Search results

  1. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    Basically a rough glove that you shower with. Instead of sponge or whatever.
  2. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    Ahh right ok. Was thinking of getting some snails. The bumblebee horned type. They any good?
  3. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    I get what you mean. I might stick a sports sock on my hand lol nice and precise. Hey what about those shower gloves? You know the type?
  4. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    My tank ain't big enough for plecos.. how are pygmy corys at glass cleaning?
  5. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    It's only a sock lol easily replaced. The sponge is decent just a bit messy cause it soaks a lot of water up. Does the job though. Last thing I want is to scratch the glass, seconds thoughts on a magnetic one now
  6. Fishfaced

    What's Your Dream Stock?

    If you like fish and impressive aquariums. Watch some episodes of Tanked. Two guys in Vegas making some of the best custom made tanks you've ever seen.
  7. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    That made me chuckle.. lol. I've never even considered a sock lol. I'm the type who tries to find the best I can afford. But yea why not, it does the job. I have a sponge on a stick, the blue type. I was thinking of getting a magnetic one but my glass is curved. Do they make ones that aren't flat?
  8. Fishfaced

    What's Your Dream Stock?

    I haven't even bought a freshwater fish yet lol. Still in cycle. I'd love to have a saltwater tank in the future. Stocked with amazing colourful fish. We've all watched 'Tanked' right? Live corals and individual stunning specimens to call your own. Wouldn't it be nice
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  11. Fishfaced

    Glass cleaning

    Hi all Not sure if there's a thread on this topic, I was too lazy to look but also prefer real time response rather than reading old text. I could simply use Google for that. Q. What is your preferred method of cleaning the glass of your tank?
  12. Fishfaced

    This is my pond

    Has such a natural look to it.. like a pond you'd come across while out walking your dog somewhere you've never been, nice and remote. Like it a lot. How much would you say it costs starting something like this from scratch, minus the fish..?
  13. Fishfaced

    Is it too late..?

    Should have done it from day 1. It's getting bought today.
  14. Fishfaced

    Is it too late..?

    Thanks for your help
  15. Fishfaced

    Is it too late..?

  16. Fishfaced

    Is it too late..?

    What's the best liquid ammonia?
  17. Fishfaced

    Is it too late..?

    Tell me about it. It's felt even longer. I'll buy some. Thanks
  18. Fishfaced

    Should I Replace Gravel with Sand?

    Lol... good man
  19. Fishfaced

    Tank No. 2 - 60 Litre

    Haha.. This may come in handy
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  21. Fishfaced

    Should I Replace Gravel with Sand?

    I'd replace it personally. A lot better for bottom feeders. Looks better imo. Easier to clean and a good place for bb. Be a ball ache to do but worth it in the end.
  22. Fishfaced

    Tank No. 2 - 60 Litre

    Damn son, diving in head first huh. Looking good that. Keep us posted.
  23. Fishfaced

    Is it too late..?

    Day 46 Fishless cycle using food as ammonia source. I'm at the point were I need to keep feeding my nitrites a source of ammonia but using fish food is a guessing game and also slow. Is it too late to start using a liquid form of ammonia? Will this potentially ruin things and force me to...
  24. Fishfaced

    Searching for a downloadable spawning log

    This title made me think you were gonna make a 3D printed log. What the hell was I thinking.
  25. Fishfaced

    Opinions on Pro Shrimp (UK)?

    Looks like a decent site. Might give them a try if they ever have any shrimp or snails in. Everything is out of stock
  26. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    I've been trying to think of a safe material I could use that would look like a scroll of paper. I could pop that in then cork the top. Message in a bottle.
  27. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    That could look cool, like your thinking.
  28. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    Ha.. that's something a bit different. Any chance of seeing a pic?
  29. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    I like that idea. If anything ever does get stuck I'll release it and get some sort of stopper. Cork most likely.
  30. Fishfaced

    Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

    Nice! Bit far for me that. I'd love to visit a huge fish store with all the breeds you could imagine. I can see why people end up with tank rooms.
  31. Fishfaced

    Slime on my wood.

    Personally I wouldn't use them.
  32. Fishfaced

    Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

    Cause I'm not using real plants from the off don't really have much to show at the moment. Tanks set, ready for inmates lol. Definitely takes pics as it comes together with fish and gradually add real plants.
  33. Fishfaced

    Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

    Lmao.. :rofl:
  34. Fishfaced

    Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

    Cool logo by the way. Totally just stole your idea haha.
  35. Fishfaced

    Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

    I'm a week or two away from cycled. Haven't kept a journal on here, found this site 4 weeks into cycling. The end is in sight
  36. Fishfaced

    Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

    Looking good that mate. It's going to be a beauty when it's established. Keep the pics coming
  37. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    Ah I could fill the bottle with sand to match the level of the tank. Thanks, your idea made me think.
  38. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    Good rule of thumb :good: Thanks
  39. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    I don't have a glass cutter but like the idea.
  40. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    Thanks for the warning. I could maybe plug the bottle with a tiny cork, do you know if cork is harmful?