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  1. l_l_l


    Hi and welcome! Hope you have fun here!
  2. l_l_l

    Are Backgrounds Needed ?

    It all depends on what kind of fish you have. If you have fish that prefer dark substrate and dimmed lightning, I think you'd be better with a background.
  3. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    Back from the shop bought a couple of plants and fishes yesterday: new update.   First of: Got 14 Hemigrammus rhodostomus A dozen of CPDs, (got about 3-4 males out of these) 4 nerite snails 6 Amano shrimp About 10 Pygmy Corydoras!   That's it! Tank is fully stocked.   I'll take a snapshot when...
  4. l_l_l

    Fish "bag Floating" At Home.

    girlfriend got home. All fish are safe and sound
  5. l_l_l

    Fish "bag Floating" At Home.

    Hi! I have bought some new fish to put in my tank this morning. I am aclimating them to the temperature and doing the drip method and left home for 15 minutes (Was supposed to be 15).. Returning from the car ride, I realized it was already late and should head for work. I told my girlfriend...
  6. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    wow. chain loaches were 10$ each. Fml
  7. l_l_l

    Is My Betta Sick? Need Help Please...

    Yellow dust covering makes me think of oodinium..   Here is a PDF on the subjecT:
  8. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    Yep, I know that they would do ok in 24-25 water altho I know that they really prefer the 22C water. I'm now considering pygmy loaches as they would fit exactly in what my aquarium specifications. Argggghh Haha my girfriend will think I'm crazy.
  9. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    Oh I forgot about the panda corries, again. Wondering if I should get them as the more I'm reading, the more I'm seeing they should be kept in cooler water :|
  10. l_l_l

    Unfortunate Circumstance. Need Advice

    Except the fact that it might make more noise, I don't think so. 1. Maybe your fish won't like the increased ammount of current. 2. If your other tank has bacteria or disease, it will also contaminate your filter. 3. I don't know.   I'd wait for other people to answer tho as I am still fairly...
  11. l_l_l

    What's Wrong With My Betta?

    I'm thinking you should test your water and see what it tells you.   It is said that a good fishkeeper is not known as a fishkeeper but as a waterkeeper.
  12. l_l_l

    What Breed Is Your Dog?

    I have a dog which is a German Shepperd X Labrador. He basically looks like a Labrador with GS colors. Really cute and friendly, he's a big big baby. (Not fat)
  13. l_l_l

    Unfortunate Circumstance. Need Advice

    You could bring the filter with you and run it in the 15g you have at home, you can empty the water from the other tank while you are out.
  14. l_l_l

    Compatibility And Stocking Of A 240 Litre Tank.

    The only thing I know is that you might have problems with that many Cichlids in your tank.
  15. l_l_l

    Beginner Lighting Question And General Setup

    Light doesn't really matter as plastic plants don't require it.
  16. l_l_l

    Low Tech, Low Light, Red Plant?

    It's good to know that red tiger lotus goes to the surface as I do require a bit of surface plants. :)   I think I might be stuck without red plants.
  17. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    I'll call my LFS see if they have any! They seem harder to find than RCS :/
  18. l_l_l

    Show Me Your Bettas!

    I was really sad when I pulled up that link as well! I can't imagine what you are going through right now.. As other people said on that thread, the "only way" to help him would be to remove some of that nasty stuff from him, if you are confortable in doing so. I wouldn't be. I'm hoping there is...
  19. l_l_l

    Low Tech, Low Light, Red Plant?

    I'm sure the question has been asked many many times, but I do have to ask anyways. Are there any low light, low tech red plants that exists? I'm asking because my tank HAS to be low light, considering I have low light fishies!   Thank you! :D
  20. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    Now I'm debating on either getting cherry shrimp or amanos.. I already have cherries in my other 20 gallon tank but seeing how my gourami is such a pig, I'm scared he'll see the cherry as a very tasty expensive snack.
  21. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    thank you! stocking will be 13 rummy nose tetras, 1 pearl gourami, 5 nerite snails, 9 celestial pearl danios and a dozen of cherry shrimp
  22. l_l_l

    Setting Up New Tank, 46 G Project.

    Hi hi! Bug update. Tank is cycled and stocked with a pearl gourami. fell in love with the little guy and couldn't resist. Here is the tank so far : I am also not going to stock Harlequin rasboras anymore but rather go with a larger school of rummynose. Any input on scaping, tips, etc.. Cheers!
  23. l_l_l

    Show Me Your Bettas!

    LOL!   I have came accross this website that might countain the info you are looking for.
  24. l_l_l

    Show Me Your Bettas!

    MAybe your Betta is actually a female?
  25. l_l_l

    Plant Id Please!

    See exemple here!  
  26. l_l_l

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    ugh. Where I live there are about 10 in a half hour radius.. I'd send you some but yeah.. expensive shipping
  27. l_l_l

    Plant Id Please!

    thank you! Searched in crypt database and they are crypt wendtii I decided to plant them in the middle of my tank, mid ground
  28. l_l_l

    Plant Id Please!

    Hi! I bought a couple of plants tonight and the guy gave me a couple of these as a bonus.. he didnt know what they were tho lol. neither do I
  29. l_l_l

    Betta Has Clamped Fins

    Well I haven't done anything different no! I'm doing 95% water changes every other day, remedicate at the same time (a bit of aquarium salt, a bit of med + prime) and make sure the water is the same temperature than his tank.   He eats every day, pellets of various sorts, and I gave him a frozen...
  30. l_l_l

    Looking For A "showpiece" Fish For Community.

    Yeah I was actually thinking about reducing the school to only one big school of rummynose. Happier fish, and "tighter school". The main reason why I want gourami is because I want to "fill" the top part of my tank.   Edit: The more I'm looking at the pearl gourami, the more I'm thinking of...
  31. l_l_l

    Looking For A "showpiece" Fish For Community.

    It's true, I am just scared of losing a friend :( When my Betta got sick I was so sad! Now he's better tho :P   I'd get bamboo and Cherry because I already have some and they tend to be AOK with my fishes. I do lose one shrimp once in a while but they breed so much it seems to be all right. My...
  32. l_l_l

    Looking For A "showpiece" Fish For Community.

    Hi there!   I am going to stock my 46gallon tank this week-weekend, which has been cycled already. (hurray dirty filter!) Here is what I'm setting on:   9 Rummynose Tetras 9 Celestial pearl Danios 9 Harlequin Rasboras 7 Corydora Pandas 2 Bamboo Shrimp A dozen of cherry shrimp 3-4 Nerite Snails...
  33. l_l_l

    What Languages Do You Speak?

    My native language is French, been speaking english since I'm 9 and started learning Spanish for two years but couldn't practice so lost it! :(
  34. l_l_l

    Where To Get My Rock On?

    I found my rock at the local disc store. It was really expensive.   Joking aside, even if you buy online, won't it cost a lot of money for shipping?   I buy mine from a LFS and they sell them at 1$ a pound. I got some pretty nice rocks from there but had to search and go often! Same thing goes...
  35. l_l_l

    Cycling My 46G Bowfront. Weird Readings.

    Yes! Exactly what I was thinking! This is why I was really wondering why in hell I had .25 ppm ammonia but no Nitrites, but had Nitrate readings..   Then I tested my tap water as well, to compare colors, and same color pattern, a bit under the 0.25ppm color, but not full yellow like the API card...
  36. l_l_l

    How To Get More "viewing Time" Out Of My Tank?

    I'm not sure, I was under the impression that I should be giving the aquarium lots of light to succeed! I'll try to give from 4pm to 10pm and see what happens :)
  37. l_l_l

    How To Get More "viewing Time" Out Of My Tank?

    But wouldn't I still be sitting at more than 12 hours of light?
  38. l_l_l

    How To Get More "viewing Time" Out Of My Tank?

    Hi! I have recently purchased a timer and now I'm setting it to be on for about 10 hours as I have plants in there. I know that my tetras and betta prefer low light, and my plants as well, but I want to make sure that the plants do have enough light throughout the day.   The aquarium is in a...
  39. l_l_l

    Shrimp Mating

    Hi! I think I just saw my shrimp "doing it". There was this female who was with a male, male being really pale I thought he had died and the shrimp was eating it.. It scared me because I know that a dead shrimp in an aquarium isn't a good sign. Then suddenly: poof! The male and female part...
  40. l_l_l

    Cycling My 46G Bowfront. Weird Readings.

    Guys, I'm cycled!!!!