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  1. A

    Guppy Fry-Gender

    Ok thank you. Yeah mine are only a week old and still tiny but some of them are starting to get darker bodies/tales so made me wonder how soon their gender be determined.
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    Guppy Fry-Gender

    Hhow old are guppy fry before you can determine their gender?
  3. A

    Should I Be Concerned?

    I woke up this morning to approx 12/13 fry, but a few have somehow managed to get out of the breeder box? I'm not sure how but I saw a few in the tank hiding amongst the plants, i tried to catch them to put them into breeder box but just cant get them. I have left them and cannot see anymore in...
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    How Pregnant Is This Guppy?

    Yeah it was the second one who was looking more squared off and was hiding amongst the plant so my gut instinct said to put her in breeder box and turn the light out, so I did, turnt light on to get some better pics of her and there were baby fry in there :)
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    Should I Be Concerned?

    I'm not sure. I got her from the fish shop last week and she was already pregnant... I turrned the lights back off and went to bed and she still had half the fry out, so will go and check on her in a moment and give an update.
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    Should I Be Concerned?

    My guppy is still in the process of having her fry, I was just wondering how long they normally take to give birth to each fry, she has had the bottom half (tail) of a fry hanging out for a this normal?
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    Baby Fry

    My guppy has just given birth to her fry, just wanted to know whats best to feed them?  
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    How Pregnant Is This Guppy?

    I'm gonna try get some better pics in a bit as one of them seems to be more squared off so soon as I have managed to get some I'll upload for some more opinions. Wow, just put tank lights on as put her in breeder box earlier cos thought she was acting skittish and there are baby fry in their...
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    How Pregnant Is This Guppy?

    This is the other guppy, as mentioned she is staying in the same spot at top of tank amongst the fake plant I have and wont let any other fish come near.
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    How Pregnant Is This Guppy?

    Okay thanks. I've also got another female guppy that I got at the same time who is hiding at the top of the tank, staying in the same spot and isn't letting any of the fish come within that area, she also looks more squared off. Uploading pics now...
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    How Pregnant Is This Guppy?

    I got this female guppy from a fish shop a week ago. She has got consderably 'plumper' in the week I've had her, particularly the last couple of days. She is currently roaming towards the bottom of the tank and chasing away any fish that come near her... can anyone advise me if she's ready to...