I just change got a new tank for him a new mate!
Back in Asian countries, folks don't keep bettas in big tanks.
So the usual tank would look like this.
Like him for the colour.. still will love him even thoug he is not a HM.
Guess i go sourcing for a black HM next round. Thanks so much for showing me pics!
haha, u wan to move over to Asian countries? Im from s'pore and its pretty easy to get more beautiful colour here
omg!! i guess i got cheated again... telling me its a halfmoon, and wait for it to grow... dangz
icic, the lady from the LFS told me he is a halfmoon, and i do not really know how to identify it.
and what can i do to make him develop into a halfmoon? possible??
This is what i have just got from the store, a halfmoon.
I was told, its not a common colour, is it true?
I would wish for the tail & fins to be bigger and rounder, will it still grows?