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    Guppy Issue

    attibones... ty for your response. the other fish are looking and acting normal as well. this is the only one showing the bloated signs. he hasn't been hunting for food or anything. he plays around with the other fish in his free time. so I will try the deshelled peas method and see if that...
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    Guppy Issue

    fallynleigh.... ty for the clarification on being a male he hasn't always been that bloated looking we actually cut back on the feeding and hes swimming around as normal he hasn't had any odd behavior, just this growing belly   btw... ty for responding back  :)
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    Guppy Issue

    we noticed the belly on this particular guppy getting quite big. we don't think its a female. im pretty sure its not a good thing for it to get this big so can anyone offer some advice on how to help the little guy? thanks in advance.   the camera angle is a little odd but it gets the point...
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    Glo Fish Spot

    so sorry, was away for a few days and was jus now able to get online.... thank you to all that responded back. idk the level off the top of my head but I will certainly check it first thing in the morning. he is still roaming around like normal thank goodness. nothing is slowing him down and hes...
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    Glo Fish Spot

    tyvm for responding back. I appreciate the information and will look into it on my side of the pond  :)   I would never had guessed that thought about their immune system because our glo fish have been the most resilsnant of all our fish. between moving them all to a much bigger tank to ich to a...
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    Glo Fish Spot

      thx for asking, hes still in the same shape. the spot hasn't grown any bigger today. hes still running around and eating like normal.
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    Glo Fish Spot

    no one at all has ever seen anything like this? really? seriously? please help us
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    Glo Fish Spot

    need help with figuring this out please. we posted this problem in the tropical fish thread when the spot was small. only one person responded back that they thought the fish just nicked himself. however this is the next week and the spot is worse so I want to try this thread as its being quite...
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    Brown Spot On Glo Fish

    ty for your response. I appreciate the feedback. and yes, I know he's fat.... we ended up having to call him shark bc of how he bullys the tank at feeding time  lol  :)
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    Brown Spot On Glo Fish

    we just found this spot on our glo fish. he is swimming around just fine. still eating. no changes in behavior yet. I would like to figure out what this is and start treatment before it gets worse. any help will be appreciated. ive attached a pic to help the diagnosis. thanks
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    White Patch On Guppy

    thank for responding back. information is appreciated very much
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    White Patch On Guppy

    need help figuring out what this white patch is on two of our guppies, please. heres the specs: 30gal tank nitrate: 20 nitrite:1.0 cholrine:0.5 alkalinity:120 6 guppies 3 glo fish 2 platys   Thanks in dvance for any help. also...... do I need to treat the entire tank or put those two in a...
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  19. D

    Platy Issue

    we have a total of four platys. two males, two females. the 'little' female got ich awhile back. we got the meds and cleared her up just fine. however, since then, the other three constantly pick on her. she goes into hiding and within just a few mintues they flush her out and pick on her again...
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    Betta Not Eating

    got a new male betta about 6 days ago. 3 gal tank with heater and filter. we had the tank up and running for a couple of days before we got him. checked all the levels are they are in the norm. he hasn't eaten anything we've put in his tank for him. we've tried all the foods we use for our other...
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    Bettas And Bottom Feeders?

    thank you to all three that responded. the information helped me greatly. I am unable to upgrade my tank at this time so I wont be adding any bottom feeders to it and will continue the water changes. he is quite a happy betta and even made his first bubble nest a few days ago! I would add a pic...
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    Bettas And Bottom Feeders?

    new to betta tanks. wanted to know if I should get a bottom feeder for the tank or not. its a 3 gal tank with no other fish in there. we're doing water changes every week to week & half at the moment. it does have a filter to it as well. didn't know if getting a bottom feeder can help us reduce...
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    Pregnant Platy?

    northeastfisherman... tyvm for the advice, I will have to keep that in mind for the other species as well. again, thanks for the reply back.
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    Pregnant Platy?

    cezzaXV... thanks for replying back. we thought we had bought all males. now we think a female got mixed up in their tanks. we jus want to do the right thing and be prepared in case she is about to have fry. appreciate the advice.
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    Pregnant Platy?

    we are wondering if we have a pregnant platy or not. we're new to all this but noticed one of our platy's looks bigger from when we first brought it. we have a total of four platys. this one tends to stay apart from the others. chases them off if they stay near too long. not sure what other info...
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