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  1. 7


    Clown Loach
  2. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Yeah it's at 82 I believe. The other one is gone nuts. And I don't think our filter comes with a carbon backing. Thanks. :( I guess I can add new fish :(
  3. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    One of them just died, I believe. He swam up cause he was hungry, and never came back down :(
  4. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

  5. 7

    Clown Loach Troubles

    My Loach doesn't come out often either. He will be the last one to come out for feeding too.
  6. 7

    Gold Fish Tumor?

    Found this online: There are numerous reasons for tumors in fish and tumors are by themselves not to be considered as diseases or even negative even though they can have negative esthetical effects on the fish that gets them. This does however not mean that a tumor can't be a problem; they can...
  7. 7


    Out of all my fish in my tank, I have to say I have a small 'special' spot for my loach. Love, Love, LOVE him! :wub: I bought them in the hope they were easy to take care of, but apparently they're ich magnets. Has anyone had/has Loaches? Are they easy to take care of and are really for...
  8. 7


    Really? I find that hard to believe! Haha, my two silvers are angels to each other! :hyper: Guess it depends on the personality
  9. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    I guess it's odd. I really, really want the sharks to pull through. If they don't, I can't say I would be horrified. I guess I can expect it coming. :no:
  10. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Thank You. Went back down to check things out, and anyways it's AWFUL. They're both much, much worse. I have to wait until tomorrow to medicate them. Is it suppose to be so bad after a day? (In the years of Betta, ADF, Turtle and etc keeping I have NEVER come across this!). I think the...
  11. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Alright. It says days 1,3,5. So I will do the next batch for both tanks on Tuesday, and on Thursday. :) Thanks for everything, Wilder!
  12. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Quick Question, thanks for the help! If I put in medication while the fish are in stage one, will I have to add more when they reach stage two? or just leave it at whats in the tank? Because all my fish are at different stages. :unsure:
  13. 7

    New Tank With A Sick Fish

    Sorry to hear. I'm not very.. uh.. I've never dealt or read about fin rot. My friends fish had it, and he used Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Mela Fix, and it worked for him. Take advice though from someone at the LFS you bought it at, or someone who knows more then I do.
  14. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    I'll keep watching them over in the 10 gal. It's now a bit over 80 (Probably 81). So I hope this cycle starts to move faster so I can medicate them. As for that, I will add the FULL dose to the 50 gal just to be safe then sorry. It's fine to put ich med in a tank that might not have it, right...
  15. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    As mentioned, I want to move the sharks back out of the 10 Gal Hospital tank and back into the 50 gal. Since they seem to be in stage one, would it make more sense if I leave them in the hospital tank UNTIL they are in the last stages, and are medicated? Since they are in stage one, i'm worried...
  16. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    I'll read the instruction manual that came with, as on the bottle it says "Treat with 2 capfuls per 10 Gallons" Heres a *hopefully* larger pic: Thanks
  17. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    It's calle Mardel® Biospheres® Maracide® Spot Treatment for Fish. I can't get the pic much bigger, but when I get back I will try again. It doesn't read copper or nothing that I can find in the instructions for sensitive fish. Thanks for your help!
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  20. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Sorry if this is bad quality or whatever. I tried as best as I could with my iPhone. :unsure: This should be bigger.. I'm going to treat the 50 Gal now with Ich meds, and use a little bit more then half the dosage, but not the full recommended dose. I'm guessing this may be the stage...
  21. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    I can TRY to upload a picture. They're very fast, so it's hard to get an accurate picture of them. :)
  22. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Maybe Wilder, I only got those #'s from Petsmarts water testing, so I may be thinking of the ammonia. There isn't much salt in the tank, it's quite little. Could this be the reason for the Loaches dots? :unsure:
  23. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    I'll add, the sharks are COVERED in small, white dots. However, everything else in the 50 gal seems fine, other then the Clown Loach. He loves to hide in "his cave" that he likes to stay in. He came out for a little bit, to play with the barbs. Thats when I noticed three white dots on him. One...
  24. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    50 gals (for the moment), we ordered a bigger one :hyper: 0 Am. Ph is 7.2, Nitrates 0, and Nitrites (Petsmart said 10 ppm when they tested my water). They do have it, no doubt. Either that or something else closely related to it. Should I add the sharks back then to the 50 gal and just...
  25. 7

    Ich Outbreak?

    Hi, i'm new here. Please forgive me if there is a thread already on this. If so, can you lead me in the right direction to finding it? :blush: This morning I woke up, and before eating went to feed my Clown Loach, 2 Silver Tipped Sharks, 3 Red Glass Barbs, and my Albino Rainbow Shark. One...