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    73 gallon Vietnamese hillstream tank build

    sounds like a cool plan. hows thd build coming along ?
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    New member 300gln community tank

    looking good dude, what u go in there ?
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    Just a quick update. I ended u waiting till yesterday to get some new pearls. I've gone the whole 9 yards and switching everything round in the tank too to try eliminate territories etc. Chilling out gouramis Full tank shot or new/current layout (please excuse the mess) Cheers
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    After discussing my dilemma in fish emergency post we think it maybe the black ghost knife fish doing the eyeball eating. I have started moving all my neons And harlequins across to my fish tank at work but it is a slow process as I don't want to over do the filter. Moved across the harlequins...
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    2Ft Scape

    Expanding foam alasse ? What you gonna stock in this little beauty ?
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    Giant Danios Still Swimming Without Eyes ?

    Thank you for that sterling bit of advice. I have allready said im not buying anymore until I have found the cause of the deaths. If I cant I won't buy any
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    Giant Danios Still Swimming Without Eyes ?

    SERIOUS FISHY DILEMA My giant danios, allthough still at 4, I have 2 missing both eyes, 1 missing 1 eye and 1 completely fine. Thinking back, I only ever 'recovered' 2 bodies through out my dissearance madness. I origionally got 8, lost 3 in 2 days and put it down to bad stock/ acclimatisation...
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    Ok, had a great Christmas and new year, kids absolutely loved it !. SERIOUS FISHY DILEMA (also posting in emergencies) My giant danios, allthough still at 4, I have 2 missing both eyes, 1 missing 1 eye and 1 completely fine. Thinking back, I only ever 'recovered' 2 bodies thought out my...
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    Ok, I'm experiencing casualties that areout of the ordinary. I normally lose 1 fish on average every 6 months (ish). When I started reposting on here I stated I had 5 giant danios. I originally bought 8 so lost 3. I thought maybe they were like the 'runts of the litter' so to speak but tested my...
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    125 Gallon Placement/will This Even Work Help

    I think the maximum load bear on joists is 1 tonne per m2 and that's if their 10inch by 2 ( standard British floor joists) not really sure when it comes to the usa. Just thought I'd offer that thought to ponder Forgot to add, that's providing they are standard 16" centres or closer. Ideally you...
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    Last night was a late one for a school night so I didn't notice that I had put the full tank shot on twice instead of the bogwood. Also, iPhone has done it again and somehow flipped my images of my gouramis. Anyways, Here is the bogwood with live plants Here are the Indian gouramis I'm...
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    First picture of the current full tank shot Here is the slate / stone cave I've spent ages faffing with and am finally happy with Here is the lumps of bogwood I've put together. The plants are real (except for the small vivid green grass stuff) love how they are growing in the gaps in the...
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    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    I'm gonna try tak some snaps tonight to show any developement that may/may not have happened. One major thingi a that I have swapped from San ls to gravel but don't think I have gotten small enough stuff for planting in :(. Also my slate cave I decided against glueing it so I can alter its...
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    A Bumpy Road

    Great tanks mate. Bet the daily 50% water changes drive you crazy, they certainly would me ! Any new additions ?
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    6X2X2' Project

    A my update yet Greer ?
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    Ch4Rlie's New 3 Foot Tank Journal

    Stupid question time Charlie, are you feeding the plants some type of fertiliser ?. I can't seem to make 6 plants live in my 55gal even with ferts. From reading through this journal tonight I noticed in October you said you are gonna add co2 at some point so wondered if there was anything in...
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    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    Any update mate ? Be interested to see this. Did a bathroom for a bloke up north who had a similar set up, looked great. Are you gonna try have all the outlets pointing the same way to create a river effect (one direction flow) ?
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    Journal: German Blue Rams Spawning #2

    How's it gone fawnN ? Any babies survive ?
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    75 Gallon On A Budget

    Good read. I think the important thing to remember is that everyone has different experiences with different fish. I for one HATE betas as mine went for anything and everything regardless of size. What people say I'm here is usually right as they are a very clued up bunch as aposed to other...
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    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    Great journal. Never had any shrimps as Ive got some African dwarfe frogs when I fisrt set up and they are vastly outlasting all predictions on their lifespan. I don't wanna mix both as they have very poor eyesight and become prey to shrimps. It's probably no use now but I did read somewhere...
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    180 Gallon Tank

    Heartbreaking and expensive I guess. All my LFS are little self run ones except for pets at home. None of them have anything remotely rare. Where do you get your fish ? Have you ever bought them online ? I remember trying to stock my tank with the exact species I wanted. I rang up all the fish...
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    180 Gallon Tank

    Beautiful tank. U must haven big ca honeys to be picking that plec up with your bare hands ! I'm 6ft 1, 16 stone and squeeled like a big girl trying to catch mine in a net ! Ha ha ha. Keep the updates coming :)
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    55 Gallon Journal

    Do you have to keep pushing the root tabs under the plants then it just bang a few in before you plant ?
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    55 Gallon Journal

    Well 508, gotta say, this has been and epic read mate, good job. I got a couple of questions for you tho. Sand - I had it in my tank and swore never again as when cleaning the fish poop off the top, if I disturbed the surface at All some horrible black sand from below showed through. How did...
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    Skipton, Keighly, North Yorkshire

    I live in glusburn, 4 miles from skipton
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    Black Ghost Knifefish An Red Tail/finned Shark

    Sorry about the late reply, I got a 60 gallon 4ft tank. By the sounds of what you say mate ive been misssold a BGK :( I'd love to have multiple tanks but literally don't have the space. I am however looking to upgrade to a 6ft/8ft tank once I've done my bathroom. The other fish in the tank are...
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    Black Ghost Knifefish An Red Tail/finned Shark

    Can't seem to find any committed answer or opinion on here or the wider web. Just wanting people's personal experience or advice ? I've got a BGK, bought him at about 3" and now he is about 6". Had a red tail shark a few years ago that I loved to bits so would like to have one again. The...
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    Basic Layout Ideas For My 46L Tank

    That looks sweet as mate. How did u attach the moss to the wood, with fishing wire ? Looks good however you did it
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    Sorry alexp08, not meaning to take over this thread but I'm going through the same stage atm. If the gravel size is larger is it just a case of keeping the plants in their original foam/ceramic wraps and weighing them down (if needed wih lead) ? Should they take root easily enough ?