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  1. maurizio

    Tank Of The Year 2012 Voting Poll

    Man, this is T O U G H ! How can I possibly choose among all those WONDERS??!   I expect an almost equal distribution of the votes!
  2. maurizio

    Pretty High Nitrates In Tap-water?

    Yep, pretty much the same with those pearls: they are very light, so it was a pain to settle them into the sand bed, and they tend to surface all the time. Looks ugly.   Considering to go RO, which is really annoying for me, since I had planned and setup the whole tank seconding the local water...
  3. maurizio

    Eheim Vs Fluval Canisters

    I read recently very bad news of Eheim. As an owner I'm happy with its working so far, but it turned out impossible to prime after I started it. But after reading that thread I'm freaking out.
  4. maurizio

    Cheers CoryLover!

    Cheers CoryLover!
  5. maurizio

    Pretty High Nitrates In Tap-water?

    Hey Ross, any success with Easy Balance? I'm trying with Nitrate Minus pearls, but so far no changes. Struggling with brown algae, and snails still hiding. They do come out at night and eat, though.
  6. maurizio

    Leaking Eheim Pro 3

    This is freaking me out. I own a 2073, bought from a german company in summer 2010, so I assume I'd better get ready for the worse. I travel a lot, unfortunately, and at the moment I'm about 9000 km away from home. I have carpet and wooden floor in a century-old house, at first floor, so this...
  7. maurizio

    Yucky Brown Stuff Growing On Ornaments?

    I wonder why nobody has yet replied to this. I'd bet it's diatoms. You'll find a lot around about them, but mainly, it's a sort of algae, with an exoskeleton based on silicates. Blooms are said to happen typically in immature tanks, but you don't wanna see a pic of my own tank right now, after...
  8. maurizio

    February Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    Let's give it a try... I caught my archer while shooting. Pic's not clear, though...    
  9. maurizio

    January Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    Sounds good, it really deserves better coverage!
  10. maurizio

    January Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    I'd have loved a better picture of tank 7!
  11. maurizio

    Brackish Tank

    Never heard of T. nigrirostris: are you sure of this name? It appears only in portuguese (brazilian?) websites, maybe a homonym of another species of Tetraodon...
  12. maurizio

    Need Help On How To Do Easier Water Changes, "python" Etc

    This stuff looks great. Can't find a retailer in Europe, any idea?
  13. maurizio

    Fish And Machines

    I've always been curious about this, my archers show a mix of fear and hyperactivity during water changes: is there a definitive explanation for this?
  14. maurizio

    Pretty High Nitrates In Tap-water?

    Looking forward to hearing your results, Ross, I'm pretty desperate here. Fish appear to be fine, and always have, but I don't know what else may be affecting so badly the snails. I need them back at work!
  15. maurizio

    Pretty High Nitrates In Tap-water?

    Ten desperate Vallis, and 1 mangrove propagula. Say, unplanted. Also, from what I read, only massive plantation would really work on NO3.
  16. maurizio

    Pretty High Nitrates In Tap-water?

    Easy balance doesn't seem to act on NO3. In my potential wish list I have JBL BioNitrateEx and Tetra Nitrate Minus pearls. I don't know how really efficient they are, again, I read conflicting reviews. I also got some EasyLife Symbiont, which will go into my filter as soon as I clean it next time.
  17. maurizio

    Pretty High Nitrates In Tap-water?

    Denmark here, same stuff, I start at 36-39 mg/l from tap. Law limit is 50, pretty much all over Europe. Now that my tank is fully stocked, though, I'm having problems, I'm constantly over 75 mg/l in the tank, in spite of water changes. Two nerites dead, the others unseen since a month or so...
  18. maurizio

    May Start A Brackish Tank?

    Indian glassfish? Parambassis ranga? No idea of compatibility, though, I don''t know about the chromides.
  19. maurizio

    Plant Advice

    I think buying plants online is relatively OK. Wouldn't do it with fish, though... Plants coming from good quality producers have paradoxically more problems to adapt, since they enjoyed top notch treatment until then. I heard two shops here in town (Denmark!) which don't buy anymore from...
  20. maurizio

    Looking Into Brackish!

    Hello John, and welcome. I have archers (T. microlepis) in pretty much the same environment you've mentioned, normal sand with large artificial roots and a couple of mangrove propagulae slowly growing in there. The tank is a 240 l, full up to 130-150 l, thus leaving plenty of air space to enjoy...
  21. maurizio

    Plant Advice

    Next time I'll get them online, but here where I live I don't have a large choice, so I ended up using this Colombo Flora-Grow liquid, which indeed defines Fe, Mg, K and Co as trace elements. So, in my case, perhaps I should up things a bit (I'm just freaking scared of algae! ), as suggested by...
  22. maurizio

    Plant Advice

    Hi Lala, my (little) experience in a similar situation. I started one year ago my (very first) tank, SG 1.002, sand only, and artificial roots. I just wanted a little corner of plants, since they actually didn't fit that environment (a mangrove river bank). Also, I wanted it looooow-tech. So...
  23. maurizio

    My Mudskipper Paludarium

    Gorgeous. For me, no chance with black mangroves, I have a fully flooded tank. so gotta stick to the reds. Also, with the blacks you miss the prop roots, right? How do they look, then? Cheers!
  24. maurizio

    Huge Bubbles At Top Of Tank

    I'm new in the hobby, so not much experience here, but from what I know bubbles sittingon the surface means an increase of surface tension in the water, and this can only due to external input. In my case, I saw it happen a number of times when feeding the last dusty bits of dried blood worms...
  25. maurizio

    My Mudskipper Paludarium

    Hi HX, looking forward to seeing the mangroves! Mines are actually down to just one, with a huge single-branch ridiculous root, and 6 leaves. Cheers! M.
  26. maurizio

    Neritinae In Danger?

    I can add that they are clearly staying away from light, at the moment: I have the impression that they come out when lights go off. I finally have a final reading of NO3: ~75 mg/l. I know, it's a lot, but it's not unusual in my tank, with a tap water starting at 40 mg/l... Anyone?
  27. maurizio

    Amano Ammonia Production

    In late July I made a very-nano tank with about 800 ml of water for my office desk: 1 ball of Cladophora, 3 cherry shrimps (< 1 cm each), and 1 few mm snail (too small even to figure what it was: likely a trumpet). I added a microscopic piece of algae wafer, sealed the bowl and let it go: so far...
  28. maurizio

    November Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    Cheers, Noura! Indeed, well said. Let's see then if at least I can get some better pictures to do him justice!
  29. maurizio

    Neritinae In Danger?

    Hello all, brackish, SG 1.002 @ 25 C, one year old. Got the snails in January. I recently saw algae on the glass, but I assumed it was the result of the recent addition of fertilizers. Only a few days ago I realized that the snails were not eating at all, and actually they were nowhere to be...
  30. maurizio

    November Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    Geez, folks, I just got some decent pics of my juvenile male Rainbow, so I thought I might have a look and see against whom he may have to compete, this month...: not a chance, I think I'll just keep doing my good duty of simple voter!
  31. maurizio

    My Archers At Work

    Thanks LZ! I love them too: have them since 11 months now, they're doing fine and growing. Today I bought some crickets, so likely new videos soon!
  32. maurizio

    Archer Wants My Attention

    I have no experience with the other fishes, but my archers just go ANYWHERE in the tank, including picking food leftovers from the sandy bottom. The cichlids may not like that....
  33. maurizio

    Fiddler Crabs - Need Help!

    Sorry I can't really help, but you should probably try to post in a more general forum, such as the Tropical discussion. Looks like some kind of fungus to me... Strange it is OUTSIDE the tank? Good luck! Maurizio
  34. maurizio


    Indeed, I have right now a screenshot of the Attachment field, which IS available if you try to Reply in certain forums (/to certain topics?), but I cannot attach it here!! :crazy:
  35. maurizio


    Hello all, I've been enjoying this community for about a year, but every now and then the same question arises: when I post or reply, sometimes there's an Attachment filed at the bottom, that allows to easily post e.g. a small (max 100 KB) picture in the body of the message, but often this...
  36. maurizio

    My Archers At Work

    Hi catfish, the whole tank is 240 l, but filled only up to 150-ish. Thanks for watching!
  37. maurizio

    Experience In Growing Mangroves?

    Cheers Gregg, I moved the plant in a more shadowed area, and also finally settled its very long single root into the sand. After about 10 days, the root has clearly increased in diameter, a very good sign; and two more leafs are coming soon. A little fragment of fertilizer tablet was added today...
  38. maurizio

    My Archers At Work

    Hello everybody, hope you'll enjoy my archers. In the blog there's a few more video scattered around, mostly with crickets. Any idea for improvement is always welcome. Cheers!
  39. maurizio

    Experience In Growing Mangroves?

    Hi again, it's red mangrove, and I must say, apart from being a beginner, I have a very-low tech: standard 2x38W 6500 K tubes, T5. They are about 10 cm above the leaves, but there's also a 2-3 mm plexiglas sheet in between, which lost some transparency, due to salt/limestone incrustations from...
  40. maurizio

    Experience In Growing Mangroves?

    Thanks Gregg, I actually took one of the seedlings straight from the tree, and I always take care that no sign of germination is visible if I take them from the ground. I'd rather opt for the lack of nutrients option, I just have sand, no substrate. I tried to measure Fe, but the test keeps...