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  1. C

    Cory Breeding?

    Yes they will from my experience look at my previous problem under make it stop.
  2. C

    Help It Stop

    Wow further checking shows me you are right and she is the girl caught them going after her and minutes later more eggs on the wall. I think I found another pet shop and they open back up tuesday I will talk to them about taking some of them off my hands. I think I am going to separate the...
  3. C

    Help It Stop

    OK so how do i separate the male and female as I woke this am to find about 30 more eggs on the side of my 20 gal tank I dont know how to tell male and female apart and have not found any info yet on how to tell.
  4. C

    Help It Stop

    Someone help please. I bought 3 different types of cory because the girl at petsmart said they would not inter-breed but would interact socially so that I would not have lonesome cats. I bopught an albino, a green, and a peppered. Boy was she wrong. My first time I had 3, then 5, then 14...