That will not work. For the reasons everyone else listed I have to comment on this. They may be vegetarian .. They see murder more as a hobby or a sport then as food.. However they will eat fry or murder for fun. If you dump a bunch or chopped prawn in a Mbuna tank they still would eat...
  24. Agent14

    The Long Awaited Arrival Of The Infamous Agent14.. You're Welcome

      Tehe, aww, don't be's Cockney Rhyming Slang...   Butchers' Hook = Look Apples 'n' Pears = Stairs Pete Tong = Wrong   Perfectly innocent, as you can see...   Innocent? oh that sucks. haha.  Logical..Umm ..yea, no.    haha Eagle. "Yeah... a shark won't eat a "fish" that's making...
  25. Agent14

    The Long Awaited Arrival Of The Infamous Agent14.. You're Welcome

    Butcher?!?!  You have me scared now ...    . Or is the butcher for someone else? 
  26. Agent14

    What Are These?

    left is female auratis, next is yellow lab ..male or female too young to tell, 3rd, maybe albino red finned zebra(also can't tell gender or even guess at that pic),  far right likely male auratis.  As far as aurartis being aggressive..well all African cichlids are mostly aggressive. Don't worry...
  27. Agent14

    Hi All, Back Again

    Hi! Welcome.  -Agent14
  28. Agent14

    Tank Overstocked?

    I wasn't really concerned about there barbels. I am not positive that hurts them either as long as the gravel isn't sharp. I was only suggesting it more for the fact that they actually suck it up and push it through their gills. It's more the gills I would think to be an issue...probably not...
  29. Agent14

    Feeding Mbuna Cichlids?

    Freeze zucchini in spears then thaw and throw that in the tank. Take it out after a few hours though. Or if they are larger then an inch I tend to put it in fresh never frozen and anchor it down(well! they try to dislodge it and are pros at that lol). When fresh like that you can put it in there...
  30. Agent14

    Feeding African Cichlid With Goldfish Pallet

    Whats in the goldfish pellets? Yellow labs, electric yellows..whatever you want to call them are herbivores. They rarely sell the proper food for them in any store. You will have to order food online for them. They are lake Malawi Mbunas.. a proper pellet will have spirulina and other veggies...
  31. Agent14

    Tank Overstocked?

    Not overstocked at all. However if you are getting some peppered or really any type of cory you must have sand substrate. If you don't have it already you'll need to switch out whatever you do have. They are cute and very funny little fish but they sift through sand and even through their gills...
  32. Agent14

    Hallo All.... I Am Back, (I Think)

    Yes.. Hi! Thanks my dragon is the bestest . Agent for short. You know I'm a double or triple or whatever agent so 13, 13 2.0, 14 whatever? Numbers may climb higher . Who knows! Good to see you here BTW
  33. Agent14

    Newbie In The Game Looking For Genral Info.

    Good job! So if it all looks good in the next few days go ahead and move the cory over...then in  a week or so give him a nice group to cordoras because they do best i groups. Sounds like all is moving along very well for you.
  34. Agent14

    Newbie In The Game Looking For Genral Info.

    congrats on the upgrade. Did you do an instant cycle by transferring filter media? Also did you put your peppered in there? They like sand so that tank would be great for a cory. And they love big groups so get a nice group of 6-10 or even more. 
  35. Agent14

    Video Of My Little Baby Beeeeasch (My Ornate Bichir)

    I wish I could tell you my secret.. I just stuck a S!@t ton of plants in the tank and well... they lived!  And thank you. I think the plants actually make the fish happy really. The bichir loves to hide in the watersprite forest sitting midway up looking really devilish in there.  I also have 3...
  36. Agent14

    A Slow Adventure Through My Zoo

    Thanks.. Yea.. I swear that wasn't user error on the first post I like my rosy barbs because they are ballsy enough to steal food right out of the pinchers from that 5 inch female haha. I don't think I'd recommend any other fish then those with crays. I notice I tend to like really mean...
  37. Agent14

    Need Instant Help With Malawi Cichlid!

    Sorry you lost one. If those are all the ones you have I have two of those. the Metriaclima greshakei, and the yellow lab. The Vunustus(if that is what you have/had) is a hap. Was that the smaller one. Thin body shape? They tend not to be as harassed as Mbuna vs mbuna. Was the Auratus the one...
  38. Agent14

    A Slow Adventure Through My Zoo

    This is of my boy trying to pull all water sprites down(there are three and he was working on grabbing the last floater. He like to do all kindsa artsy stuff. Don't you like what he made   (this one better work! I'll try to fix the other one) The boy is my home decorator and the female..well she...
  39. Agent14

    A Slow Adventure Through My Zoo

    This wiil be my slow leak of Agent14's super secret tanks... As you have already seen my little Beeeeasch.. Now here is my Cray Cray tank. a female and male blue cray with Cherry barbs in my 46 bow front. There will e many videos and pickes of these crazies ad the bot has taken a liking to...