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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. H

    How To Humanely Put Down A Dwarf Gourami?

    Oh god.... o.o Sorry about that :/
  2. H

    How Many And What Fish

    Im guessing its a 55gal since they are the most common tanks by 48. Im not sure on my measurments ethier so i can be very far off :P
  3. H

    How To Humanely Put Down A Dwarf Gourami?

    Im not sure if this will work with fish but when i kept geckos the best way to put on down was to stick it in a plastic bag and put it in the fridge. Im not sure if this will work with fish however im hoping some one can verify. The clove oil sounds like a good idea to me
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    20 Gallon Planted Journey

    Love the dojo/weather loach poking out there :P
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    Goldfish Tank Trouble

    Ok well its good that he's going to go to a bigger pond but does the pind have any fish in it? i dont think just one fish will be enough to die from ammonia posioning since its a whole pond. I dont know how cold it gets where you live but i highly doubt it will be cold enough to kill your...
  6. H

    Filmy White Stuff On Surface Of Water

    does it looks like almost a oil? if not a picture would be nice. but if it does thats most likely protien. its really harmless ugly but harmless. the reason you have it as you guessed is becuase you dont have a filter on. to get rid of it all you need is ethier a filter or some way to get the...
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    More Goldfish Advice.

    wow seems like trouble :/ i freak out if i just see one person in my backyard....
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    More Goldfish Advice.

    I dont know how long you can keep them in there before they outgrow the tank but why not an outdoor pond? These are colwater fish after all and i've some of mine go through some pretty cold temps in the winter. Im not sure how deep the pond will have to be though but mines a bit more than 2 ft deep.
  9. H

    Newbie Needing Advice

    For plants your gravel should on be fine. For equipment you will need the proper lighting and ferts. I belive there is a article about lightingon this forum. You really don't need CO2 unless you want your plants to get stronger growth and to help with the algae. As for fertilizers i really dont...
  10. H

    What Is This Fish?

    I agree it looks to be a hillstream loach. But im not sure i would like a better picture from an anhle were i can see its side or top
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    Fishnet Tights To Attach Moss

    For some reason this made me giggle... Well im sure it would be fine as i have used stocking to hold filter media and such.
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    Good Fish Food

    Flakes arent bad but a more varied diet is better than just flakes every day (blanched vegiies, shrimp, bloodworms, etc)
  13. H

    Need Help Identifying Some Of My Fish - Video

    I dont know much about chiclids im afraid but thay whiteish looking eel fish with the "spikes" i think its a sengal birchir not 100% but i do know its a birchir
  14. H

    What "big" Fish Can We Put In Our 36 Gallon?

    I woulf think a gourami would make a nice "center peice" since your tank is mostly smaller fish. Like others said if you want a bigger fish you will need to rehome some fish
  15. H

    Yellow Panchax Killifish

    You should be able to keep them. I remeber mine they are really fun fish :)
  16. H

    Electric Blue Ram Help!

    Well i would say dont get them until you are 100% done with cycling ive never kept rams my self but to lower nirates you could get a couple of low light plants. I mean a couple will definatly help but you are going to need ti stuff the tank with plants to really keep the nirates at zero. Alot of...
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    Losing A Best Friend

    So today i lost my favorite fish one who i considered a best friend. This fish has been with me from the begining and was the first fish i got when i really got into the hobby. I raised this guy from a baby all the way to an adult. I know it may be strange to call a fish your one of your best...
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    3.5 Gallon Stocking Suggestions

    I think you might be able to keep most shrimps
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    Can I Keep Discus?

    Well as for the water changes i really dont need too becuase since it is a planted tank (low tech) my nirates are always zero. So i can get away with the top offs :P
  20. H

    Can I Keep Discus?

    I was wondering if i could keep discus. I have a moderatly planted 55 gallon with 4 rainbows 2 madagascan rainbows and 2 thread fins. I also have 3 angelicus botia loaches 3 kuhli loaches and a farlowella. I usualy do only top offs but i would be willing to do 50%s every week if it is...
  21. H

    Thinking Of Starting A Process Of Thining Of Things...

    In a lfs i would like to see more "oddities" by "oddities" i mean something other than the standard stuff. Such as different types of loaches
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    Background. Internal 3D, Or "tape-On-Back-Fake-Rocks/plants/etc&#3 here are the pics this is what the final product looked like. It does reduce swimming...
  23. H

    Background. Internal 3D, Or "tape-On-Back-Fake-Rocks/plants/etc&#3

    I have a DIY 3d background in my 55 ill try to get some pics in :)
  24. H

    Good Deal

    I got my 55 with stand hood and a heater for about 60 bucks. The tank was rather old but with a new silicone job it was good as new.
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    Parasites Or Normal?

    It kinda looks bloated but im not sure.. I just couldnt resist commenting becuase your tank it so beautiful!
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    Newbie With Tank

    Welcome to the hobby! As the poster above me said it is recomended that you start with a fishless cycling. Do you have a water testing kit? If not i would recomend the API master kit the kit is fairly accurate and tests for PH Ammonia Nirites and Nirates. I belive theyre around 20 USD on amazon...
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    Lost 20 Fish (Mature Tank For 4 Years)

    I dont know if this will help with detergent but throw in some avtivated carbon its known to soak up chemicals. I dont know if its works on detergent though.
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    I like the second and tall tree answered most of your questions. Some plants are anubias crypts mosses and java fern the java fern and mosses would look really nice tied to the wood :)
  29. H

    Gravel Or Sand?

    I would do sand for the bottem dwellers and vuase its a planted tank. I got a big round type of river gravel for my planted tank and i regret it so much. It makes it really hard to plant new plants cuase its so big and compact as compared to sand. You can also have a gravel sand mix but overall...
  30. H

    Can I Do Anything About This Lady At School?

    Thanks for the answers my father is going to complain to the vice on how we were treated and to see more into my shedule :)
  31. H

    Refilling Tank

    I do it bucket by bucket... Is it ok to just do it from the hose without dechlor?
  32. H

    55 Gallon Tank

    woah that's a tough one... well im going to tell you you're going to need a support brace of some sort without one on a tank big as a 55 the glass will actually start to bend. Your going to need to order a whole new frame for the tank from a aquarium building shop online. Your lfs might have one...
  33. H

    One Dead Fish And Several Still Alive Fish Suddenly Covered With White

    ok now that I see them they look like a parasite.. and as another poster said above me they do look a lot like anchor worms.. did you add anything new to the tank? Also I don't know if you should do a salt bath with the cories.. If they are anything like loaches they should be super sensitive to...
  34. H

    One Dead Fish And Several Still Alive Fish Suddenly Covered With White

    How long have you had the wood? Becuase they are known to grow fuzz when they are relativily new so i doubt its the wood. It sounds like a fungal thing but i cant be sure until i see it.
  35. H

    Hello All

    Hello! And welcome :)! For a planted tank what kind of plants do you plan to keep (in terms of light needs)
  36. H

    Help On Cloudy Water/where To Buy Ammonia

    Yea you dont want to add ammonia if you have live fish in the tank. Do you have a water kit tester of any sort? So that you sould keep track of your progress cycling (assuming the cloudyness is a cycling issue).
  37. H

    What Is This Rock And Is It Safe For My Tank?

    Did you try to drop a bit of viniger on it? If not i would try it if it fizzes the rock will mess with your ph and it it doesnt have a reaction i would assume its fine.
  38. H

    Midground Plant

    I like rotala indica although i dont know how tall it grows...
  39. H

    Can I Do Anything About This Lady At School?

    So school has recently started for me and they dropped an advance science placement from my schedule. Wondering why and wanting it back my father went ahead and talked with the lady at the curiculum office. She told us that i cant get in that class becuase although i have the requirments for...
  40. H

    Lots Of Questions.... Region Specific Plants

    Haha no problem :D ! And that plant does indeed look beautiful :P