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  1. F

    Catfish Help

    USA gallons. What does the pepperedand the sterbia corys look like?
  2. F

    Catfish Help

    The tank is tropical, water is slighty hard, smooth gravel, the tank has real plants, they will eat leftover fish flakes and bottom feeder wafers, I have 3 angels, a school of tetras, and a rainbow shark. (Rainbow shark is too big, and needs a 55 gallon, so he will be moved)
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    Catfish Help

    I have black sand and I will also purchase algae pellets/brine shrimp tablets
  4. F

    Catfish Help

    I have a 36 gallon tank and I need a catfish to pick up left over food. Which catfish are great and which are terrible? What catfish will fit in my tank?
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    Killifish Or Angelfish

    The ones at my local petco are relatively small. Thier bodies are only a little bigger than a quarter. And it seems as though my neons have been exposed to a nuclear plant. They are about 2" big. So if the angels are small and the neons are big, will they grow as friends?
  6. F

    Killifish Or Angelfish

    I have 12 neons and 4 black phantom tetras. Just recently i bought 10 to add to 5 i already had. The 10 i bought were not nearly as big as my 5 i already had. (My first 5 neons are about 1.75") Because of thier small size they were sucked into my filter and they died. :(
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    Killifish Or Angelfish

    Ive seen people say that 1 angelfish per 15 gallons. Is this true? Or do they need more?
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    Killifish Or Angelfish

    Im stuck between angelfish and killifish. I have a 36 gallon with 16 tetras and a rainbow shark. (I know, I know the rainbow shark needs a 55 gallon minimum. Hes only 3" and later ill get a bigger tank. Which is best for my tank and how many should I get?
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    Tetra Tank Mates

    Okay, thanks for the info. It really helped me out
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    Tetra Tank Mates

    My first tank was a little 3 gallon tube thing. Could they be grown in there until they get big enough?
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    Tetra Tank Mates

    Great! Ive seen some youtube videos about hatching them from shipped eggs. Should I buy one justto try it out?
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    Tetra Tank Mates

    Ok. Another fish I was looking at was a killifish. Do those do well with tetras?
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    Tetra Tank Mates

    Right now I have a 36 gollon bow front aquarium. There are 16 tetras (neon and black phantom) and 1 rainbow shark. I was thinking on getting more fish, and I was looking at angelfish. I really love their colors and fins. How many should I, or should I get any at all?
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    Gourami Help

    That's what I was thinking. Thanks
  15. F

    Gourami Help

    Just recently I purchased 2 gouramis from petco. One gold gourami (1.25 inches) and one blue gourami (2.5 inches). The blue gourami has been chasing the gold one around constantly. The blue gourami is also stressing out all of my tetras and rainbow shark. Which gourami should i return? I have a...