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  1. G

    New First Betta Wont Eat

    thanks everyone for the help! i will keep this thread updated
  2. G

    New First Betta Wont Eat

    there is Griffin IRL 2 inches of body 2 inches of tail
  3. G

    New First Betta Wont Eat

    not sure of the age, but i will post a pic in just a minute. i am feeding pellets. i just put an bid in on ebay for some frozen blood worms
  4. G

    New First Betta Wont Eat

    he never even recognizes it. he is brand new from the store yesterday
  5. G

    New First Betta Wont Eat

    its floating
  6. G

    New First Betta Wont Eat

    1 gallon temp tank - previous tank was a 4 oz cup at the PetSmart heated ~80 F food pellets so i drop the pellets in, but my Betta does not notice them. it is possible he isnt hungry or he is just adjusting to the tank he is active no visible issues i need help getting him 2 eat!