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  1. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    It's just rigid tubing, I guess with an airstone it would be harder to set at 3 bubbles per second.
  2. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I'm pretty sure you could get more than a $ each especially since you are willing to trade for store credit. Depends on how much they go for at your store, you could probably get about 1/3rd of their sale price. Lets say they sell for 15$, you'd sell them for 5$ each..   This is my setup. I...
  3. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I'm planning to sell them to various people and at local auctions and then sell the rest to LFS.   After 2 months in, I'm thinking it's just a good challenge to raise the fry but am not sure if it's worth the time and effort to make money out of them.. I'll only know once I get to sell them :P
  4. l_l_l

    Looking At Swapping To Cichlids

    Well, you could always go with a very low maintenance planted tank! I rarely dose ferts in my tank, maybe once every month or so, for my rooted stuff..
  5. l_l_l

    Catching Fast Fish

    Fast fish are very hard to catch if there is hardscape in the way. I've tried fishing Rummynose tetras once and had to remove everything + lower water volume to make it.   When you remove your hard decor, try to do it slowly as it could stir up the substrate. The two nets trick is also very very...
  6. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I think they are in a growth spurt, they are bigger and bigger, more of them are about 1cm big now. I'm very excited!
  7. l_l_l

    Red Cherry Shrimp Not Breeding

    I have a lot of tanks with shrimp in it. Only my fry tanks have berried shrimp in them. I was able to breed shrimp with a small shoal of neons (6) in a 20 g but as soon as I added Peacock Gudgeons in there, they stopped.   Now, I can only count of my fry tank to produce more and more shrimp.
  8. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Another report. I starred at the tank for another hour or so yesterday, looks like I have 3 peacock gudgeons that are far bigger than the others and are coloring up! They have a little bit of pink and their top fins is very pale yellow! Yay!!   Sorry if I did not do a lot of updates recently, I...
  9. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    My male is at it every two weeks about. Here is a video update
  10. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I feed my Grindal worms Low quality cat food, they really like to eat grains and all, not sure about the blanched veggies, I never tried.
  11. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    They are actually in the same family than earthworms! :)   Bloodworms are bigger than grindal worms tho, so you won't be able to feed them before at least 2 months.   My tank is at 76F right now and it feels hot. What kind of thermometer do you have? I have a glass one that is always in there.  ...
  12. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Grindal worms are bigger than micro worms, and a lot bigger. They would be a perfect food to condition you gudgeons into breeding, that is what I use.
  13. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I use a turkey baster when the debris at the bottom is unbearable (1 per month). With the shrimp cleaning crew I have, the debris is mostly mulm, which is good for the plants. You can see in my videos that my bottom is not clean at all!   As for the water change, I use a syphon to which I added...
  14. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I know right? I wasn't really expecting the population to grow in there but looks like they are really happy haha! I can't wait to set my second 5 gallon tank and see another colony explode! :D
  15. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Update time!!! 40 days old!!
  16. l_l_l

    Question About Light In Relation To Plants

    I'm thinking your light might be too low as the valisneria is growing slowly not trying to reach for lights.   But again, what kind of tank do you have? LED WATTAGE is very different than normal t5h0 and all..
  17. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Yesterday I've noticed that the pevlic fins have developed over the last few days and the black spot is starting to be even more opaque than before. I've fed the grindal worms this morning and they all ate it pretty well!  
  18. l_l_l

    New Peacock Gudgeon

    These guys are right on about this. One quick suggestion, if you decide to add a male Peacock Gudgeon, make sure you also get another female. Ideal ratio is 1 male, 2 female.
  19. l_l_l

    Tips On Breeding Fish (For Money)

    I find this topic quite interesting as I am also breeding fish right now. I don't want to make a living out of it but I plan on at least getting a few dollars every now and then.   Right now I'm breeding Tateurndina Ocellicauda which is a rarer fish from where I live. I have already spoken with...
  20. l_l_l

    Planted 46Gallon Aquarium

    New scape and fishes..
  21. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Today I've noticed that some of my fry are growing their second top fin! Yayyyy!!
  22. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Hehehe thank you! :) I'm really happy about how it's going, getting them to eat frozen food is a big step up! :)   Right now they have ate:   Krill Fines, Micro Worms, Live & Frozen Baby Brine Shrimp, Decapsulated BBS, Some Crushed Flakes, Some Crushed NLS Pellets, Grindal Worms. The grindal...
  23. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

  24. l_l_l

    Trimming Betta's Tail.

    Thank you again for all of your input.   WildBetta, I'm also seeing my Betta struggling swimming and going full flare, he's almost never straight and like you said he mostly hangs at the bottom of the tank in my crypts. Maybe this is why his fins are showing rot or something.. From them always...
  25. l_l_l

    Trimming Betta's Tail.

    Poor little guy, he's got it good now tho!   Thanks for posting,   What did you use to trim his fins?
  26. l_l_l

    My New Project!

    Hi there! I think the tank design is a little bit off. I'd place those large pebbles in the back of the tank instead of the front. Defenitely add more plants, right now it doesn't look very natural. I also suggest moving the wood a little bit on the right or left. Right now it is right in the...
  27. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Today they almost all show the black spot, I've fed them very small grindal worms and they seemed to devour them! For the microworms.. Some of them don't care, some of them do. Still alterning between frozen/non frozen/ ground up flakes, hopefully one day all of them will catch on.   I'm also...
  28. l_l_l

    Trimming Betta's Tail.

    I have taken a closer look at it's tail yesterday and I think he has a fin infection, hence why it's looking funky.. I'd really like to see a before after picture.
  29. l_l_l

    Trimming Betta's Tail.

    I also am trying to find something reliable, and if I'm going to do this, I want to make sure I do it correctly as I don't want to hurt the fish. I am very skilled with scalpels but still..
  30. l_l_l

    Trimming Betta's Tail.

    Thank you all for your answers.   My question has many goals, first one is to start a good discussion on this forum with experienced fish keepers. I also like to learn new stuff and know more about the hobby and fish, therefore, I also ask controversial questions. I don't mind badmouthing so...
  31. l_l_l

    Planted Tank Lighting Help

    I run my lights in two cycles: from 8:30 AM to 11:11, then from 4:20 to 11:11. I have very low light on my tanks, less that .5W per gallon and I have ever seen any algae. I also have tons of shrimp.
  32. l_l_l

    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    It's true that a low PH isn't very good for nerite snails as the acidity will slowly dissolve their shell and then they die. Mine all are in a 7.4 environment.
  33. l_l_l

    What Was The Fish That First Got You Into Fish Keeping?

    It started with Koï in a too small 20 gallon tank. I rehomed the fish when it got too big, which happened really fast. Then I redesigned my whole tank to a planted community. One day I'll have a pond so I can treat Koï the way they deserve.
  34. l_l_l

    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    Nerite snails are very very nice because their eggs don't hatch in freshwater! All you'll see are small white eggs in a few places. They look like sesame seeds really. Some people are bothered by this, some aren't. I don't mind them. I have nerite snails in all of my tanks.
  35. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    We are at 25 days exactly. This morning I was able to see the black spot on some of the fry's tails!! ooooooh yeah!! :) Video coming soon.
  36. l_l_l

    Trimming Betta's Tail.

    Hi! I have seen a video where a hobbyist trimmed his arowana's tail because it grew back in a weird way, being not very beautiful in the end..   I was wondering if the same could be done for a betta, if so, how, and is the Betta going to hurt?  
  37. l_l_l

    Low Light Tall Plants

    Some smaller val would be nice and don't require a lot of light! :)
  38. l_l_l

    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    I have a 46 Gallon tank as well and I stocked it with different fish in the past year. I started with a large school (13) of Rummy nose tetras, they school tightly and are very active. I love them. I have a large school (13) of Celestial Pearl Danios. They can be seen everywhere, flaring at each...
  39. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Yesterday I found some frozen BBS at my lfs and was pretty happy. I bought a pack and some of the fish ate it, some others didn't.. Hopefully it's just a matter of time until they don't mind if it's moving or not.   Other good news: Some of them also started to catch on eating decapsulated brine...