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  1. Dominus_XVIII

    My Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Breeding Log

    Peaked at the nest today when I fed my pair, and noticed all the eggs are still there Reach the 24 hour mark, fingers crossed.
  2. Dominus_XVIII

    Cool Giant Fish

      Depends on how big of a tank you have and how much your willing to spend/afford. An oscar is more than enough (in size and personality) if you're looking for a monster, especially if you're just getting into the monster fish keeping scene. With piranhas you can go solo types or shoals. Black...
  3. Dominus_XVIII

    Pregnant German Blue Ram?

    She could be both, stuffed from food and becoming gravid. If you really want to breed them, then I'd suggest having a separate tank setup for the rams. You could try and let the rams spawn in your current tank, but it may put the eggs at risk from you other fish, especially the bushy nose or...
  4. Dominus_XVIII

    My Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Breeding Log

    The second pair's eggs ended up growing fungus. The pair began to bicker against eachother when guarding the nest. Not really taking turns, but fighting for it. The eggs ended up not getting fanned enough and went bad. Pretty sad to see how the female's behavior changed, once she realized the...
  5. Dominus_XVIII

    My Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Breeding Log

      I see. I'll message him early this afternoon to see if he's willing to wait on the pair.
  6. Dominus_XVIII

    My Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Breeding Log

    Hmmm...Kinda have a dilemma on my hands. I'm planning to sell my younger bonded pair of rams tomorrow afternoon (not the pair in this thread), and just discovered that they've bred (laid eggs on a piece of Indian almond leaf I have in the tank). Turned off the lights for the day and locked the...
  7. Dominus_XVIII

    Electric Blue Acara Questions

    Never heard of electric blue acaras being a hybrid fish (ram x acara). They are man made variant of the blue acara.  I've heard people often mistaking young electric blue acaras for electric blue rams though, and vice versa.   As for care:   Temperature: 78-80 degrees F   PH: 6.5 - 7, but these...
  8. Dominus_XVIII

    New To Forum

    Welcome to the forum Mark :)
  9. Dominus_XVIII

    My Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Breeding Log

      X2   Unless the store you're buying them from is selling pairs or there happens to be a bonded pair (even if this is the case, sometimes moving to a new environment can cause a pair to split a part), it's best to allow the cichlids to choose their own mate.   In my case, I bought the male when...
  10. Dominus_XVIII

    My Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Breeding Log

    Hi everyone, Took some time off, as the past couple years haven't been too good for me. Personal stuff aside - Monday - July.26th,2016 (10:20pm) Brought this lil guy home yesterday (around 8:00pm) and acclimated him to my 20 gallon breeder (which is currently housing my female blue ram and...
  11. Dominus_XVIII

    My Killifish Collection, Breeding Log

    Hi everyone, Took some time off, as the past 2 years haven't been too good for me. Personal stuff aside - I'm currently raising 11 Notho.rachvoii Beira 98 fry. The fry hatched out from what suppose to be 30 eggs, but the summer heat and transportation time over seas killed the majority of the...
  12. Dominus_XVIII

    Back With Macs!

    Hey everyone,   It's been a while since I last posted on here. Quite a lot has happened over the past couple of years (some good, but majority not so good...), and ended taking a break from the hobby. Here some old pics of my mac trio (from July 1st) . Unfortunately my female passed last month...
  13. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

    I'll be receiving my All Thailand Fancy Guppy (ATFG) order on Thursday, will post pictures of them after they settle in.
  14. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

    Got some updates:   On the morning of May 16th, I found 16 fry in my Moscow blue delta pair's  tank. I have moved the fry to their own 20 gallon tank with some java moss and cabomba/fanwort. The fry have been doing well and are growing quite steadily, I currently have the fry feeding on a...
  15. Dominus_XVIII

    Hikari Massivore Alternatives

    Northfin Jumbo Fish Formula (6mm) pellets + Northfin Krill Gold (2mm) Pellets. I switched my piranhas over to this stuff and the results are amazing. I saw an increase in fin size, coloration of the fish became more intense and the fish looked fuller (muscle mass wise). The Jumbo fish formula...
  16. Dominus_XVIII

    My Ball Pythons

    Will do!   Thanks! I'll post pics of my female 2014 vanilla when I can :)
  17. Dominus_XVIII

    My Ball Pythons

      Thanks! In general, no they don't lol. Snakes will soak themselves if they feel too hot, their skin is too dry or the have an itch (which could be due to possible mites, which could be the worst of the 3 reason I listed, if you have more than one snake). I had to give him a bath because he...
  18. Dominus_XVIII

    My Ball Pythons

    Don't think I've ever posted my BPs here before, so here's some old pics. I'll try to get some updated pics when I can, my male pastel yellowbelly has put on some size since these pics were taken. His coloration has gotten brighter instead of darker/duller like most pastels, which is a possible...
  19. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

      The pairs are currently in separate tanks, but I may breed the strains together down the road. Trying to get some broods from the current pairs before I start mixing them. Currently waiting on a pair of ATFG superior Moscow blood red HTDs, might mix some gold lace snakskin into there. I'm also...
  20. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

    Here's a few quick shots of the pairs. The guppies are still skiddish of me (which is to be expected) so I couldn't get to them co-operate with me as much as I would've liked. Which is very unfortunate, since I wasn't able to capture the absolutely stunning and intricate Lace Snakeskin patterns...
  21. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

      No worries my lip are sealed, my fellow betta keepers would burn down villages arguing who's betta is better. I can't imagine what they'd do if they heard guppies are better looking than bettas lol!   I would imagine "Strength of a thousand men" by TSFH playing, cause they be preparing for war...
  22. Dominus_XVIII

    Livebearing Fish Survey

    Just finished :)
  23. Dominus_XVIII

    How To Treat Drift Wood?

    I would recommend boiling the peices of wood first (30 mins to 1 hour is what I do), to kill any bacteria or any organisms that might be hiding. The next step would be scrubing the wood after it's cooled down, followed by another boil. Once that's done I soak it salt water and  do a final a...
  24. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

      Yeah they're really stunning, especially the metal head yellow lace snakeskin male. The deep blue coloration contrasting against the yellow fading into orange, along with the lace snakeskin pattern looks amazing. The pairs have settled in a little bit since yesterday, still swimming around...
  25. Dominus_XVIII

    My Show Guppies & Breeding/growth Log

    Hey everyone!   Just recieved my new guppy pairs from a local breeder (Canadian Quality Guppies) here in my province of Ontario. I purchased a pair of Moscow blue deltas and a pair of metal head yellow lace snakeskins. The guppy pairs are absolutely stunning!   Currenty drip acclimating the...
  26. Dominus_XVIII

    Blue Angelfish Growth Log

    Fed the fry a mix of microworms in the morning followed by baby brine shrimp for the remainder of the day. Here's quick FTS of the 46 gallon bowfront I have the fry in, you can't see all of them though. A good number of the fry are towards the bottom of the tank, blending into the colour of my...
  27. Dominus_XVIII

    Blue Angelfish Growth Log

      Planning to grow them out and put the few I decide I keep into a 200 gallon display. The rest I'll most likely sell and put the money into other projects (A breeding pair of altum angels maybe?) or savings.
  28. Dominus_XVIII

    Blue Angelfish Growth Log

    Hi everyone,   Haven't posted here in really long time. Much of my time has been taken up by college and work, but luckily summer is just a week away for me. I purchased about 100 platnuim blue x blue zebra angel fry today, from individual in my area. Currently drip acclimating the fry to my 46...
  29. Dominus_XVIII


    For rocks you can try asking around at your local landscaping centre for some free samples or on construction sites for "scrap rocks". That's if you can't find a store that carries the specific stones you're looking for.
  30. Dominus_XVIII

    My Channoides Pair

    Hey everyone, Received my new wild caught channoides group last week, 3 males 2 females. All different sizes with the males being larger and the two females being the smallest of the group. I have them setup in a 20 gallon with a sponge filter, a clay pot, anubias, small pieces of driftwood and...
  31. Dominus_XVIII

    My Wild Collection

    Wild caught imbellis, smaragdina and copper smaragdina pairs have arrived. Floating them now and will start drip acclimating them in 15 minutes. I'll keep everyone updated.
  32. Dominus_XVIII

    My Channoides Pair

    New wild channoides group have arrived! Floating them now and will start drip acclimating in 15 minutes. I'll keep everyone updated.
  33. Dominus_XVIII

    Back With Macs!

    Good news everyone, my male mac has pulled through and is 99% back to normal. He's actively swimming around again and has gotten his appetite back. The swelling on the sides of his jaws have gone down and the torn gill filament has pulled back behind the mac's gill plate. I'll continue to keep...
  34. Dominus_XVIII

    My Wild Collection

    Getting my wild caught bubble nesters in a few hours, I'll keep everyone updated.
  35. Dominus_XVIII

    My Channoides Pair

    Getting my wild caught channoides group in a few hours, I'll keep everyone updated.
  36. Dominus_XVIII

    Back With Macs!

      Yeah, when I first saw my mac just laying on the bottom of the tank, I completely freaked out. He's doing better now though, I'd give him a day or two before he goes back swimming around like usual.  My pair were courting each other again last night, so maybe he saw the otos as a threat. My...
  37. Dominus_XVIII

    Back With Macs!

    Got some good news a bad news guys. Woke up this morning to discover my male mac laying on his side and choking on one of my oto cats. He swallowed it down past the oto cat's gills, so it's pectoral fins were lodged in the mac's gills and throat. The mac had been thrashing around trying to...
  38. Dominus_XVIII

    My Channoides Pair

    New channoides group arriving Monday morning at 12:00am. 3 males/2 females.
  39. Dominus_XVIII

    My Wild Collection

    Wild imbellis pair, wild smaragdina pair and copper smaragdina pair are arriving on Monday morning 12:00am.