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  1. W

    How has fedex been lately?

    If he sent them tomorrow to you think it would be here by Friday?
  2. W

    How has fedex been lately?

    I just got some oebt shrimp that got delayed and they all died with usps. The seller wants to send with fedex instead. How has fedex been lately?
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    Shipping snails in ziplock bag

    Do you use insulation?
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    Shipping snails in ziplock bag

    Does anyone ship snails in ziplock bags? How do you do it? Do you leave air? Do y’all have pics of how you do it?
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    Help with some different corries

    My lfs has some orange laser cories and they are $20 a piece!!! I have a 75 gallon discus tank and am wanting some cories. Are these guys a good option? Also, are they hard to spawn? Also, they have rabauti cories and Schwartzi cories. How are these two? They are only $7 so not much of an...
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    Senegal Bichir with peacocks, haps, and mbuna?

    I have a 75 gallon with peacocks, haps, and some peaceful Mbuna like yellow labs. I also have some clown loaches but they are about 3 inches and no one bothers them. I’ve always wanted a bichir and was thinking maybe I could get one for this tank? No one bothers the clown loaches so I’m thinking...
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    Alien betta?

    I can’t find a lot of info on these guys. I saw a blue alien betta at my lfs and have a few questions. Is it aggressive like splendens? Can they go with shrimp? How do they do with tank mates/what are good tank mates? What are your experiences with these beautiful guys?
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    Can you overdose seachem safe?

    I’m not using it to treat nitrites. Seachem recommends 5x the dosage so I was thinking it’s safe if you overdose a little
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    Can you overdose seachem safe?

    I just got 2 bottles of seachem safe and they each treat 60,000 gallons. I’m going to get some measuring spoons that measure 1/64 teaspoons. This is still enough to treat 18 gallons. If I used 1/64 teaspoon to treat a 5 gallon tank, would it have an affect on the fish or plants? I know you can...
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    Should I keep the babies in the breeder net or let them loose in the tank?

    Ok. It’s a bare bottom tank with a sponge filter and heater so it’s very easy to clean
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    Should I keep the babies in the breeder net or let them loose in the tank?

    I have 1 clutch of 2 week old magenta mystery snails and 2 more clutches of less than a week old magenta snails. They are both currently in separate breeder nets in a bare bottom 10 gallon. Should I let the 2 week old babies loose or keep them in a breeder net for a few more weeks? My reasoning...
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    Will a high temperature hurt my other fish?

    Ok. I have rummy nose so I might switch the 2 then
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    Will a high temperature hurt my other fish?

    So what should I do then?
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    Will a high temperature hurt my other fish?

    How long would you say?
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    Will a high temperature hurt my other fish?

    I just got a pair of German blue rams for my 20 long. I have neon and emperor tetras, honey gourami, and a sparkling gourami. I will have to set the tank at 80-82. Will the higher temp affect my other fish too much?
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    Hard or soft water?

    Ok thank you. I can’t seem to find a good chart that actually says hard vs soft water with the measurements
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    Hard or soft water?

    So like a neutral kinda thing?
  18. W

    Hard or soft water?

    Just got a test. Can you tell me if my water is soft or hard?
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  20. W

    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    Ok. Mine is about an inch or more and I’ve had him for like 4 months. Everyone gets along great
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    I mean I’m not really in the budget for an ro system and my house isn’t set up for it in the slightest. How long does it take for the gourami to reach maturity or at what size?
  22. W

    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    There is no point of me being in the hobby if I can just keep 2 types of fish and I already have them
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    Thanks for the explanation. I’m not saying I don’t understand but I’m not trying to force a discus to live in a 9.5 ph here. What would you do in my case since I’m dealing with tetras?
  24. W

    Should I get 5 babies or one teenager?

    True. I got just the one so I don’t have to worry about that thankfully
  25. W

    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    I have many tetras and South America cichlids and have bred the cichlids. Still amazes me how strict they apparently are about the parameters hmmmm
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    I’m not trying to argue I think it’s just stupid that bc I have hard water I can keep live bearers and African cichlids. Most people in the hobby say stuff about stocking and parameters when they should make sense but when you actually try it most of the time it doesn’t work out how you think it...
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    How can I not keep a tetra in my water but successful spawn apistogramma then?
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    This doesn’t make sense. How can a fish thrive for months but then all of a sudden it’s suffering? I understand with discus and rams but these are tetras
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    I have hard water. Tetras are captive bred for the most part meaning they shouldn’t need specific parameters? I’ve had tetras for months that are doing great. The gouramis are very chill and the betta is so far. I have 6 neons and emperor
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    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    I have hard water. Ik tetras aren’t wild caught usually so that would mean they aren’t picky about parameters no? The betta is female and I’ve seen many people say they were fine with guppies
  31. W

    Is there a risk putting guppies in my community tank?

    I have a 20 long with tetras, female betta, and a honey and sparkling gourami. Everything gets along nicely. My lfs has some platinum mosaic big ear guppies and I really love them. It’s very heavily planted so the babies could probably survive. Any risk with adding a pair of guppies?
  32. W

    Should I get 5 babies or one teenager?

    I got the expensive one. He is pictured above
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    What is the best food for my flowerhorn?

    I just got a Thai silk flowerhorn and he is 3.5 inches atm. I really want his head to grow and was wondering if there is any food that I can feed him that will help the growth. I’m currently feeding him hikari sinking pellets and omega one cichlid pellets. Does any use ocean free humpy head or...
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    Should I get 5 babies or one teenager?

    Oops :). Just bought the expensive one teehee
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    Should I get 5 babies or one teenager?

    Hey from Reddit!
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    Should I get 5 babies or one teenager?

    I want to get a flowerhorn. I would get a 65 gallon tank and I have 2 options. At one lfs they have 4 inch Thai silk flowerhorns and they already have the beautiful kok but it is $95. At my other lfs they have a bunch of 2 inch baby Thai silks and they are $15. Should I get the one $95 one or...
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