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  1. Doomchibi

    Bored Green Spotted Puffer

    I have a single young Green Spotted Puffer in a 29g brackish tank and it seems bored. I have heard that when they go up and down on the glass repeatedly, it is a sign of it. I have some artificial plants, a flower pot and some artificial wood pieces in the tank that at first it seemed to enjoy...
  2. Doomchibi

    Who Killed My Guppy! Please Help Me Out Guys

    I would like to know as well, did you find the fish dead with marks or injuries on it? Was it recently diseased? It is possible it died from natural causes and if not noticed immediately your other fish may have tried to eat the remains, making it look like it was attacked. It seems unlikely...
  3. Doomchibi

    Cycling After Fish Fail?

    Was the water you added for the change the same temperature as the tank and dechlorinated? To me it sounds like shock is what killed them.   If you can, you should really make getting an ammonia testing kit a priority or at the very least look for an Ammonia Alert badge to hang in the tank, it...
  4. Doomchibi

    Heater In House Broken And No Heater On Tank

    Bettas are tropical and like at a minimum, 78F on the lower end and prefer around 82F. Everything I have been reading say neons prefer a water temperature of no lower than 74F, and a quick search on the Albino cories is showing me the same temperature ranges as the betta. Sure, they may be...
  5. Doomchibi

    Heater In House Broken And No Heater On Tank

    What about those little 5-10 hour handwarmers you can buy that you shake up to activate? The packets? You could buy a few of the smaller ones, activate one and stick it in a ziploc bag and drop it in the tank. Just check your tank every few hours or so just to make sure it's not too warm. I have...
  6. Doomchibi

    Why Am I So Forgetful?!?

    Put a note somewhere you will definitely see it, like on your computer screen, or on the light switch, on your shoes, toothbrush.. something like that. If you have a mobile phone, set an alarm to go off to remind you. Or even just put a note on your betta's food, i'm sure you aren't going weeks...
  7. Doomchibi

    30G Stocking

    I think it's pushing it but if you were going to go with an angel regardless, the tall would be better than the long. Still, ideally you should wait for a larger tank to keep an adult or it would be stressed and may get aggressive. If this is a very small angel you may be okay until it grows a...
  8. Doomchibi

    Columnaris... Molly's Lips Fell Off!

    As an update.. I have been treating him since the fuzz started growing, and it seems he is completely clean from the disease now. I have been continuing the tetracycline and pimafix and finished the suggested doses for those, and I have been using salt as well. My hospital tank water still looks...
  9. Doomchibi

    Is My Mystery Snail Dead / Dying?

    He seems to have completely disappeared from where he was yesterday. I checked all around my driftwood, plants, near the filter intake, and all along the top of the glass that is out of the water. I think somehow he must have been alive and decided to hide somewhere.. My tank is completely...
  10. Doomchibi

    How Badly Overstocked Is This Tank?

    At the moment she doesn't have a single living plant in her tank and i'm finding it hard to believe she would be interested in trying to keep them unfortunately. She thinks they are a lot of work / too difficult to keep alive. She loves how they look, she just really doesn't want to put more...
  11. Doomchibi

    December 2013 -- Fish Of The Month Winner

    He's beautiful :) What do you feed him? Congratulations on some seriously amazing breeding.
  12. Doomchibi

    Help! Not What I Ordered

    I admit he's pretty cute but i'd still be a little frustrated that I didn't get the plant. If you haven't already, you should call the company so at the very least they can check if their stock is all screwed up or if they are missing things.
  13. Doomchibi

    How Badly Overstocked Is This Tank?

    My mother has a 90 gallon tank set up in our living room and over the years she has had some questionable things and bad mixes in there, yet right now I think it is at it's worst. She ignored me when I told her it was a bad idea, but a few months back she added about 10 male and 5 female fancy...
  14. Doomchibi

    Multiple Predator Fishes In A Tank

    What size tank are you trying to add the fish to? It could be that your current fish is getting territorial due to lack of space.. I can't really tell from the picture how many gallons it is. 
  15. Doomchibi

    Help! Not What I Ordered

    I think you should definitely contact the store or company you purchased from, they will likely send you the plant for free and may even let you keep the.. slug.. i you want it. (I didn't even know there were aquatic slugs!) They may be able to tell you what it is if you describe it to them...
  16. Doomchibi

    Is My Mystery Snail Dead / Dying?

    I have a 2" black mystery snail in my 75g freshwater tank, and up until now he has been perfectly fine and all over the place. I just went to feed everyone and I found it at the front of the tank, partially out of it's shell..? I reached in and poked him, (he did not respond) and moved him a bit...
  17. Doomchibi

    55 Gallon Stocking Help

    If you really want to keep both the raphael and shark in the same tank, get lots of pieces of wood, plants etc to keep on the bottom and break up line of sight. I have a rainbow shark and african featherfin catfish sharing a tank and since they have had more wood and plants added, they hardly if...
  18. Doomchibi

    55 Gallon Stocking Help

    From what I understand, Kribensis are very devout parents almost to a fault. I have never had them myself but have been told that as soon as they start breeding, they will become very aggressive towards your other fish and will get extremely territorial. If you are set on getting them, i'd say...
  19. Doomchibi

    Freshwater Clams

    Your frog actually swam *into* the open shell of your clam? Aren't clams capable of closing very quickly when startled? I'd be terrified that something would move too quickly and next i'd be down one frog. I take it that never happened? Still, scary thought. 
  20. Doomchibi

    Guppy Compatibility

    I second no angelfish, When I was younger I had an otherwise peaceful community tank with some guppies and within a week of adding the angelfish most of them disappeared. Perhaps look into some blue rams? Danios should also go well with guppies, and I used to keep rummy-nose and lemon tetras...
  21. Doomchibi

    December 2013 -- Fish Of The Month Winner

    That's an amazing coloration.  Anyone know what that is called exactly? (the color variation)
  22. Doomchibi

    Not A Platy After All...?

    You can use the picture here for reference :) Congrats on the new platy.
  23. Doomchibi

    Identification Confirmation!

    I don't know about Florida, but if the OP is in Canada like their profile says they are, they are legal to own there.
  24. Doomchibi

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Your profile picture reminds me of "The Scream"  
  25. Doomchibi

    Columnaris... Molly's Lips Fell Off!

    I was feeding my other fish and watched it continue to try to eat bubbles for a while, so I tried putting a couple brine shrimp in and at first it couldn't eat them but I think it's figured out how. It doesn't eat them like a normal fish now, the food gets pulled onto it's mouth and then gets...
  26. Doomchibi

    Super Aggressive Molly?

    I have had some annoying mollies, but I very much doubt they are capable of harming any fish that are bigger than they are. Our guppies do more damage to eachother than mollies ever have. Maybe you should add more plants or wood, decor etc to break up line of sight a bit? Is your other molly a...
  27. Doomchibi

    Should I Re-Home My Red-Tailed Shark?

    I just wanted to add, it's also possible that the red-tail was being aggravated by your more vibrant fish. Are any of your platys an orange-red color? Are your neons very bright? Red-tails and rainbow sharks are a bit like bettas in the sense that they get upset with fish that resemble them...
  28. Doomchibi

    Columnaris... Molly's Lips Fell Off!

    I made the mistake of purchasing a couple mollies from Wal-mart only to soon find out one of them had cotton-mouth. I moved it to a hospital tank and started treating it with both Pimafix and tetracycline because it was all I had on hand and I read in a few places that it would help. Both the...
  29. Doomchibi

    Can Platys Tolerate Brackish Water?

    Yes, at the moment it is only one. It was the only one at the store in the middle of about 30 rainbow sharks, looked terrified and I thought it was very pretty which is why I was convinced to buy it. I am planning on getting some more community fish to keep with it soon. I have it in my semi...
  30. Doomchibi

    Can Platys Tolerate Brackish Water?

    Alright, i'll keep the platy in freshwater then. It's also nice to know the mollies are going to get to a decent size, it will help keep the other fish from trying to eat them. I am hoping the platy would be happy enough living by itself for a while though, at least until I found something else...
  31. Doomchibi

    Can Platys Tolerate Brackish Water?

    I had gone to buy a few mollies for my brackish tank and my mother talked me into a little platy as well. Currently they are all in a freshwater tank so they can have a few days rest after being moved, and the platy is welcome to stay in it if it would be happier. I would like to be able to move...
  32. Doomchibi

    Would 4" Columbian Shark Catfish Be Safe With Smaller Fish?

    Well, i've got 2 now since they were the last the store I went to had, and i'm going to go out for the 3rd as soon as I find another. I also got 2 mollies and i'm going to be watching all of them to make sure no one is being bullied, and i'll probably end up moving the mollies out when the...
  33. Doomchibi

    Would 4" Columbian Shark Catfish Be Safe With Smaller Fish?

    Would the sharks start biting at the other fish as they were growing, before they could actually eat them, or am I more likely to suddenly be missing fish with no warning?
  34. Doomchibi

    Possible Tankmates For Leopard Ctenopoma And Rainbow Shark?

    I'd say there are 12+, I have five medium \ large pieces of mopani and malaysian driftwood, a large artificial tree stump with multiple openings, and currently 12 plants. The knife hides in the top of the stump, the featherfin in an outer knot, the rainbow shark underneath a middle piece of wood...
  35. Doomchibi

    Hi Im New! And Confused!

    Do you have the koi in with your other fish? Your other fish are tropical while the koi should be in a cold water tank, and they will definitely outgrow the 46g if that is what they are in. You can keep knight gobies with puffers, but I have heard those gobies only really tolerate low end...
  36. Doomchibi

    Would 4" Columbian Shark Catfish Be Safe With Smaller Fish?

    My plan is to keep 3 baby columbian shark catfish in my 55g brackish tank until the sharks are a bit under 4", after which I would be moving them to a much larger tank with some monos and scats so they can eventually be converted to marine as they all grow.   My reason for keeping them in the...
  37. Doomchibi

    Possible Tankmates For Leopard Ctenopoma And Rainbow Shark?

    In the small tank, when the bichir went near the knife he would go at them as if he wanted to bite them until they swam off, and a few times he seemed as if he was going to chase them. Since they have been in the 75g, the knife is all over the tank and seems much happier. The only aggression...
  38. Doomchibi

    Possible Tankmates For Leopard Ctenopoma And Rainbow Shark?

    I found a reasonably small African brown knife and a baby featherfin catfish and added them both to the tank a couple days ago and so far none of them are too nippy with each other. Planning on putting them all into the 75 today I'm keeping the smaller tank set up for now as a backup while i'm...
  39. Doomchibi

    Possible Tankmates For Leopard Ctenopoma And Rainbow Shark?

    I went to to my LFS planning on picking up some water sprite for one of my tanks, ending up walking by the fish and HELLO.. Little baby albino senegals, AND marbled bichir. This store has never carried them and everyone I spoke to had no clue who ordered them. I was planning on getting the...
  40. Doomchibi

    Possible Tankmates For Leopard Ctenopoma And Rainbow Shark?

    No, you didn't at all- don't worry. I'll give the angels a try and give them to my mother if they start getting bitten fins, and then try out the snakeskin gourami as my second attempt unless I find a better idea. 