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  1. Steve76

    Stocking And Fish Identify

    Endler Guppies look right after googling images of those, thanks.   Tried to capture an image of all 4 but nightmare as they are playful little fish, tried to post it anyhow but not as straight forward as in my opening post it would seem   Stocking in general will a 63l tank take more fish   7...
  2. Steve76

    Stocking And Fish Identify

    Hi All   moved to a bigger tank a few weeks ago, currently have 7 harlequins a ram and 4 of these but cant for the life of me remember what they are, so that's the first question     Secondly I have a 60l ltank will my tank reasonably hold more if so any suggestions to go with what I have ?  ...
  3. unnamed.jpg


  4. Steve76


    Hi all I have a couple of questions regarding feeding. I tend to feed small pellets and bloodworms maybe once or twice a week. I stick to a rule of feed them as much as they will eat in a minute. This wasn't very much when I housed my fiirst fish but now the tetra in particular seem to eat...
  5. Steve76

    Assassin Snails - Pros And Cons?

    Ive added a couple of assasins recently and my pest snails have been reduced to next to notthing
  6. Steve76


    Hi fluttermoth it was your advice on the make up of my tank and the ram in the first place which I love :) Dimensions are 60cm / 32cm / 30cm nitrate readings if I now have this right way round last 2 readings at 5.0 nitrite 0 and ammonia 0
  7. Steve76

    Why Sand? How Sand? Sand?!

    cool thanks, I kind of regretted the gravel once i saw tanks with sand and just wondered if it wouldnt make the water go hideous and cloudy if I tried to add sand into the water..I may well give this a go soon
  8. Steve76


    Thanks, it was the answer I was hoping not to get but expecting..the one looks lonely and is such a beautiful fish it would have been great to add a second. Not to be thanks for the responce
  9. Steve76


    Hi all Sorry another stocking question but a very quick one. I have had stocking issues in the past but they have been resolved and I have a very stable (water wise) tank running. This is the setup: 54l 6 Cardinal tetras 6 Harlaquins 1 Bolivian Ram This setup was recomended on here and as I...
  10. Steve76

    Why Sand? How Sand? Sand?!

    sorry to hijack I have gravel at the moment can anyone advise how I might switch to sand the process I would need to go about adding the sand and removing the gravel ? thanks
  11. Steve76

    Some Advice Please

    Is that 1 bolivian ram or 1 apistogramma as a sort of centre peice fish ? How large might they grow ? I will up the shoals next anyway and probably a couple of weeks of good water quality. Thanks for your input really appreciate it.
  12. Steve76

    Some Advice Please

    Facepalm yes wrong way round thats the nitrate reading Dimensions are 60cm / 32cm / 30cm Thanks
  13. Steve76

    Some Advice Please

    Bit of an update, I have performed daily water changes all week but I still lost the final guppy :( although I have a question on it as the day before it died it developed a small hole in the middle of its fin and when I found it the next morning its fin had split down the middle creating a...
  14. Steve76

    Some Advice Please

    Thank you Aquascaper, I followe directions I had read and from local Aquatic shop so pretty gutted right now as it could have been easilly avoided. I will follow your advice on the testing kit and have read this afternoon fish in cycling so have a better understanding. I currently have 10 fish...
  15. Steve76

    Some Advice Please

    Hi Thanks for the swift reply. - Test strips test for 6 different things includin NO2 and NO3, they dont suggest they test for NH3 which is the chemical for Amonia - I didnt add anything to the fishless cycle, to be honest I havn't read anything that suggested such otherwise I would probably...
  16. Steve76

    Some Advice Please

    Hi all new to the forrum and also new to keping fish. A month ago I bought a 54l tank, I cycled fishless for about 10 days and then added some tetras in (Cardinals 5 in total). I did lose 1 which seemed to get stuck in the filter somehow but all was well for 2 weeks including a water change. I...