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  1. W

    Can I propagate this?

    Just bought this dwarf aquarium lily. Can I propagate this part? How do I?
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    Food for cories and pleco

    So the foods I suggested are good? Shrimp pellets for cories and algae wafers for pleco?
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    Food for cories and pleco

    Ok thanks I’ll look into that.
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    Food for cories and pleco

    Ok. I have spider wood in the tank. I’ve already seen the pleco all over the wood
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    Food for cories and pleco

    I have one albino bristlenose pleco and am planning on getting 6 julii cory catfish. What would you recommend to feed them? I am thinking of getting omega one shrimp pellets, frozen food once a week, scraps of flakes that my other fish don’t eat, and algae wafers? Any suggestions?
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    Yep. I’ll ask her many questions next time I go but I don’t know when that will be.
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    Yep. Luckily I’ve never had a fish jump(knock on wood). As I said I will take one angel out but I only have about half of the fish in the tank I am planning on getting.
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    Ok thanks
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    Yea I’m giving one away and only having one in the 29. Will that work?
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    Fish tank gods are not with me during this quarantine :(

    Yep. Just hoping things get better for me and you
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    I’m confused. Since I have one angel already just leave it?
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    Ok thanks. How about angels?
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    Fish tank gods are not with me during this quarantine :(

    So it’s been rough in this hobby for me during the quarantine. Two days ago, did a water change and forgot to add dechlorinator right away and lost 3 fish. Then, I’ve been noticing my rainbow shark has been chasing my tiger barbs. Then, this morning I woke up and noticed something on the ground...
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    Ok. It is heavily planted. Like I said not even sure I’m going to get the apisto
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    I will
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    Ok. But I mighty still try
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    Really? Awesome. I’ll still check my tanks water and my tap I might still buy a test kit for gh and kh
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    Ok. Does petsmart test gh and kh? It is 30 in long 12 in depth and 18 in tall. I would only do 1 apisto if I decide to
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    So I just have bad luck unless I want to keep Africans
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    Ok that’s what I was talking about
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    So how hard is my water?
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    What is the gh of my tap? Very hard?
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    I have an api master but not a gh test kit. Should I pick one up?
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    People have posted before when I’ve asked questions about having certain fish in my water. Someone looked it up and so have I and it’s apparently very hard in my area to find what they are
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    Sorry can’t tell you this. Have no way to find out
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    Yea. This has been the most frustrating part since I’ve been in the hobby. It’s like your height, can’t do anything to change it. Except you can but most people say not to chase parameters and just go with the flow.
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    Yea. I just frustrates me sometimes because I’m like “o that would be cool to keep that fish” and then I research it and boom can’t keep them bc of my water which I can’t really do anything about it.
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    Yep. Mine just bred about a week ago. It was very cool as I gently opened the females mouth and 50 fry cams spewing out.
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    Ok. I have a buffering ph substrate and wood in the tank.
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    Ok. Never kept them. Just don’t want to just have livebearers
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    I understand the concept but I just feel that so many fish like softer water or just not hard and it frustrates me bc I feel that I can literally keep African cichlids and live bearers.
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    I’ve heard that many times. How would I do this? Don’t you have to re mineralize the water or something?
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    So basically if you have hard water you cant keep so many fish? I feel it’s never a problem that water is too soft except for Africans and livebearers. My ph is 7.2 but can’t give a number for GH
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    Really? Dang. This lady is not any pet store employee. She is very knowledgeable and has been in the hobby for many years. No disrespect but I do trust her so next time I go I’ll ask her questions about our water and barbs and angels. What else could I stock then?
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    I have hard water. Lfs recommended them for me so ig they are good in our water
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    So I have a 29 gal currently with 2 angels(removing one bc of aggression and eventual size), 1 dwarf neon rainbow(had 3 but made a terrible mistake), 2 peacock gudgeons, 1 albino bushy nose pleco. My eventual stocking I want would be 1 angel, 3 dwarf neon rainbows, 6 cherry barbs, 2 peacock...
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    What did I do wrong?

    Couldn’t have said it better
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    What did I do wrong?

    Especially with living things