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  1. M


    Could anyone tell me how often to feed Endlers. I'm fine on what they need and like but I've never found whether it's Flakes in the morning and live at night or live every second day. I have a Aqua-one Pro tank that holds 150L ( 35imp.or 42us gal) . In this tank I have 6 Male, 25 Female and...
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    Has Anyone Ever Successfully Kept Dwarf Gouramis?

    Gee you make people feel welcome !.I am new to this forum and I'm sorry if you think it was inappropriate but I thought this was the area to ask questions and get support. I was wrong obviously. Wether the information was one day or one year old should not matter, it is still providing...
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    Has Anyone Ever Successfully Kept Dwarf Gouramis?

    Hi. Good to be able to contact another Aussie. I'm from Mackay and love my Dwarf's. I have 2 female and 1 male at present . One pair is breeding at the moment and it is awsome watching it all happen they realy do have it down pat . This is my first attempt and if you can help me with some...
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    Hi Guys, Thanks for your reply's . I did land up treating the whole tank and she seems to be improving. I used a muli purpose remedy that contained Acriflavine and Malachite and it has done the trick. Maddie :D
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    HELP My Molly has developed a cone shaped thing over her eye . The eye itself is frosted in color but the cone is clear and covers the whole eye. It does not seem to be bothering her and is happily swimming and eating ok. None of the other fish have it, but I have seperated her incase it is...
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    Filthy Tank

    my dwarf gouramies and I have sucessfully had babies - about 200 by the looks of it and I'm finding it impossible to keep the tank clean. I tried syphoning through a stocking but was worried it would kill them and that did not solve the problem of all the dirt on the bottom of the tank. I have...
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    Baby Dwarf Gouramies

    I have just had my first batch of dwarf gouramies (at least my fish have) and I have seperated the parents now the fry are free swimming. My problem is that to clean the tank is almost impossible since they are so small and keep getting cought up in the syphon. I did try to strain them through a...
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    Angle Breeding

    Today I discovered heaps of Angle eggs on an ornament in my community tank. I seperated mum dad and eggs straight away into their own tank (2'x1'x18") removed the gravel and now i'm not sure what comes next. How long does it take for them to hatch and do I remove the parents when the fry...
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    How do you get rid of snails?

    Frank & Torrean had some great advice - I will also take notice of it. Thanks guys How big is your tank that you are having snail problem with?
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    How do you get rid of snails?

    I had the same problem and was advised to get some clown loaches. It worked they eat any they can fit in their mouth. They will go for all the tiny ones and work their way up in size. You may still have to pick out the large ones until they are all culled and any new plants you introduce will...
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    HankyPanky- what next

    My little dwarfs are doing the mating ritual :o and once all the twisting and turning has finished they go to their seperate corners to recover. I have a lot of plants both floating and secure and he is hiding in it all the time. He is very protective of his area and keeps any on the other...
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    Hello everyone!

    Hi Sharon, I too am only new to this forum and it has been fantastic help. I started off with one 3 foot tank and I also did some pretty stupid things in the beginning I think we all have at one time or another. I now have eight tanks and I'm hooked (no pun intended) .It started when I got up...
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    Tiger Barbs- Boys Or Girls

    Hi Wolf, Thanks for clearing that up - I have them sorted out now and I have one male and 3 female. Should he have any more girls or is that enough for him to handle ? And if the girls are pregnant can you see a darker gravit point like in the Livebearers?
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    Tiger Barbs- Boys Or Girls

    Help ! I have been given four of these little guys (tiger barbs )and I don't know how to tell them apart. I've read up on the conditions and care they like but I'm stumped how to tell if they are male or female - and they are not giving anything away either. I have put them in their own tank...
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    What Fish is that

    :( :unsure: I have been given two little fish that have red eyes, a silver body and black tail. It has a name something like Popeye or similar. It would be about half an inch in length and oval shaped body. Can anyone identify it please
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    Feeding Tropical fish

    I'm not sure If I am feeding enough or to little to the fish. In one tank (I have 5 altogether) I have the bigger fish like SilverDollars and Guarami plus 2 goby bumble bees & 2 Angle .totalling about 10 all up in a 3 foot x 20'tank. They get frozen worms (2 blocks) morning and night with a...
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    attacking mollies

    Thanks Brissiegal it's a great help and have done as you suggested. Maddie ;)
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    attacking mollies

    Hi, I have a serious problem where I have 4 female mollies (all Pregnant) 1 male. They all started attacking each other so I seperated the male but it is still continueing amongst the girls. Two have tail injuries which I have treated the water for but i'm not sure whether to put the male back...
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    I'm confused

    :S Hi, I have just started breeding Mollie's & Swordtails and in the confusion of sorting out tanks I mixed them up. I know it sounds dumb but I'm having trouble identifying betweem some of them. The body shape of the younger ones (or smaller) seem to be very alike and also their dorsal fin...