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  1. D

    How to Sanitize Live Plants

    Two things you could try. I usually use the first method, especially if you don't have a snail problem. Mix aquarium salt to a fairly strong solution(disinfectant solution) and give your plants a 5 minute dip into the solution holding onto its roots. Then turn the plant the other way and dip...
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    Keeping the lighting off also helps to reduce stress.
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    Algae Destroyer stuff

    The simple answer is, No Your algae eater will not touch the stuff. If you have a reoccuring algae problem then you need to look at your water chemistry and/or lighting, before you spend all your time curing the problem for it to re-appear. You will need to physically take out the offending...
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    New member

    Hello and a warm welcome to you andyjd. Please feel free to roam about and if you find you're stuck with anything we have an international bank of knowledge base here. We try to be as helpful as possible. Have a look in our beginners questions.
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    Newbie Warning

    Hi LJH Welcome to the forum. No lectures-just a warm hello and glad you are here to join us.
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    Where to put phosphate absorber in the tank?

    Pleasure's all mine. :wub: :wub: :wub: :*)
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    black molly has ich or not

    Sorry WWW, didn't notice the other thread. We were however of the same mind- we both think it is a protozoan disease. I'll close this one so the other can continue if necessary. Great minds think alike!!!! :lol: :lol:
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    White clouds

    As WCM are egg layers and they shed their eggs amongst greenery and the substrate, you can keep any fish that occupy the substrate level. Fish by nature will eat other eggs and fry if they have a chance to anyway. I have 8 female guppies and they are always gravid and unless I actually put the...
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    black molly has ich or not

    The symptoms you describe sound like Velvet. Mollies particularily black ones tend to be quite prone to it if they are stressed or living in poor water conditions. Dinoflagellete Protozoa, which is potentially lethel to fish. It is similar to white spot but far more lethel and difficult to...
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    A general indication is when the pads get dirty and will not clean when you rise it. Once that happens and you start to return more dirt than you get rid off, that is a sure sign to change the pads. Charcoal, unless it's a super grade should be changed every 2 weeks. (Super grade will take 4...
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    Yes I agree with the above. Feed tem as much as they will eat in about 3 minutes. Anymore and the food sinks to the bottom and may start to decay causing you problems. Fish by nature are always on the hunt and will always seem hungry. Underfeeding is better than overfeeding.
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    selling babies

    Most lfs won't take them unless they are adults. Not necessarily mature, but large enugh to sell onto customers. Remember customer's want to see the colouration of the fish before they buy. Look at it this way. If you went into a fish shop, what would you expect to see before you buy. The same...
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    settling a pond

    Macky, the preformed pond will move as the weight of the water beds it down into place. Thereafter the natural movement of expansion/contraction will move the pond naturally. Preformed ponds are flexible enough to withstand the natural movement. You will probably find that the pond will settle...
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    Where to put phosphate absorber in the tank?

    Feline, yes place the resin in a nylon sack and then wrap a single layer of filter floss loosely around the sack. Then place this in the outlet part of your filter. To test for phosphates, what I would suggest is that you buy a liquid test kit specifically designed for phosphates. A good lfs...
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    fish laying on gravel and breathing heavily

    This is the problem that I was afraid you were going to say. Once you tamper with water quality and fish succumb to the rapid change in water chemistry, many types of complications follow. This will be just one of them. I'm not going to give you a sermon of the rights or wrongs. What I'm going...
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    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to the site-enjoy your stay. Happy Fishkeeping! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    fish laying on gravel and breathing heavily

    Do you know what the Ph levels at your lfs are? The fish should remain at the same level. Most textbooks give you a Ph level that is natural for the particular species. The thing to remember is, unless your fish have been imported from abroad the Ph level will be whatever the breeder has used...
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    Euthanasia of fish

    EUTHANASIA For the aquarist the saddest job is that of euthanasia. This however is necessary in some cases, to avoid unnecessary suffering and pain to your fish. A lot has been written about this topic and there are many divided opinions. The opinion that I am about to give you is from an...
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    Tropical or Cold Water??

    Hello HooDude, Not sensitive, just considerate of other users. What a member thinks is right and speaks their mind without due care and attention may indeed offend another member. The reason that this forum is so successful, and you will notice if you look at the format of all successful forums...
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    Need preventative advise

    There are three things here both of which may or may not be obvious. The first is what appears to be a bruise could be symptomatic of something more sinister such as an internal haemorrage, and secondly the fish will have been stressed with the struggle and may have lost valuable electrolyte...
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    Hi...brand newbie

    Welcome FC Nice of you to visit us, I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. There is another newbie with frogs-you'll get on great guns shareing your experiences and trials and tribulations. Happy Fishkeeping! :thumbs:
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    Thank You

    Glad to be of help. :nod:
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    I am a newbie too!

    Welcome peach3. It is very nice of you to be so complimentary about our site. We like to think of ourselves as a family unit. It would be nice if you completed the part regarding your location, so we all know who and where we are talking to. Enjoy you stay with us.
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    liqui-fry + brine shrimp

    1 drop per 4 ltrs. X 2 per day. If the guppies are less than 4 weeks old they may choke on brine shrimp. Just feed the liquifry to the guppies instead.
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    strange marks

    You are very welcome macky, it is nice for a member to have appreciation for the assistance given to them. :nod:
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    Tropical or Cold Water??

    Snotirl, let's play nicely-no need to be nasty. We all had to learn, some of us still are learning, arn't we????? Nothing is "obvious"when you are learning something new. It is only obvious with experience.
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    fish laying on gravel and breathing heavily

    It always amazes me when I read fishkeepers reducing/increasing the Ph of the water. Why did you want to reduce the water's Ph? Remember reducing the Ph by more than .2 from their "normal" water that they were kept in will give then toxic shock. The symptoms you describe are classic of Toxic...
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    HELP with Guppy fry

    I am going to assume that you have more than one fry alive, and that you are asking about this one in particular. This fry is a runt and should be destroyed for its own good. The brown on it's stomach area is the remains of the yolk sac and the white is the infection that happens when the yolk...
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    Algae Problems

    If I had a penny every time someone asked about the dreaded algae, I would be an extremely rich man by now. Personally I think you are giving too much light. I see what you are saying when you say that you turn off the lighting for 2 hours. Remember even when the lighting is off, the "captured"...
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    This is why the fish rule applies. :P
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    Where to put phosphate absorber in the tank?

    Placing the bag inside the filter seperated by some filter floss is the best place. So when the filter pulls in the detritus and filters the water up through the system, it passes thhrough the remover and then out back into the tank. A word of caution. Check your water after 2 weeks or so...
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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P
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    can fish hear???

    It all depends what you mean by hear. If you are describing the sensation that humans experience, then your answer is No. However fish do have a more sensitive structure than hearing. All fish are equipped with a line running down both sides of their flank. This line is known as the lateral line...
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    hi e1

    Welcome to the forum, hope you will enjoy yourself here.
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    White spot on pregnent guppies mouth

    It sounds unusual that a single white spot is a sign of ick. It is more likely to be some sort of ulcer or an fungal infection. What I would do is see if anything else appears, and maybe add some Liquisil in the tank as a general precaution.
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    Live fry or eggs?

    Starla, This is a little experiment you can do for yourself. Val is correct in that Guppies do bear live young, but if you have a tank with other occupants I doubt you will even see the fry. I suggest if you wish to see the fry, you can buy a cheap breeder tank. This is a small plastic...
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    THIS IS A BIT OF ADVICE FOR THE ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS' AMONGST YOU. Whilst every effort has been taken by users of this forum to give you the best advice, no liability claim can be taken against any individual for the information that has been given freely and in good faith. It is beyond the...
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    Treating Ich

    Wet, we have coppersafe from Interpet. I think it's from them anyway. Similar ingredients.(Chelated copper) Lethel to all inverts. I used to use Malichite Green, even more potent and a natural poison to inverts. Now I have an ozoneator which destroys everything microscopic.
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    Black Skirt Tetra Always Hides

    All fish are territorial, and adding a new fish into an established environment does cause some stress. In an established aquarium, everyone has their pecking order, and to add a newbie in this disrupts the cycle. If the betta you've added is very much larger than the occupants, this too will...
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    Treating Ich

    Have you seen my article in beginners questions regarding ICH. You may find it interesting. The thing to remember is medicines will not kill the white spot whilst it's on it's host. It has to be in the free swimming stage for the medicine to work. Increasing water temp. will increase the speed...