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  1. J


    What would be optimal Kh/GH for Malawi cichlids?
  2. J

    possibly sick Betta

    Thanks for the info, I'll try to lower the temp by maybe 2 degrees, and break up the current a little bit more. The LFS had a closing out sale, so I've got an abundance of Mopani wood. Once its done soaking I'll use it against the filter outlet to reduce the raw current. I realise its a small...
  3. J

    possibly sick Betta

    Also.. I forgot. The tank has been well cycled for 2 mos & the temp is 80 deg F with a PH of 7.
  4. J

    possibly sick Betta

    He's not breathing heavily, and he's not eating either. However this afternoon he has begun to flare at his tank mates (this was only after I turned the filter off) is it possible I've added too much current to the little tank? Its a 5.5 gal and I'm running an Aquaclear 150 at the lowest...
  5. J

    possibly sick Betta

    I have a male Betta in a 5.5 gal tank with 3 Platties and one small Upsidedown Catfish. The water quality is very good and the tank is well filtered. For the last 2 days, my Betta has been hiding near the surface in a plant. When I took the cover off of the tank he didn't even move, he just sat...
  6. J


    I've heard and read that it is good to add a small amount of aquarium salt to a fresh water tank periodically. Is this true, and if so how much?
  7. J

    Betta Splendins

    thanks for the info, I just have the Dwarf in the 5 Gal temporarily, as he was getting picked on by the gold male Gold Gourami in my 25 Gal. I have since added some female Golds to the tank, and he has susequently calmed down. Once the Dwarf has healed up a bit more, I'll transfer him back to...
  8. J

    Betta Splendins

    I want to put a Betta in my little 5 Gal with the 4 Platys & 1 very timid Dwarf Gourami. The tank is well planted for it's size (5 Plants). I'm not worried about the Platys, but I've heard there can be some conflict with certain Gouramis. I lost my first Betta last week, after about 24 hrs...
  9. J

    A betta and a Gourami in a 32g?

    I have 2 kissing Gouramis, and one Honey Gourami, and they maintain a certain truce amongst themselves, however... the only thing they all seem to agree on is that they hate the two Female Bettas. I dont know if its a Labyrinth envy thing or what, but I dont find them compatible at all, despite...
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    expediting cycling

    Thanks for the info
  11. J

    expediting cycling

    I was at LPS today and the manager of the fish section said that the product "Cycle" by Nutrafin would expedite the cycling process by introducing beneficial bacteria into the tank, in a way similar to that of normal cycling. Is this true? Is it safe for the 4 danios I have in the tank? Will...
  12. J


    I,ve had my 25 Gal up and running about 2 wks w/2 Zebra Danios & 1 long tail ( beginning cycling w/fish. 2 days ago I added 2 plants & 2Zebra Danios along w/ 1 more long tailed Danio. One of the new Zebras died today after swimming quite lazily for a day. The largest and fattest Zebra has...
  13. J

    aquarium heaters

    I would just like to say that I finally replaced the toys-r-us heater that came with my starter kit(w/200W imersable), and I hope it goes to under-achieving aquarium heater Hades. It couldn't bring the temp up past 73 Deg in a 25 Gal after a week! I would have been better off with a brick in my...
  14. J

    Hi everyone

    Thanks guys, Ive already gotten a lot of help from people on live chat. That just puts me closer to not "making chowder" in my aquarium.
  15. J

    Hi everyone

    I've just recieved a 25 gal tank and ''starter kit'' for Xmas.....dont laugh.. and have consequently started reading up on fishkeeping. Its far more complex and interesting than I could have possibly imagined. I look forward to hearing your insights in the future, and would appreciate any ideas...
  16. J


    Hey I'm new at this too, did you say you were a maritimer? I'm in NB.