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  1. JellOh

    Reporting Abuse

    I understand what you're saying :) I dunno, I've just always felt that they are labeled the smartest dog because of their drive. Kinda like that one kid in school who thinks he's hot stuff because he thinks he's smart, but he never does any work and has 30s in class. to me, intelegence isn't...
  2. JellOh

    Not Another Thread About... Gravel To Sand

    If you want to bring the color out in them then defiantly get the black sand. It makes everything much brighter while light sand seems to make it duller.
  3. JellOh

    Filter Revamp

    Well, my filter just isn't cutting it. I'll admit that I got the cheapest I could find that would fit in my tank because I thought it would work out fine. It hasn't. Even thought the tank is cycled I can't get amonia down to 0 and then have it stay at 0. So, rather than buy a new one I'd like to...
  4. JellOh

    Gunk In The Pipe

    I just have a bottle with a check valve attached to the air sone in the tank. I'll add a trap right away :)
  5. JellOh

    Reporting Abuse

    They are defiantly the smartest. I have 3 and 1/2 (mix breed) Border Collies and their intelligence is through the roof. They pick up things very quickly and can work for much longer than most dogs, so they end up learning a lot. They actually are the fastest in most canine sports including...
  6. JellOh

    Gunk In The Pipe

    I just set up a small DIY CO2 system yesterday, and when I was looking at it today the airline is full of gunk. It looks like animal fat, just in yellow. Is it supposed to be like that? What have I done wrong? How can I fix it?
  7. JellOh

    Reporting Abuse

    Thanks guys, I'll call ASAP. That's just terrible. I hate when people just kinda lose it and animals end up suffering. One of my rescued Border Collies came from a guy that was running a puppy mill. He started out fine, with some really nice BCs, but he got old and went something went wrong...
  8. JellOh

    Reporting Abuse

    Well, I have a fish store near me and it's absolutely disgusting. Everything is covered in dirt, the filters are all gunned up, the tanks are dirt, there are too many fish in one tank or fish that are in a tank 10x to small, and it's just terrible. They also have rodents, birds, and reptiles...
  9. JellOh

    Finally Made The Plunge And Will Be Stocking Soon

    Why not just order a bottle or two of ammonia off Amazon/eBay/DrFostersAndSmith/PetCo/PetSmart. You could probably even find it on AquaBid.
  10. JellOh

    Finally Made The Plunge And Will Be Stocking Soon

    Oh good, so the shrimp thingy is fine. As for stocking, with all that room you could add a betta large sorority with maybe a Bristlenose or Clown pleco. Or, you could get a gaint or king betta. I've even heard of people have a sorority of regular females with a gaint or two.
  11. JellOh

    Finally Made The Plunge And Will Be Stocking Soon

    Feel free to yell at me if I'm wrong, but can't you do a fishless cycle using decaying matter like raw shrimp? I've eard it mentioned once or twice, but I Donets know home effective it would be. So, justo correctg me if I'm wrong. Regardless, you might want to cycle your tank with something a...
  12. JellOh

    Downright Cruel :-(

    -cringe- I hates people. I found some one keeping 2 Rosy Barbs (that she called Angelfish) and 3 zebra danio in a 2 gallon hexagon. While that's no where near as bad, the fish were certainly happy to have more that 5" of swimming room.
  13. JellOh


    Hmm, I seem to be of the squeamish variety, as I just can't squish them. I'm 95% sure they are pond snails, so I have no idea what to do with them. Would they be ok in cold water? Do they eat plants? I might just throw them in my java moss jar and see how it goes. On a kind of unrelated note...
  14. JellOh


    This, sadly, is the best I could get   So, I'll try and describe them to you. They are brown, have a kinda pointed butt, they have 3 little ringlets that make up their body, they seem to be...
  15. JellOh


    That's right! I have some unidentified flying snails. Well, maybe they aren't flying, but I have no idea where they came from. I do have some apple snails in the tank, but wouldn't I notice eggs floating at the top of the tank? Plus, I don't leave enough room for them to breed, only about an...
  16. JellOh

    Stocking For A 60 Gallon

    Good idea, pepper cories are pretty cool looking. What are some good plants I could add the the rosey barbs wouldn't eat? Could I grow a carpet of glosso, or would they just destroy it?
  17. JellOh

    Stocking For A 60 Gallon

    Can you mix and match danios? I.e 3 Zebra, 3 pearl, and 3 GloFish. I will defiantly make a journal and take lots of pictures. I have a female right now that was taken out of my small sorority for being a bully, would it be safe to add her into the new tank? Or will she continue to cause problems?
  18. JellOh

    Stocking For A 60 Gallon

    TallTree01- Thanks for telling me about the names. And I really don't know how I got them mixed up. It kinda serves me right to trust someone who would put so many obviously active fish in such a small tank. That, and she called the glofish "neon fish". Now I'll probably just combine my two 10...
  19. JellOh

    Stocking For A 60 Gallon

    Fishaholic- Thank you very much for suggesting Rosey Barbs, as I looked them up... And I don't have any angelfish, apparently. Just two Rosey Barbs that I rescued of Craigslist because I thought they were small angels being kept with 3 Glofish in a 5 gallon tank. Somehow I failed to notice that...
  20. JellOh

    Stocking For A 60 Gallon

    As long as it'll work, I'm happy. And about the beta.. I just kinda like them *shrugs* ProNoob- He isn't common, nor will he get as big as a common pleco.
  21. JellOh

    Stocking For A 60 Gallon

    I'm just wonder if this could work or not. - 60 gallon with a heater, filter and the whole shabang - 2 small(2") angelfish of undetermined sex - 1 small (2") clown pleco - 1 small (1.5") albino bristlenose pleco - 5/10+ *female* betta The things I'm worried about is (A) if the angelfish will...