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  1. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    what i'd like to know is what caused him to lose 75% of his color in 2 days and almost all his fins were gone and since i'm not familiar with fish is it possible the color he was losing was scales being lost? and I just looked up on google bettas that had ich and I really don't think zeek had...
  2. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    no I couldn't rehouse him unfortunately :( I will not be getting any more fish any time soon bc of what happened :'(
  3. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    I think my betta is dying :'( he's losing color turning white and losing his fins as well he literally lays on bottom of tank and I seen him float to top once i'll try to upload photos please somebody tell me he can be saved....unfortunately I cant share the link to my photobucket where the pic...
  4. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    no he isn't covered in white spots but I've seen about 4 smallll white spots around his gills , face whatever and I am trying to donate him to a petsmart if possible I cant upgrade tanks I had to take the 10 gallon tank back for reasons.... he had a filter and heater and I no longer have those...
  5. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    ok the 10 gallon tank has gone back. there's a financial reason for that. he's back in his 1 gallon bowl. he has been taken to petsmart to be checked on bc he got to a point that he was staying only on the bottom of tank. petsmart sad he has ich and I got have ich medicine made by api I no...
  6. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    still havent done the water change but i absolutely will do it tomorrow..... how much of a water change do i need? .....i broke down and bought some prime and added 1ml to my ten gallon tank and 2 hours later did a ammonia test and its still 1.0.......... however the ammonia level coming out of...
  7. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    ok i tested again wwitout doing anoter water change...i will eventually do one later today hopefully.... here are test results ammoinia .50-1.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 7.6 ph high range 8.0......... sorry i didnt see your post til i already did the test...howe ever next time i'll take pics of...
  8. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    ok i tested again wwitout doing anoter water test...i will eventually do one later today hopefully.... here are test results ammoinia .50-1.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 7.6 ph high range 8.0
  9. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    nevermind on the products that claim to speed up cycle
  10. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    i was just Google "nitrogen cycle for aquarium" and i pulled a page up that states there's a product that you can buy that claims it can cycle a tank within 24 hours and it may or may not still be on the market shelves? its called Marineland BIO-Spira it has a saltwater one and a freshwater one...
  11. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    by the way my water conditioner helps against ammonia, chlorines, chloramines (not heavy metals) ? wow ok the test for ammonia directly out of my faucet in the kitchen was berween .50 and 1.0 ......test results from the tank are.... between .50 and 1.0
  12. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    i read the link in your siggy and pretty much to me and my understanding is to keep testing it and do water changes as needed ...thats what i've picked out that link and the water conditioner made by top fin im going to go test my tap water right out the faucet and then test my tank again and...
  13. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    lol its it was between .50 and 1.0 ppm for the ammonia and well the other test results are up there too ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if my water conditioner isnt working for the PH, PH high, and ammonia then what do i do
  14. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    ok thank you. my mother in law did suggest i test our tap on another thread on another site their suggesting I do a complete water change and to clean the filter cartridge in the water that comes our the aquarium......but the filter cartridge is only a wk old..should i do this...
  15. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

  16. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    ok i've finished the cleaning of my tank hours ago. this is my test results after having cleaned the tank (i also cleaned all decor as well) ammonia was .50-1.0 ....PH was 7.6.....PH High was 8.4-8.8......nitrite was 0.....nitrate was now what
  17. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    well when i went to petsmart last night they sell dechlorinator and water conditioner? how are they the same, but that is good to know that they are so i know im not short on anything excited to go change his water :) i do have 1 small unsure how i'm going to add the...
  18. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    by the way do i need a dechlorinator? i dont have that all i have is the water conditioner
  19. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    when it came to te pellets the bottle suggest only 2 or 3 and i would only give him that however he didnt eat it at all.....and the flakes i put a very very small amount in and he dont eat that at all...its all sunken to the bottom of the tank......and i plan to do a 100% water change tonight...
  20. R

    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    i have another thread on this site where i lost two tetras i know however i'm making this new thread for my VT betta bc i'm worried......i've had him maybe 2 weeks maybe.....and i started feeding him the floating betta pellets, he wont eat those. so i then go tthe tropical flakes i dont see him...
  21. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    ok i broke down and got the api master test kit! i havent done a water change yet. i'm doing that at some point today though. but i went ahead and tested the nitrite and nitrate and ph..... well the nitrate and nitrite came back at 0 and the ph basic test was bright bright blue and i didnt do...
  22. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    i have an aqua tech 5-15 model filter and it says to replace filter every 2 to 4 weeks is that necessary? and ......i brought my tetras back in a bowl with water from the aquarium and i had them test it and the alkaline was past the testing thing he said he couldnt believe the rest of the fish...
  23. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    thanks i'll try to remember that
  24. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    ok bettafish forums is suggesting the ammonia test liquid kit and thats what i'm staarting with..... i cant afford the master kit........i'm in usa, louisiana which is deep southern parts of USA
  25. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    so i need a nitrate test kit and ammonia test?
  26. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    this is the solution i will be well as using my gravel vacuum thank you all for your help
  27. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    no way he cant be returned or rehomed i got him from walmart and im keeping him ....he is the reason for me picking up this new 'intererst' 'hobby'.....he has a 1 gallon bowl i can put him in if i need to and it has a top with led lights
  28. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    well after i take the tetras and algae eaters back i'll do a 100% and using a gravel vacuum ....once i've finished that and put betta back in his tank then whats my next step? i dont want to have to change water frequently unless its an absolute must
  29. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    im becoming confused bc i'm between 3 different forums right now and getting totally different options
  30. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    i have the ammonia paper strip test strip and several days ago i tested it and it was in between stressed and danger
  31. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    i'm taing the tetras and algae eaters back. now my bettafish forum suggested after i do this to do a water change and get a nitrate test kit.....if thats all i can afford and it is so now i'll only get that test kit the liqid one
  32. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    im going to attempt to get an api ammonia test kit as well
  33. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    well what im going to do is take the tetras and algae eaters back and then work on just having my betta and cleaning tank until the tank is where it needs to be to be adding fish....
  34. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    when i can take the tetras back i once their back do i still need to do what fluttermouth said everyday????
  35. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    gonna take tetras back to store so are you telling me to just take all fish out and do a 100% change and put them back in and it'll be ok???
  36. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    algae eaters been added to the tetra profile i can't put that little of water in the tank bc of my betta fish....... it'll stress him out...... i'm keeping my tank full of water.....i'm going to use my gravel vacuum tonight
  37. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    well why are all the other fish doing ok i dont know what water stats are but its a 10 gallon tank with now 6 neon tetras 2 algae eater fishies and 1 VT male betta i'm usin a aqua tech 5-15 model filter (walmart) and i'm using a top fin adjustable heater (petsmart) its set at 82 F....cycle? i...
  38. R

    2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

    I'm a new VT male betta owner and 2 or 3 days ago I added 8 neon tetras. this morning i wake up and find them dead i'll post pictures of them so you can help me determine what killed them. for the record when i watch my betta he seems to be scared of the tetras and never goes around them when...