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  1. maurizio

    Nitrate Woes

    Thanks both.   I have encountered quite often these two schools of thinking about diatoms: someone says they thrive in low lighting, someone states exactly the opposite. My experience is clear: in my tank, they grow in the most exposed parts of the tank; shaded areas are less affected. I have...
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  3. maurizio

    Nitrate Woes

    Thanks levahe, well, I have the standard 2xT8 38 W that came with the tank two years ago. Water level is pretty low, though (150 rather than then available 240 l), so I guess absorption is quite reduced. I have a bunch of mangroves slowly growing in there, which of course do need good lighting...
  4. maurizio

    Nitrate Woes

    I got 10+ Cryptocoyne Wendtii, and about the same number of Vallisneria, about a week ago. Fertilizing once a week with 10 squeezes of Tropica Premium. Well, now I have a well planted tank... with diatoms growing all over the leafs! The attack on the walls has somehow ceased, for some reason. I...
  5. maurizio

    In Styrofoam Since Thursday: Still Alive?

    I believe the guy is probably having some kind of problem: he used to collect really good reviews on Trustpilot, but in 2013 he's going really down.   My only contact with him, more than a year ago by email, was quite good: he actually convinced me NOT to buy some snails from him, since they...
  6. maurizio

    In Styrofoam Since Thursday: Still Alive?

    Thank you folks, I didn't dare to reject the package and leave those poor critters to certain death, so I collected it, and was rewarded: 9 out of 10 (5 Neritina and 5 Clithon) went to work (=eating!) as soon as plopped in. One is still not moving, probably dead. Will wait until tomorrow...
  7. maurizio

    In Styrofoam Since Thursday: Still Alive?

    I've been waiting one month for this package, mailed and sms.ed the guy without answer. Since the money was not withdrawn either, I assumed if was perhaps out of the business. Then last Thursday the money was withdrawn and the package sent. He didn't answer any of my phone calls (from Brazil!)...
  8. maurizio

    In Styrofoam Since Thursday: Still Alive?

    Briefly, after one month from my order of some nerites, the guy has sent them while I was abroad. They are in the traveling box with heat pack since Thursday. I can collect the package at the post office tomorrow morning: is it worth, or should i rather reject the package and complain? How long...
  9. maurizio

    Alright.. What Else Can I Put In This Tank? F8 + Bumblebee Goby

    I never had one, but I'm still planning to, in the future. But from what I read, F8 may start to show aggressiveness with age, so it's never too late to end up with a mean one! That said, they are notoriously reported to do very well with BB gobies.   Horsefaced loaches DO grow quite a bit...
  10. maurizio

    Stocking Has Begun!

    Looks great! Perhaps the waves are a bit too strong?
  11. maurizio

    Nitrate Woes

    thanks echo, I'm indeed trying to re.think my tank somehow with more plants. I forgot to mention though that i have a dozen mangroves which are doing quite well in there. But I know that, being slow growers, I can't expect much help from them in fighting nitrates.
  12. maurizio

    Worried About Bosemani Rainbowfish Size...

    Hi folks, well, I'm quite new to the hobby, but my experience with rainbows and shrimp, dating back from last week, is that paleomonetes will be hunted down mercilessly... I found the shrimp sold as live food for the first time, and sais, let's see what happenw. I was thinking mainly to my...
  13. maurizio

    Nitrate Woes

    I'm pretty much in the same situation, sand only, because from the start I didn't want plants, but also a painful amount of NO3 from the tap (35 to 40 mg/l, as declared by the provider!). Also, I have a bit of salt in (SG 1.002 at 25 C), so most plants wouldn't love it.   Tried a number of...
  14. maurizio

    Tired Of Diatoms - Need Help

    Good, I did that before, but it's no harm to try again. Let the Darkness be!
  15. maurizio

    Tired Of Diatoms - Need Help

    I last updated the blog in november, since then I was so depressed... The mangroves are looking great now, and fortunately the fish are totally OK.   I hope I'll find the energy to add some new pics, I got some good shots of the archers recently.
  16. maurizio

    Tired Of Diatoms - Need Help

    Many thanks Levahe, I'm pretty sure I've tried the one-bulb option, but unfortunately they're connected in series, so I can't disconnect any. No reflectors, just the white (now yellowish) covers, which I could remove anyway.   But I'll definitely go the way you recommend, perhaps getting some...
  17. maurizio

    Tired Of Diatoms - Need Help

    Here you go, just 24 hours after siphoning and water changing...   To answer your questions: true, the rainbows do not need salt, but they do accept small amounts; the archers do benefit of some. And it's really a pinch.   Lights are 2 x T5 39W.   I have tried so far the following plants since...
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  19. maurizio

    Tired Of Diatoms - Need Help

    OK, this is going to be long...   Tank started Oct 2011. ~150 l, SG ~1.002 @ 25 C, pH ~8.2, NH3&4 0 mg/l, NH2 0 mg/l, NH3 50-100 mg/l (tap 40), sand bottom. Population as per below. July 2012: added 10 Vallisneria and 6 Boesemani Rainbowfishes. November 2012-now: bloom of diatoms. I always...
  20. maurizio

    July 2013 - Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    I love the atmosphere of #7, but... is it really like that, or just an underexposed photo?
  21. maurizio

    Brackish Help?

    Neale Monks has written many times on this forum about combining mudskippers with other fishes, and the answer is usually: they should stay alone. Anything smaller is food, anything bigger will scare them out of water. I have seen once a skipper with an F8, but on the long run it may not be a...
  22. maurizio

    Filter Broke Down. What Now?

    Thank you, all. Temporarily solved, my favourite shop gave me a good discount on an inner filter (EHEIM again! ), which costed me more or less like a good air pump. Hopefully temperature won't go too low. Now it's a matter of contacting the EHEIM local service, and see how long it takes and how...
  23. maurizio

    Filter Broke Down. What Now?

    Found this so far. Only thing missing is the soda bottle, containing the whole thing.   I'm still doubting, though: you need to create a vacuum for this to work, but... if the air pressure is too strong, it will actually simply blow air through the filter, and if it's too weak, there won't be...
  24. maurizio

    Filter Broke Down. What Now?

    Reading right now whatever I find! For "media" you mean I can put in the two bio-mech pellets I have in the filter, or just the sponges?
  25. maurizio

    Filter Broke Down. What Now?

    Nope, always used the power of the filter output to move the water. Of course, if there's no alternative, I can buy some piece of equipment... An air pump with the output in front of my media, inside the tank?
  26. maurizio

    Filter Broke Down. What Now?

    After less than 2 years of problematic behaviour, it eventually broke down completely: the hose adapter is impossible to extract (old problem), and now the ON/OFF switch of my EHEIM professional 3 350 got loose, and now is swinging back and forth without really acting. The online heater is...
  27. maurizio

    Hoping To Go Brackish! But Confused :(

    As already mentioned, most brackish fishes do accept (and may even benefit) small variations of the salinity, so no need to be very precise in measuring tank water salinity and salt to add. In my case, almost every second week I do a water change with fresh water only (but I have a very low...
  28. maurizio

    Can Anyone Identify This Fish Please?

    FYI, I found myself in a similar situation time ago, and I managed to solve the problem with the brilliant visual search tool of fishbase.
  29. maurizio

    Spray Bar Location

    OK, right, the bar is along the long side of the tank, at the back!
  30. maurizio

    Spray Bar Location

    I always wondered, MBOU: what you describe is the ideal positioning to guarantee the max ripple & therefore oxygenation, but that doesn't provide any help in debris removal from the water column... I know the answer would be a power head, but how really essential is it, when you can make use of...
  31. maurizio

    Am Being Told I Need To Transition To Brackish, Have Some Qs..

    I am a beginner, and I did start with brackish, mainly in order to second the water quality I have here (hard), and because I wanted some oddballs.   The way I did it:   1) fish- and plant-less cycled using freshwater: since my final aim was a SG of barely 1.002 at 25 C, I could afford having...
  32. maurizio

    Looking For Fish Ideas For Small Tank

    Yep, 5 liters is enough for a nice little home for shrimp. I couple of small snails, planorbius maybe, and some good moss.
  33. maurizio

    Id Non-Aquarium Fish?

    Yeee, I got it!!   Ogcocephalus nasutus.   Thanks to FishBase!
  34. maurizio

    Id Non-Aquarium Fish?

    Yeah, I couldn't believe it was a fish at first. I said, come on, it's an anchor or something! It was about 20-25 cm.  It didn't move a bit while I went around taking pics. I showed it later to the diving master, but he just told me the local name of it.
  35. maurizio

    Id Non-Aquarium Fish?

    I dare to post here simply because this guy was not spotted in a tank, but off the southern coast of Brazil, not far from Rio de Janeiro. Any idea of what that is?   Cheers   Maurizio
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  37. maurizio

    Poll: How Happy Are You Of It?

    Thanks Dr Rob, very nice comment indeed. I can say similar things of mine: fish appear happy, from what I can see, for which I'm very contented. It's just that sometimes I would like to see a few of my plants SURVIVE, and a bit less diatoms...
  38. maurizio

    Poll: How Happy Are You Of It?

    I'm a beginner, and struggling to get it the way I dreamt of it. But after all, it's still a little piece of Nature we're trying to recreate in there, and of course Nature takes its own course anyway. So... how happy are you with your tank?
  39. maurizio

    A New Adventure (Pic Heavy)

    It's a BEAUTY!
  40. maurizio

    Fishless Cycle Brackish

    This helped me a lot, but works with added ammonia. I'm also a beginner, aiming to low-end brackish (SG 1.002 at 25 C). I have written quite a bit about the startup in my (b)log below.