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  1. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Believe I got the fungus stuff under control - no more fish death after treatment, but still anxious as it came so sudden. Are now doing 20% water changes every 2-3 days. Will not do the antibiotics to sort the cyanobacteria as I dont think they will do any harm, but the treatment propably would...
  2. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Got to the bottom of my "strange fungus infection" - its actually Cyanobacteria. Has anybody any experience with this? Don't want to use antibiotics as I heard this will harm some sensitive fish. Help?
  3. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    ok, filter issue sorted as I just done a 20% water change and checked the filter. Middle bit with biological granuals were blocked - the flow is now much better. Have started a shrimp tank (30l) and put my 3 tetras in to lighten the load the 60l tank had to deal with. I always liked the cherry...
  4. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Hi there, I have 2 synodontist petricola. Have had them since May and currently look very happy. A slight concern of mine is that I just discovered they prefer very alkine water and my tank is mainly inhabited by rams hence a <7 ph. Still struggeling with my filter. I had an internal...
  5. ElaAlex

    Mikrogeophagus Ramirez

    Suggest to keep only one male with 2 or 3 femals as they can get stressed very easily. Also, water needs to be very clean and well maintained. Beautiful fish and great to watch. Would recommend to keep with smaller species if in community tank. I have a wild couple and colours are exeptional if...
  6. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    I have one clown plec, who I believe won't grow beyond 10cm. Thanks again for the help.
  7. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Hi there, Many thanks for the advise about the salt - something I did not know. I cannot detect any ammonia in the water. I checked just before todays 20% water change. My female Ram is improving; the white patch is still there but here dorsal fin is up now. Her caudal fin is still clamped up...
  8. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Quick update on my tank issues. I tested the water again before and after the water change again with a Interpet kit and no issues. Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is ~30, ph >7 Got rid again with growth of fungus or algae with gravel cleaner and done 20% water change. One of my Ram's is still suffering...
  9. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Hi there, Many thanks for your response. In regards to the water testing; I use the stick tests once a week. Nitrite is always white, Nitrate is slightly coloured, but maybe due to the fertiliser I add weekly as I have quite a few plants in the tank. I had the tank since March this year and...
  10. ElaAlex

    Strange Fungus Infection

    Hi, need urgent help with fungal infection of my tank. I lost 5 fish in the last 7 days and absolutely devestated. Some fish (rainbow, synodontis, neon tetras and plec seem uneffected). Fish lost were all Ram's, but swordtail is also becoming reclusive with occasional erratic swimming behaviour...