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  1. M

    Help! I Have Two Pregnant Peppermint Shrimp!

    Just found out that two of peppermint shrimp are carrying large quantities of eggs and I have no idea what to do about it? I can't imagine having 400 shrimp running around in my small 30 gallon tank (if they survive). I don't have any fish that would eat them, only a few hermit crabs, an...
  2. M

    Need Help Identifying And Removing Anemone Infestation

    Thank you to everyone for your help with this. I've already tried Joe's Juice (among others) and while it seems to work temporarily, I can never "get them all' and they just keep spreading and growing. I like the peppermint shrimp idea, however I have one large coral banded shrimp in my tank...
  3. M

    Need Help Identifying And Removing Anemone Infestation

    Please help! I've been trying to get rid of these things for about 8 months now and they just keep coming back stronger and stronger. I've tried two different chemicals recommended that is supposed to be injected into the center of these little beasts, but as soon as I kill 10 then 30 more pop...
  4. M

    Basic Lighting Time Cycle Question

    Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone could help me out with some suggestions as to what kind of timed lighting cycle might be most effective for my salt water aquarium? I have about a 30 gallon tank (36"W x 16"H x 10"D) with a new CoralLife 50/50 96 Watt compact fluorescent lighting fixture. I've...
  5. M

    Basic Lighting Time Cycle Question

    Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone could help me out with some suggestions as to what kind of timed lighting cycle might be most effective for my salt water aquarium? I have about a 30 gallon tank (36"W x 16"H x 10"D) with a new CoralLife 50/50 96 Watt compact fluorescent lighting fixture...
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    THIS IS MY UNIDENTIFIED CRAB! Could somebody please help me to indentify it as friend or foe?
  7. M

    Unidentified Crab Captured!

    I just captured this rather large and unidentified crab in my saltwater aquarium last night and am holding him in a small glass until I can find out what and where this thing came from. I'm worried that it may be harmful and that it might explain why all of my button pollyps slowly started...
  8. Unidentified_Crab.jpg


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    Going to post photo now....
  10. M


    I have just discovered a rather large and strange looking crab in my saltwater aquarium! I have no idea where this thing came from or how long it has been living in my tank, but I am very concerned that it might be linked to the slow disappearance of all my button pollyps. Does anybody know what...
  11. M

    Strange Looking Red & White Crab Found in my Tank!

    I have just discovered a rather large and strange looking crab in my saltwater aquarium! I have no idea where this thing came from or how long it has been living in my tank, but I am very concerned that it might be linked to the slow disappearance of all my button pollyps. Does anybody know...
  12. M


    Can anybody tell me what might be causing my star fishes legs to fall off? I have two small start fish, each of which seem to have lost one leg very suddendly. First my small orange star's leg was missing... then about a month later I bought a small purple one and within a couple of days, one...