Search results

  1. Caesar

    EM ethyromycin to treat fin rot?

    Bloodworms are fairly nutrient poor, some spirulina brine shrimp will be right up your guppys alley and provide some good nutrition. You can also soak their food in Seachem garlic guard and nourish or vitality to help boost the immune system.
  2. Caesar

    Can you help me identify these guys?

    Male jack dempsey have pointed anal and dorsal fins, where as females have rounded tips Males generally have blue markings directly behind their eyes whereas females have this along their lower jaw.
  3. Caesar

    Cleaning gravel and substrate

    I disinfect diseased tanks at work with a bleach spray, fill with water and a large dose of dechlorinator, add a cycled sponge, and add fish hours later. I was fairly hesitant to do it initially, but it's worked every time! :D
  4. Caesar

    Nerites - can they live in an unheated tank for a short time?

    Won't be a problem, you should see the conditions they survive in wholesale before reaching retail and home aquaria.
  5. Caesar

    EM ethyromycin to treat fin rot?

    Melafix is fairly useless, as it's tea tree oil and lacks any active medical ingredients. If your finrot is bacterial in nature you'll have success treating with erythromycin. Clean water and a healthy immune system (no stress, proper parameters, good diet, etc) will also help hasten the...
  6. Caesar

    Six foot 90 Gallon Journal.

    Thanks! That's always my goal over a perfectly scaped tank. No, Hagen used to make these tanks back in the 90s. Definitely hard to find these days, it's unbraced with .5" glass. Thanks! I'll see about entering, with the dimensions I really struggle taking a half decent picture though...
  7. Caesar

    Most Expensive Hobby’s Besides Fish Keeping?

    I collect records, but because I have absolutely no impulse control I have only bought expensive and rare ones, so I've spent like $15,000. 😭 Otherwise I garden/bonsai/keep tropicals& succulents, keep reptiles, have a fascination with Ancient Rome, and most recently discovered Funko Pops which...
  8. Caesar

    how to pack succulent for shipping

    When I order rare succulents online, they're wrapped individually, out of pot, in newspaper. They're then placed in a box loosely, with packing peanuts tightly packed around them. I've ordered a few times and the nursery always packs them this way. Never had an issue with them and sometimes it...
  9. Caesar

    Six foot 90 Gallon Journal.

    Hey y'all. This tank has been running in various incarnations since 2015. I bought from a fish store I was working at that went out of business, the tank is probably upwards of 30 years old. It's 72"x18"x16". It's currently an South American themed, with crossocheilus and botia I couldn't be...
  10. Caesar


    Caffeine actually mildly improves ADHD symptoms. So if someone is experiencing similar symptoms while ingesting caffeine when they typically don't otherwise, then that's definitely not ADHD. And to give context, if someone does have ADHD and they add structure to their life by focusing effort...
  11. Caesar


    Turning 28 in a few months. I was recommended an ADHD diagnosis as a child by my elementary school districts child psychologist in grade 1 or 2. I saw some child specialist and decided to hyperfocus on showing I was such a good reader that I could read upside down... Needless to say I was...
  12. Caesar

    Resin never need to make a water change. Plus!..mega private fishroom.

    I suppose running a UV sterilizer at sufficient wattage paired with dosing probiotics could solve those issues, if this resin filter truly deals with all accumulating waste and other dissolved solids.
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  14. Caesar

    Vote Now! October 2021 Fish of the Month Contest (Bettas)

    My LED make it so hard to get good pics with my phone haha. Species: B. splendens. Type: King Betta. Age: Around a year. Tank mates: Otocinclus sp. and C. pygmaeus. Tank size: 6 gallons. Filtration: Sponge. Diet: Northfin Bugpro, frozen foods, live insects. When I originally bought him, he had...
  15. Caesar

    Dwarf Chain Loach Numbers

    I'd wager it's the size of my group that's given them the confidence. It's been trial and error, but the current stock right is boisterous enough that they aren't severely impacted. It's amusing having a massive swarm attack me whenever go in the tank though!
  16. Caesar

    Hey y'all.

    I didn't think a 10 gallon would lead to a career 🤣
  17. Caesar

    Pseudochalceus kyburzi, the newest addition to my tank.

    It's my first time seeing them in person as well, so I was a little hesitant to order them online because I had no real frame of reference aside from videos. But hard to pass up on the opportunity; glad I bit the bullet.
  18. Caesar

    Hey y'all.

    A brief overview: Setup a 10 gallon, then another, then suddenly I had 10 aquariums running in my bedroom, started working at my local fish store, got some more aquariums and a pond, started working a specialty fish store and bought a few 100+ gallon tanks, then downsized and started working at...
  19. Caesar

    Pseudochalceus kyburzi, the newest addition to my tank.

    I just ordered 10 p. kyburzi and am happy to report they've settled into my 90 gallon. They've joined the schools of ~15 hyphessobrycon wadai and ~15 hyphessobrycon sp. blue ribbon. Once they've healed from shipping damage and get comfortable it'll be exciting to see them start to colour up.
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  24. Caesar

    Dwarf Chain Loach Numbers

    I have an unspecified number in my tank (I can count 14 visible now, but I bought over 20 initially). They're absolute terrors in my tank, to the point where it's absurd. Someone always has a nipped fin or tail from them. They swarm my other fish and dominate the water column during feeding. The...
  25. Caesar

    Bioload / pollution Bristlenoses

    A few bristlenose plecos in an appropriately sized tank with proper filtration really won't be an issue. I have PTSD from royal plecos though. Never before have I hated a fish so much as the adult we had display at my last job.
  26. Caesar

    Hey y'all.

    Good to be back!
  27. Caesar

    What are your all time favorite cichlids?

    My favourite cichlids would be a toss up between vieja zonatus, paretroplus menarambo, and crenicichla atabapo 1. For line bred, non natural, probably a vieja fenestratus 'marbled'.
  28. Caesar

    Hey y'all.

    I went to register and found out that I made an account in 2012 and asked a single question about a stocking a 10 gallon tank. Had a chuckle at that. Anyways, on most forums I go by datfish, but apparently I named this account Caesar. I've been working in the hobby since 2014 and currently am...
  29. Caesar

    Betta And Bloodfin Tetras Or White Clouds In 10 Gallon?

    I have a 10 gallon tank I'm cycling right now and I'm getting a betta in a couple of weeks. But I don't want him to be alone, so I'm going to get a very small shoal. I'm not sure if Bloodfin Tetras or White Clouds would work better, or if they could perhaps work together in two small groups. So...