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  1. M

    What To Feed Ram Fry?

    yea i heard about that, im having a separate tank for putting the GBRs into and depending whats best i may put them back into the tank they are in atm. i also heard putting having someway for the water to pass over the eggs prevents fungus too? is that right? ahh thanks ill try remember...
  2. M

    Gold Ram

    It looks like a German Blue ram and they are very sensetive fish and pretty diffucult to keep, especially in newer tanks. I reckon your water is too hard, on top of your PH being too high and temperature being too low. They also need plenty of hiding places and feel more confident in planted...
  3. M

    What To Feed Ram Fry?

    Considering that they're cichlids they make very bad parents. Often eating their first few spawns and not protecting them adequately enough from predators. I get mine to spawn on almond leaves which have anti fungal properties meaning almost none of the eggs will get fungus. I then take the leaf...
  4. M

    What To Feed Ram Fry?

    Got some rams which are about to become free swimming soon, just wandering what I could feed them? I can't culture baby brineshrimps as I don't have the time or space for that. I do have a microworm culture but I'm thinking that these are very risky because some of the worms are far too big for...
  5. M

    Neons Vs. Cardinals Which Are Easier To Keep

    Those are more sensetive and diffucult than both Cardinals and Neons so I don't think they would be suitable for the OP. Wild caridinals are pretty hardy fish to keep and look better than the regular lfs ones. I would recommend those but they are kinda hard to get and expensive.
  6. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    Their eggs were infertile so I took them out, 2 hours later they start protecting a new leaf and cleaning it to spawn again. What a weird pair of fish I have.
  7. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    Okay I just saw them laying eggs. This is extremely surprising given the circumstances. I got them like 5 days ago now? And they were very badly beat up and skinny when I got them. That and the issues with heavy breathing I thought they were going to die but they've recovered well and gone and...
  8. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    eBay, how come you can't see the video?
  9. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    Very weird, they are now showing breeding behaviour and are cleaning rocks and digging pits around the area they're protecting in the video. They don't have the intense breeding colours though I guess they're young or stressed?
  10. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    They eat a lot. The only aggression comes from the Rams towards the other fish. I don't know if I mentioned it earlier but I only get them this week.
  11. M

    Noisy Aquamanta Filter

    Take the impellor out again and lubricate it, use pure vaseline and spread a thin layer over the large magnetic part. Just try avoid getting it on the plastic blade.
  12. M

    What Fish

    Denisonii barbs
  13. M

    Canister Or Hob.

    For that size tank you should probably get a large HOB. It would be easier to maintain, you pretty much just pop the cap off whilst its runinng and rinse the sponges out. You could also fill them with media and just rinse the media twice a year. If you get an external filter then get one with a...
  14. M

    Fluval 205

    There's your problem right there. It could also be that the pump is actually not pushing as much water as it used to do and thus the canister is over flowing? I had this issue once, I left the filter on top of a drain and let it run for a few hours and it eventually stopped leaking.
  15. M

    Eheim Vs Fluval Canisters

    I hate Eheim filters and think they're hugely over-rated. I wouldn't like to rely on an Ehiem product.
  16. M

    Fluval 406 Vs Aps 1000L/h + 9W Uv

    I'd always go with Fluval for reliability and ease of use.
  17. M

    Advice On External Filter

    Not a big fan of Eheim filters. Before anyone replies, I've had I think 12 different Eheim filters in my life and non of them were as efficient or easy to use as the Fluval range. Honestly Eheim filters can become very tricky to use and maintain after a year, I had one start to leak after a year...
  18. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

      It's a very thin layer of sand, no more than  a cm deep and I also have MTS which sift the sand non stop. I'm running the big juwel internal filter with biological media and a fluval 205. It's a lightly planted tank, with a big clump of moss. I use API test kits. The other fish are a pair of...
  19. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    I'm not too sure it's an oxygen related issue as it's a 400l tank with only about 6 small fish in it, the Rams being the largest. The substrate is sand. The other fish are doing fine apart from being chased away by the Rams here and there. The female came with a bent spine and deformed fins but...
  20. M

    Gbr Breathing Heavily?

    Just got a pair of German blue rams a few days ago and they seemed sorta happy and everything apart from being aggressive to other fish. But now I payed closer attention to them it seems like they're breathing very fast and I was wandering if this was normal or something I should address? Below...
  21. M

    Bad Fish For Unexperienced/newbie Aquarists

    I'd say territorial fish that can 'accidently' be bred in community tanks. Mainly convict cichlids because they are one of the most aggressive tropical fish on the market and have the potential to beat up and kill 10 times as big as them to protect their fry. There are some others which are less...
  22. M

    How To Best Decommission Double Filtration?

    Just run them both for a couple of days and the bacteria from the HOB will give the Fluval a good kickstart. You can even take the HOB out straight away but this could cause a mini cycle if your fluval doesn't seed fast enough.
  23. M

    Hi There

    Some of you I recognise from other fish forums. Anyway I've been keeping fish for a good part of 10 years and I love the hobby. So much so that I plan to set up my own fish store when I finish education. I've joined this forum as I want to learn more about freshwater fish and I'm in the process...