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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. CoryLover95

    Selling My 37-Gallon Tank

    Hi, So I have been feeling like my fish tank is too much for me and I'm not enjoying it  .  I feel like a horrible fish owner, but I think the best thing for both of us would be if I went ahead and got rid of the fish.   I'm asking $175, which is about 1/2 of what I paid in the first place, for...
  2. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

     I will try to lower my temp, but the tank might have to wait a month because right now it's in a fairly warm garage.  In 1 month we will be moving it into the house. Do you think they can wait that long? dgwebster is right, I couldn't find the fish for the life of me.  I now know that it was...
  3. CoryLover95

    Is My Fish Ill Or Just Fat? [+Hi Res Pics]

    I'm so sorry.    I had a fish die from dropsy recently and it is really heartbreaking when you care about the fish.  Good luck with your other fish.
  4. CoryLover95

    How Accurate Are Tetra 6 In 1 Test Strips?

    I used to do that too and it worked well, but when I got to the end of my jar I thought why spend the extra $11...they are cheap compared to liquid tests though.
  5. CoryLover95

    Asking For A Friend

    I wish he could understand that he is making his fish miserable.  And if he does understand, I wish he would take the initiative to give them better lives.
  6. CoryLover95

    How Long?

    Hi, It usually takes the nitrite bacteria roughly twice as long to develop as the ammonia bacteria.  It will seem really frustrating like you're getting nowhere, but then one day you'll test it and out of the blue it will be 0.  It just takes time and patience :). And as for fish...hmm...for a...
  7. CoryLover95

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    Noooo...I am winning.
  8. CoryLover95

    Getting Sand! Need Help!

    Play sand works great for me.
  9. CoryLover95

    How Accurate Are Tetra 6 In 1 Test Strips?

    I used to use the Tetra 6 in 1 me, you'll be a lot better off with a liquid kit.  I use the API, but as lock man says it can be hard to read the ammonia right.
  10. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    Thank you both...yeah for a minute I almost thought I was seeing a catfish ghost lol!!  I checked twice this morning and he's still great :)
  11. CoryLover95

    What Pets Do You Have?

    What kind of hamsters do you have?  I have 2 Chinese :D
  12. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    Oh. My. Gosh. I just saw the supposedly dead catfish swimming its its bro!!! All 4 catfish are alive!!! I don't know where the carcass that the snail ate. My guess is that it is the carcass of a catfish that died at least 3months ago. It must have been stuck in one of the ornaments that I...
  13. CoryLover95

    Upgrading Already?! ))))

    No problem!!  Best of luck in your transition.
  14. CoryLover95

    Is My Fish Ill Or Just Fat? [+Hi Res Pics]

    No problem. There used to be a thread about different methods of euthanization but I think it got too old. You could start a new one.
  15. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    Hi, and thank you both for your answers. I am going to try to get another 5 at least. I was planning on getting some more before we moved but didn't because I wasn't sure how they would survive the trip. I might try and see if I can resell one species so I don't have to get so many and put my...
  16. CoryLover95

    Is My Fish Ill Or Just Fat? [+Hi Res Pics]

    Honestly, I don't think it would be too bad if you let it wait till tomorrow. If you really don't want to, though, you can try another method. Net the fish and SLAM it against a really hard surface. A bit graphic but it works and is painless.
  17. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    It's just under 3' - 30 inches.
  18. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    Thank you so much!  I am planning to keep this aquarium until it becomes no longer feasible, for at least another couple of years.  Do you think that I would be overstocking if I did get some more?
  19. CoryLover95

    Is My Snail Dead?

    LOL actually the snail has emerged the victor.  He completely ate the dead catfish.
  20. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    Thank you both!  One thing that I noticed is that when I looked at his body (before the snail ate him) the patch of scale-less skin seemed to have at least doubled in size.  So I think that it is probable that he maybe "relapsed" or something?  Frankly I don't know.  One other question, I know...
  21. CoryLover95

    Dead Catfish

    Hi, This morning I found an albino cory catfish dead with no apparent reason.  He was up near the heater, so burning is the first thing that comes to my mind?  My Mystery Snail completely consumed him as soon as I discovered his body.  Details below:   Tank size: 37 gallons pH: 7.6 ammonia: 0...
  22. CoryLover95

    Is My Snail Dead?

    Hi, I keep 2 Mystery snails in my tank.  This morning when I went to go feed the fish, I found a snail up at the top of the heater.  I'm not sure if it was floating or had latched on, but there seems to be a large fleshy part torn from the snail and protruding in front of it.  The shell is...
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  25. CoryLover95

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    Oh yes there is.
  26. CoryLover95

    Tails Losing Movement/wiggling Unnaturally

    I'm so glad two of them are better!  Sorry I didn't find this thread earlier.  I do think that it would be kindest to euthanize the S shaped fish.  Best of luck!
  27. CoryLover95

    Ich Dissease Really Need Help!

    The raised temperature speeds up the life cycle of the parasites, doesn't cure it.  The reason we do this while treating with meds is because the parasites die sooner while the meds are killing the eggs/some of the actual parasites. I would isolate the fry and put them on a low dose of meds, as...
  28. CoryLover95

    0 Nitrite And Almost 0 Nitrate?

    Nitrite should be 0, and your nitrate will gradually climb as the tank gets older.  I wouldn't worry at all - it seems that your tank has cycled quickly and effectively :D!  I love turtles, good luck to you and your pet :)
  29. CoryLover95

    Fish Keep Dying And I Don't Know Why!

    That tank is very overstocked.  Also, could you post a pic of the catfish?  It's a big problem not knowing what kind they are - you don't know how big they'll get! But I'm not trying to bash you.  It's a very common mistake.  And now to address the problem of the ammonia. If you are using the...
  30. CoryLover95

    Newbie- Cloudy Water And No Fish

    Yes, definitely check out the fish-less cycle topic.  I stupidly didn't go that route, and believe me it IS a big fat pain.  It usually takes 4-6 weeks, in case you were wondering.  And about the cloudy water - yes, you were right, it will clear up in a few days.  It is a "bacterial bloom" - not...
  31. CoryLover95

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    Both of you are wrong.
  32. CoryLover95

    New Centrepice Fishy?

    Oh he's gorgeous.  Great job!
  33. CoryLover95

    Betta; Bacterial, Worms, Egg Bound, Dropsy?

    Oh Hayz I'm so sorry :( hopefully you can get this all cleared up.
  34. CoryLover95

    Fish I Want To Save :(

    Aww lucky little thing :D great job!
  35. CoryLover95

    Which Tank Background (Print)

    Black.  All the way.
  36. CoryLover95

    Most Disappointing Fish?

    Serpae tetras for me.  Big scaredy cats, pale out when they get the least bit stressed...not showy enough for me lol
  37. CoryLover95

    Oops Too Many Bloodworms!

    How lovely.   I remember the first time I fed bloodworms (frozen) to my fish...put in an entire block...bloodworms obscuring the tank, fish going crazy, carpet of red bloodworms, and then the fat apathy from the fish lol
  38. CoryLover95

    Fish Tanks

    Are you trying to sell these tanks?  If you are, please post in the Classifieds section.
  39. CoryLover95

    New Centrepice Fishy?

    Gouramis would be beautiful :)  Or, but I know they're kind of small, you could try a Betta (but not both - they will fight like crazy!)
  40. CoryLover95

    Goldfish Fantail - Ill?

    Yes, as flutter says, you will need a MUCH bigger tank for them as they grow.  How long are they now?  I know from experience that very soon you will begin to find that it is impossible to keep that tank clean...and the fish will not be happy.  If you can, I would certainly upgrade.