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  1. K

    Dr Tim's nitrifying bacteria question

    I apologise for digging up this old thread if it is against the rules. I've started to venture into shrimp keeping and noticed a lot of "bacterial powders" being sold and sworn by Asian breeders, which I've noticed is heavily built upon anecdotal experiences. They claim that there are true...
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    Dr Tim's nitrifying bacteria question

    Thanks Byron, that's a wonderful study. I contacted the company directly and was told that the FW bacteria were incapable of surviving in salt whilst marine bacteria were more resilient and able to adapt in FW; two different types of bacteria was stated. I queried further about whether there...
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    Dr Tim's nitrifying bacteria question

    Hi all, Is it possible to use Dr Tim's marine bacteria in a freshwater setup? Due to the pandemic, my LFS only stocks large bottles of the reef/marine bacteria. It is quite expensive so I did not want to take a chance without asking first. Has anyone had experience in using this? Help much...
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    Questionable Corydoras Lump

    Just wanted to update this thread and ask for advice regarding a definitive issue - This cory turned out to fill out on the other side and seemed like it was due to being a female/egg-laden. I've cut back on frequency of bloodworms whilst increasing spirulina as they'd all become engorged...
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    Optimising CO2 levels in low pH/kH aquarium

    I agree, I do think it is due to my new lighting fixture, it is far too strong and I've got a small dimmer unit on its way but again, transit times aren't too great right now. Rather, I've since suspended it higher above using adjustable retractors with counterweights hung from my ceiling - the...
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    Questionable Corydoras Lump

    Thanks Barry, just did one yesterday. I usually do 50% but upped it this time round. I've got new photos of this one. Please excuse the GDA, I just got a new light and need a dimmer as it's far too strong. She's (?) also very skittish with this stronger light so I tried as best I could by...
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    Questionable Corydoras Lump

    I agree JuiceBox52. I also had this thought when looking at him from above, but then again, when comparing to the other 2 peppered cories, they looked alike. I will attempt to take some clearer photos from another angle which may help.
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    Optimising CO2 levels in low pH/kH aquarium

    Thanks Colin. What test kit do you personally use? Would something like this work? Thank you Byron, I understand. May I please ask how you increased disturbance? I have purchased a skimmer/lily pipe inflow, but it seems with the Corona pandemic, processing and transit times have been affected...
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    Optimising CO2 levels in low pH/kH aquarium

    Dear TropicalFishForums community, What is the best way to determine I am injecting ~30ppm of CO2 into my planted tank? A lot of websites advise that this amount of CO2 is the sweet spot for plant growth as well as prevention of algae. I have soft tap water, with the tank having a low pH of...
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  19. K

    Questionable Corydoras Lump

    Tank size: 64L pH: 5.9-6.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20 kH: 2 gH: nil tank temp: 25 degrees celsius Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): First noticed it inside the tank 5 days ago but fished it out recently when rescaping hardscape and...
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    Sick Guppy

    No I haven't; I bought it online. The inhabitants are actually fond of each other but when I sense otherwise, I'd probably have to euthanize him.  I knew his death would involve some sort of serious disease judging by his appearance the day I received him...
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    Sick Guppy

    Thanks for the advice. There are 2 neons and a small guppy in this tank. I don't have another cycled tank to quarantine it; would it be okay to bring some filter material over to a new tank or is it not sufficient, and hence better to leave it in this tank? I am afraid it is a tumour as none of...
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    Sick Guppy

    Hi gang,   Some context: Was given a male guppy and he seemed rather sickly yet still lively - death seemed inevitable, but I still gave him a chance. He didn't exhibit the dark mass (below) initially, or maybe it was present but not visible.   He has this dark mass on his tail that grows...