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  1. Z

    Fish Pic

    Here are a few of my pics if you want. My tank w. angels SAE and Neons. black angel as a baby black angel as a adult Marble angel Gourami Tiger Pleco
  2. Z


    Ah, well, I found some powder Metradinazole here atleast. I will try and find the levamisole if I can.
  3. Z


    Thanks, I will look out for that.
  4. Z


    Thanks for all your help. :)
  5. Z


    I don't know which sex they are. They have never layed eggs. I will just have to jump around town tomorrow to try and find something to help my little fellows. (since everything's closed right now :( )
  6. Z


    The angels are getting a bit bloated above the anus. Looks very similar to this picture, which the fish has roundworms (aint that the same as Nematoda?)
  7. Z


    I will check if I can find those, but I'm not very optimistic about getting them though.. Fish aren't considered "nessesary" to treat over here on Iceland (all vets here only specialize in dogs, cats and horses). But I know of one store that sells Cupramine, which is something that should kill...
  8. Z


    I think my angels have Nematoda (threadworms). :-( They have worms hanging from their anus. Is there any way to treat it without medication? There doesn't exist any medication for it over here. :/ Here's a pic of it :( Tank's 75 litres, with only the angels in atm (SAE died because of...
  9. Z

    Is There Any Bird That Doesnt Make A Noise?

    I recommend Cockatiels. Mine is very quiet and loves getting petted (especially scratched on the neck). The only time she is loud is when she hasn't seen me for some while and wants attention. :P
  10. Z

    March Pet Of The Month Nominations

    Sisi :flowers: (Nominated here)
  11. Z

    My Parrots

    Thank you. :D
  12. Z

    Angel Tank

    He's right infront of the big rock there in the second pic. ;)
  13. Z

    Angel Tank

    Well, here's a pic of the black one when I just got him. That's the same cage. :rolleyes: He was so small. :blink:
  14. Z

    Angel Tank

    New picture of my 75 litre ( -_- ) tank which has: 2 angels (1 black and 1 marble) 2 neon tetras (I was always on my way on getting more, but I don't seem get time for it, unfortunately) 2 bristlenoses 1 SAE
  15. Z

    My Parrots

    Here's my cockatiel Sisi, which is 5 years old. :* She is always cleaning herself. :P She's so sweet. :wub: And my budgie Kairo, which is about one and a half year old. :flowers: It's very unusual to see him so calm, but this picture was taken not so long after I got him, so...
  16. Z

    some of my fish

    Your angels are gorgeus. :wub: Very nice fishtank. :thumbs:
  17. Z

    Fishy photos.

    Yeah, I draw all the time. I have a gallery on the internet, but I haven't added the background in there yet. :rolleyes: My gallery
  18. Z

    Fishy photos.

    He's a Black Angel. B) Thank you! I made the background myself. :D
  19. Z

    Fishy photos.

    Yeah, I was going to go buy new plants when I get rid of the cyano bakteria, it killed most of my plants. -_- But, my Anglel is now about 1 year old. :wub:
  20. Z

    Fishy photos.

    Took some pics of my tank recently. B) And.. I found an old photo of my fishtank, when I had just gotten my Angel, but lookit him now, he's gotten so big. :wub: Here's my Angel. My Tiger Pleco. And then my anarcistrus And then a pic of the whole tank as it is right now. ~The reason...
  21. Z

    I'm a newbie

    Yeah, well, I'm not allowed to get a bigger tank :lol: It's not any room for a bigger tank here in my room anyways :rolleyes: But I will get bigger and more tanks when I move away from home :D And get some more kinds of fish, too! :kana:
  22. Z

    I'm a newbie

    Well, it's about 76 litres.. :rolleyes:
  23. Z

    I'm a newbie

    Hey! I'm new here. I live in Iceland :P And I am 15 years old. I've had fish for about maybe 3 years now. But right now I own a angelfish, 6 guppies, a anarcistrus and a tiger pleco. I am planning on getting some more kinds of fish to live with them tho :kana: Hahah, anyways, I am 'kind of' an...
  24. Z

    My angelfish

    Thank you very much. I am glad you like the background :)
  25. Z

    My angelfish

    Thanks! ^_^ Here's a pic of the tank he lives in. With a homemade background I made myself ^_^
  26. bakgrunnur.jpg


  27. Z

    My angelfish

    Hey! I'm pretty new here. I'm from Iceland. I just wanted to put up a pic of my angelfish here. He's a black angelfish, and I think he looks very pretty, he is not very big, but I have owned him for about 6 months now. :wub: He is a very special character, he thinks he is a guppy fish sometimes...
  28. skallinn.jpg

