Search results

  1. N

    Beginnings Of A Jungle

    Thanks very much, the penguins do look great in a large shoal. I did have much bigger numbers but they unfortunately all got wiped out. I had a breeding group of 10 cories at one point and sold on all the young just before it happened! Cheers
  2. N

    Beginnings Of A Jungle

    Thanks very much   I had a huge bacterial bloom and lost a lot of my stock, never happened before in the 5 years I've kept fish so keeping an extra eye on all my water parameters from now on.
  3. N

    Beginnings Of A Jungle

    Hey guys, a few months ago I had a bit of a disaster in my tank and wiped out all my livestock so after a little while of considering cutting my losses and closing the tank I thought better of it and started again.     Tank details are:   Juwel Rio125 2x 28W T5 light tubes Tetratec EX1200 Mixed...
  4. N

    Kribensis Fry

    Hi guys having a clearout of my Krib fry, I have around 15 at around an inch or so and about 70 at 2 weeks old and growing fast.   Need to go to make way for malawis now that the mother jumped out the tank like a kamakazi       Livestock: Kribensis Fry Quantity for sale: 70+ Reason for Sale...
  5. N

    Fissidens Fontanus

    Just my luck was meant of posted last night lol. Let me know how much you got and a price. Cheers
  6. N

    Fissidens Fontanus

    As much as possible really, id of had the lot if id of known!   If you can get some let me know   Cheers
  7. N

    Fissidens Fontanus

    Thought I had some but it never turned up Still looking!!!
  8. N

    Fissidens Fontanus

    Hey guys after some fissidens for my wood in my tank, let me know what you got! Cheers     Wanted: Item Wanted - Fissidens fontanus Condition Required - Alive and good condition Price Limit - free - £few quid Picture or Link to Item Location - Bristol but will cover p&p All negotiations and...
  9. N

    Nymphaea Sp. Taiwan

    Still looking!
  10. N

    Nymphaea Sp. Taiwan

    Hi guys after 1 or 2 Nymphaea sp. Taiwan for my tank as I quite like the leaf shape and think would add a nice bi of variety to my tank, if anyone got some spare that they dont need or want I'll take it off your hands :)   Cheers       Wanted: Item Wanted - Nymphaea sp. Taiwan Condition Required...
  11. N

    Red Tiger Lotus

    Thanks for the offer but DrRob sorted some out for me :)
  12. N

    Red Tiger Lotus

    Haha what a stroke of luck that is!   Thats that sorted then :)
  13. N

    Red Tiger Lotus

    Hi guys wanting 1 or 2 tiger lotus plants for my tank, let me know what you got!         Wanted: Item Wanted - Red Tiger Lotus Condition Required - Alive would be great Price Limit - Not too much Picture or Link to Item Location - Bristol All negotiations and questions must be posted in this...
  14. N

    Lighting For 1Ft Tank

    Hey guys, need some form of lighting to use on my 1ft Krib fry growout tank, doesnt need to be anything spectacular or expensive, cheaper the better aslong as it throws out some light well enough to see my fry properly. Preferably a small tube light or similar     Cheers     Wanted: Item Wanted...
  15. N

    Aponogeton Crispus

    Thanks mate will check it out
  16. N

    Aponogeton Crispus

    Hi guys, looking to get a few of these for my tank, just wondering if I would be able to grow them ok before trying to find some.     Running a juwel rio 125 with a THINK 2 x 28w T5 tubes, one white one blue.   I could also dose Neutro CO2 and EI ferts because I do have some here but not been...
  17. N

    Low Tech Plants And Rooty Wood

    Nobody has any cuttings or plants they are clearing out? Need them asap for my rescape Cheers
  18. N


    25ml bagged 100l Or 100ml bagged is 400l The 100 seems a bit overkill for what I need?
  19. N


    No problem, would 25ml of purigen be enough?
  20. N


    Hey guys wanna start using purigen in my planted Rio125, running a tetratec ex1200 How much of it minimum would I need? Can I regenerate it using bleach then using api stress coat? Heard some dechlorinators with slime coat additives can render it useless? Cheers
  21. N

    Low Tech Plants And Rooty Wood

    Also want some needle leaf java fern
  22. N

    Low Tech Plants And Rooty Wood

  23. N

    Low Tech Plants And Rooty Wood

    Wanted: Item Wanted - Low tech plants, Crypts (mainly want these), Anubias, Hygrophillia, saggitaria, etc. (No other stem stuff like cabomba etc)                          Piece of rooty wood, nice and cheap though dont want to pay £20 for a stick. Condition Required - Ermm... Alive? Price Limit...
  24. N

    Free Plants Wendtii Brown & Green & Echinodorus Amazonicus X2

    Ill have those PM me details :)
  25. N

    Firemouth Tank

    Good to know, is there any bottom dwelling fish that could be a good addition? I have loads of cories but not too sure I want them in this tank.   Cheers
  26. N

    Firemouth Tank

    Hey guys, looking at starting my tank again from scratch and was thinking of getting a male firemouth as the main fish. Its a 33G long tank with a tetratec ex1200 filter.   Would one firemouth be ok on his own?   Would he be ok with a shoal of say 12 congo tetra?   What other colourful/active...
  27. N

    Rio 125 Rescape

    Thanks very much, I was hoping to try some Staurogyne on the right but need to leave some form of open space for the corys to nuzzle in but I will be trying a carpet of some sort on that side. Anyone know if I could grow Staurogyne in this tank with EI and liquid carbon? Cheers
  28. N

    Rio 125 Rescape

    Hey guys, spent a few days rescaping my Juwel Rio 125 after letting it get a bit run down. Details are as follows Tank: Rio 125 Filter: Tetratec EX1200 No heater (stays warm enough in my living room) No CO2 (will be liquid CO2 soon) Lighting: 2x28W T8 bulbs EI Ferts Hardscape: Redmoor wood...
  29. N

    Various Pieces Of Wood

    Also after rooty stuff, any size will do as I can combine it with the stuff I already got :D
  30. N

    Tec12 Filter Leaking

    May get a little dribble for a bit but it should stop eventually. Glad you got it sorted... kind of. :D
  31. N

    Tec12 Filter Leaking

    This is where I mean to smear loads of vaseline onto. Undo the 4 latches and take the top off, turn it upside down and you'll see a big rubber o-ring going round the outside. Clean this up and dry it off then pile some vaseline all round it making sure you get in all the gaps between the...
  32. N

    Wanted - Redmoor Wood

    Anybody got some wood they dont want? :(
  33. N

    Tec12 Filter Leaking

    Where is it leaking from? I had the same problem with mine leaking from around the latches, I took it apart and made sure all the baskets were the right way round and fixed in properly then clean up the rubber seal on the top of the filter (the bit that you take off to get to the media) and...
  34. N

    Wanted - Redmoor Wood

    Still looking for my rescape next week!
  35. N

    Wanted - Redmoor Wood

    Hey guys after a nice piece of Redmoor, rooty bit if possible close to Bristol so I can collect and save money on postage! Wanted: Item Wanted - Redmoor wood Condition Required - Wooden-like.... :D Price Limit - £15 Picture or Link to Item Location - Bristol All negotiations and questions...
  36. N

    Xmas Moss

    How much would you like? :D
  37. N

    Redmoor Wood For Sale

    Based in Bristol
  38. N

    Redmoor Wood For Sale

    I like that first piece, pm me a price on what you want for it with postage please! Rough size too?
  39. N

    Xmas Moss

    Anyone got some rooty redmoor to swap? Doesnt have to be a massive piece as I already got some.
  40. N

    Wanted - Various Cryptocoryne

    Wanted: Any Cryptocornes I can grow in a low tech tank, I dose dry ferts and liquid carbon. Item Wanted Condition Required - Alive would be nice Price Limit - Free or a few ££ Picture or Link to Item Location - Bristol or will cover postage Hi guys need some new plants to rescape my tank with...