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  1. Synirr

    I Have Rubras

    That's as fired up as you're going to see them until I get some females, since they don't take an interest in one-another anymore. I have a source for ladies, I am just waiting for his fry to mature enough to ship. Normally they are just brownish-red with black spots, the dramatic barring you...
  2. Synirr

    ...and The 5.5g Mantis Reef

    I... didn't? :P The two nano reefs are the only saltwater I have ever had, and I still have them both.
  3. Synirr

    Update On The 20g Long Mantis Shrimp Reef

    He stays in his burrow a lot, but he does come out and explore also. He was really interested in the camera and tripod, which is why he was out and about like that while I was taking pics. He's not shy :) That's a flower anemone.
  4. Synirr

    Update On The 20g Long Mantis Shrimp Reef

    God I hope not, think of how big the mantis would have to be in proportion to the tank! :lol:
  5. Synirr

    Cat Geckos

    I changed their substrate. I had to take them out to do that, of course, so that's why they're actually out and awake while the lights are still on. These guys are nocturnal as hell! Female is the darker of the two. Male. Female. Funky native plant. The leaves curl when I mist...
  6. Synirr

    I Have Rubras

    Unfortunately they are both male. :| The first one came when my boss ordered a pair of channoides and instead we got a male channoides and a male rubra... just pure dumb luck there. Well, the bossman ordered me a pair of rubra so I could have a female, but a coworker put them in a 2.5g without...
  7. Synirr

    ...and The 5.5g Mantis Reef

    Tank. Weird brain that hitchhiked in on a sponge at work Alveopora frag; so tiny and cute! Actinic time! Rose.
  8. Synirr

    Update On The 20g Long Mantis Shrimp Reef

    Tank. Alveopora, which has actually GROWN since I got it. I honestly think the key to keeping these things healthy is to have less than pristine water; after all, the water they are in in the wild is pretty icky. I don't have a skimmer and go about 3 weeks between waterchanges now, and all...
  9. Synirr

    I Found A Bat...

    :rofl: You guys are too funny. Yeah lljdma06, I used gloves AND handled it through an old washcloth. It never made any attempt to bite anyway, it was a sweety ^_^. Bats are not typically considered asymptomatic carriers of rabies virus like skunks and raccoons can sometimes be, so really if...
  10. Synirr

    I Found A Bat...

    Hehe no, they do not eat bread crumbs, but it is sweet of you to try to feed them :D Out of the 45 species of bats in the US, one is a fruit eater, two are nectar eaters, and all the rest are insectivorous. The bats you throw crumbs at are probably swooping at them in hopes they are bugs ^_^
  11. Synirr

    I Found A Bat...

    I found it sitting in the concrete hallway between apartments when I was on my way home Saturday. I scooped it into a box (no direct contact, don't worry) and kept it overnight. I tried contacting the local bat rehabber but she never got back to me. However, Sunday night it was much more...
  12. Synirr

    10 Pics Of My Rats

    Tocca is freakin' gorgeous! :wub:
  13. Synirr

    Golden Retriever

    I've only lived with one golden, but until age 3 or so, she would completely destroy anything and everything within her reach if left alone for that length of time. She is now close to 10 years old, and even though she is old, grey, and has arthritis and other health problems, she still manages...
  14. Synirr

    Sorry...i Know...but

  15. Synirr

    Woman Jailed Over Tail Dockings

    WTF is up with this thread.
  16. Synirr


    Luckily most fish don't have internet access, so he will never know he was dissed.
  17. Synirr

    Um, Could Sebastian Actually Be A Girl?

    He may also just be young with underdeveloped fins.
  18. Synirr

    Milo !

    CUUUUUUUUTE! :wub:
  19. Synirr

    Tarantulas Ahoy

    Misting helps bring up the humidity in her enclosure :)
  20. Synirr

    Tarantulas Ahoy

    2.5" body or so. :)
  21. Synirr

    Bill's Journal

    I'm a college student moving into a 1 bedroom with a small dog, 2 cats, 2 birds, and a buttload of fish, reptiles, and inverts. If I can do that, anyone can damn well take the dog! It's so sad that people would do that, but it looks like Bill is more than happy in his forever home :wub: What a...
  22. Synirr

    These Are All Over My Apartment

    No it's not... I think you are thinking brown recluse -- this is a brown widow. It is a relative of the black widow, but its bite is not as bad and widows are not prone to biting anyway. :) EDIT to add, it is not entirely accurate to say that brown recluse venom is 2x as potent as black widow...
  23. Synirr

    Betta Genetics

    Asking a breeder if they have available females is always a good idea, and often produces results :nod:
  24. Synirr

    These Are All Over My Apartment

    ...Brown widows :crazy: I'm in the process of moving to a different apartment (my lease ended and the rent would double on a renewal) and I keep finding them everywhere... I almost grabbed this one last night while cleaning out everything from under my kitchen sink. They're so pretty, but it...
  25. Synirr

    This Board Could Discuss....

    "Like this"? You mean... like expecting posters to cite actual sources to back up their arguments? If that's not what you'd expect from a science section, perhaps you really should take your leave, because things are going to become difficult if we are all defining science differently.
  26. Synirr

    Tiny, Unusual Gouramis

    Bacterial infection seems likely, there should be enough flow in that tank for the water to be oxygenated so they can survive on gill function alone. The male honey is really attractive, not constantly screaming orange like the tank breds. He is like a sun-kissed version of the female, with a...
  27. Synirr

    Tiny, Unusual Gouramis

    They sure do! The one pictured is the female, the males look like this in breeding mode. The chocolates are doing well, but didn't want their picture taken :P. I did lose one to unknown causes, so I am down to 2, but I have had them for a while now and they seem to be thriving. I am using...
  28. Synirr

    This Board Could Discuss....

    Oh good andy, you beat me to it :)
  29. Synirr

    Betta Genetics

    Here are some good websites on betta genetics to get you started, if you are interested. Knowing more about them will help you make educated decisions about breeding stock if you are shooting to get a specific result in the offspring :nod:
  30. Synirr

    Tiny, Unusual Gouramis

    They actually came from Segrest this time, surprisingly!
  31. Synirr

    Diva And Gypsy Receive Lovin's

    This is Diva. Diva receiving lovin's. More lovin's. Lovin's from me (with wet hair,) Gypsy, and the baby oscar Sappho XD Gypsy receives lovin's, but she doesn't want them :lol: "Well ok, I accept lovin's." "Belly rubs?" "Belly rubs." "Belly ruuuuubs ^_^"
  32. Synirr

    Tiny, Unusual Gouramis

    Hee! ^_^ Sparkling gourami, true honey gourami (these are new, just got them at work!!), and a couple of Burmese chocolates. I'm really liking the honeys, you don't see the wild variety much anymore.
  33. Synirr

    Betta Genetics

    Kind of both. There are certain colours and combos that breeders work to perfect, and certain colour morphs are related and can be bred together to produce a mix (for example, copper and opaque are both the product of certain genes working on the steel blue colour, so you can breed any of these...
  34. Synirr

    This Board Could Discuss....

    I can't help but laugh :lol: The biologist in me appauds that statement, but by definition psychology is the science of the mind. I can't help but scoff at that on some level, but most psychologists do infact consider themselves scientists.
  35. Synirr

    Funny Photos

    Um... no! :rofl: Cultural reference r fail!!! :( Try Michael Jackson's Thriller. There are some great videos on the related list too.
  36. Synirr

    Funny Photos

    Full version of that one ;) What happens to that person if that cycle should crash? What happens to dogs riding in cars if the car should crash?
  37. Synirr

    Chiuahua And A Cat?

    A picture is worth a thousand words? :lol: That's my long-haired chi napping with my dad's cat. They were absolute best buds when I was living at home, and now she's a great playmate for my two cats. It depends entirely on the personalities of your cat and dog, but as long as you manage their...
  38. Synirr

    Bristol Fishkeeping Show 2007

    Oh snap, that is the nicest S. casuarius I've ever seen!
  39. Synirr

    Tarantulas Ahoy

    Here's miss Dallas brown, with her bald rump after romping around the apartment being chased by cats for two weeks. After being misted. She didn't like it much :P Baby Chaco gold stripe... he looks big, but he lives in a deli cup and uses a leaf as a hide. New baby greenbottle blue. He's...
  40. Synirr

    At Long Last!

    I love the shape of that tub!