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  1. G

    When to pull bristelnose pleco fry

    Take them out now. If you want to save any babies take dad and the cave out and put in their own small tank. When they come out of the cave put dad and the cave back. Everything in the community tank will eat the babies as soon as they come out of the cave. A light will upset dad but not cause...
  2. G

    Forum really slow to load pages and posting responses.

    I use Firefox. I think it is the latest version.
  3. G

    Forum really slow to load pages and posting responses.

    Never had a problem, it loads up fast for me and always has.
  4. G

    How do I cycle a tank?

    Take the filter from the broken 5 gallon and put it in the 3-1/2. It is the filter that gets cycled not the water. For the 29 when you get it. Filll with water. Put on the new 29 filter. Put in 4 ppm of ammonia. Wait until ammonia goes to, or near, zero. Keep ammonia at about 4 ppm.. After a...
  5. G

    Angel fish and fighting fish

    First of all a 60 gallon (240L) tank is plenty big enough for 4 or 5 Angelfish if not crowded with too many other fish. Second a Betta should be fine in with the Angels. I have had Bettas in Angel tanks and they pretty much just ignore each other and go their separate ways.
  6. G

    Bristlenose genetics: long fin lemon vs snow white vs albino vs red

    I don't know the genetics for red/lemon/super white, but suspect that they all might be recessive. I think the brown (wild) gene is the only dominate color one, but I could be wrong. Brown gene and Albino gene are on different Loci, I don't know about red/lemon/super white. A cross between...
  7. G

    Bristlenose genetics: long fin lemon vs snow white vs albino vs red

    Over their lifespan 50% will be Brown and 50% will be albino. Any given spawn will vary somewhat but should always yield some of each. If you know what a Punnet square is you can use it to predict what you will get in the spawn. I have not noticed any difference in clutch sizes or hatch rates...
  8. G

    Bristlenose genetics: long fin lemon vs snow white vs albino vs red

    No the calicos live in their own tank. Any Bristlenose will breed with any other so you have to keep them separate if you want to keep the strain. I do have an albino and a brown with one albino gene pair that give 50% browns and 50% albinos.
  9. G

    Bristlenose genetics: long fin lemon vs snow white vs albino vs red

    I have Calicos. I don't know what crosses produced them originally but they breed true. Two Calicos produce all Calico offspring. The Long fin gene is dominate. One long fin parent and one short fin parent will produce some longfin offspring. The Albino gene is recessive. That means two doses...
  10. G

    What breed are my angelfish?

    You have a Smokie, a Gold, And a Silver Blusher, formally called a German Blue Blusher.
  11. G

    When to pull bristelnose pleco eggs?

    Pull them now. Take dad, the cave and everything inside it to a separate tank. In a week or so the little ones will use up their yolk sac and come out of the cave looking for food. When they are all out put dad and the cave back in the community tank. Everything in your community tank will eat...
  12. G

    Cory eggs what to do?

    Put them in something that hold water. A fish bowl, a glass jar, a 2-1/2 gallon tank, etc. Put in an airline for circulation. When they hatch feed them microworms. Some people might have different feeding instructions but I only feed microworms to mine. After they are free swimming for a few...
  13. G

    Angel fish eggs... ???

    Just because there are eggs doesn't necessarily mean a male-female pair. Could well be two females. If the eggs hatch then you will know you have a male. More than likely they will eat the eggs to protect them from the other fish in the tank.
  14. G


    I have to disagree with this also. General rule of thumb for adult angels is 10 gallons per angel. A 66 gallon tank is plenty big enough for 2 angels and probably plenty big enough for 3 or 4 more.
  15. G

    Angel fish from the past

    Superveils, hard to tell from the photo but they look like Marbles. Two Veil genes. They are around but not many people like them because of the extra long saggy fins. Any two fish with a veil gene (V+) will produce some superveils (V/V).
  16. G


    Fenbendazole (Safeguard dog de-wormer) will kill the hydra overnight. Dose at 0.1 gram per 10 gallons. It will not harm the Betta or any other fish.
  17. G

    Angelfish Shoal Problems

    It is very rare for an Angel to kill another one. I have been raising Angels for over ten years and I have never seen it. Males will fight if there is a female around and females will fight if there is a male around. If a pair forms the male will keep all the others away. The female will test...
  18. G

    Angelfish Breeding Log 2nd Attempt

    Try this on. If it doesn't work just go to the learning center (bottom of the page) has lots of Angel articles, genetics is one of them.
  19. G

    Angelfish Breeding Log 2nd Attempt

    I got interested in genetics when I had a pair of Black fish produce some Orange babies and I couldn't figure out how that could happen. The Gold gene is recessive and will not express unless the fish has 2 doses of the gene so it is unlikely you can tell if the fish has a single dose by...
  20. G

    Angelfish Breeding Log 2nd Attempt

    The parents are a Silver and a Smokey. The little ones with black marking on the back half are Smokies like their mother. I did see the rwo white ones. If not a trick of the lighting, those two look to be Platinums, which would mean that both the parents would have to have a gold gene and a...
  21. G

    Baby Panda Cory - How Old?

    More than a month less than a year. Hard to tell if you didn't see the eggs.
  22. G

    What are people's experiences with breeding plecos?

    Bristlenose............Long Fin Albinos, Browns, or Calicos. Easy to breed, easy to raise the young. When they mature, in about a year, just put a male and a female in water with a suitable cave. They also sell really good and your LFS will probably take all you can raise.
  23. G

    2 Angel fish lost colour & possibly slime coat

    He should check his ammonia readings, of there is Nitrite there probably is Ammonia A pH of 8 is fine for Angels and don't worry about the hardness. looks like the substrate change is probably what stressed them and caused a mini cycle. Nitrate is a little high but of no concern if he is not...
  24. G

    Help Raising Angel Fry

    A real conundrum as to why they are dying off. You seem to be doing everything right. Two thoughts. 1- could be too much food. They will overeat themselves to death, they don't know when to stop. Usually when they start eating(ie: orange bellies) they are on the road to survival. If they...
  25. G

    Help Raising Angel Fry

    You don't need the baby brine shrimp yet. Eggs take three days to hatch, and an additional 5 days to go free swimming. You don't feed until they are all free swimming. Consider this batch of baby brine shrimp as a practice run and feed them to other fish.
  26. G

    Help Raising Angel Fry

    Green water doesn't work for Angel fry, the cleaner the water the better.. Better to spend your efforts on raising baby brine shrimp. A common tank is fine for rearing. The 10 would work if you start out half full and gradually increase the volume as they grow. Depends on how many there are in...
  27. G

    Help Raising Angel Fry

    Congratulations on the parent raisers, relatively rare these days. If you really want to raise the young siphon them out into a small tank. If the 10 gallon is all you have, leave it bare bottom and about half full of water. A 2-1/2 gallon tank is an ideal size for baby Angels if you have one...
  28. G

    Any idea how to sex Angels ??

    Please take that diagram and cut it up and throw it in the wastebasket, it is so wrong. It was put on the net by some 10 year old kid who looked at the only Angels he ever had spawn. And it has been distibuted by people who really know nothing about Angelfish. It is just wrong. The only way to...
  29. G

    Bristlenose female or male?

    Definitely a male. Bristlenoses )Ancistrus) are omnuvores. They need to eat almost constantly. Get some Zucchini and drop a chunk in there for him to eat. Replace the zucchini 24 hours later. If it is all gone in 24 hours use a bigger piece the next day. Be sure there is always something in...
  30. G

    Possible bristle nose eggs ?

    Take the eggs out and put them in a separate container, fry net or the like, with air and a heater. Sometimes the male will not let the female in the cave and she will get frustrated and lay the eggs outside the cave. Sometimes the male actually kicks the eggs out unintentionally. Any other...
  31. G

    Angelfish Pairing

    Size is not the governing factor, age is. Typically they take about a year but I have seen some spawn at seven months and some take up to 18 months to get into the mood. Then there sre some that never spawn.
  32. G

    Angelfish! Personal experiences/recommendations?

    The Angels will learn to follow the cories around when they spawn and eat the eggs. If the Angels spawn they will keep the cories away.
  33. G

    Feeding pleco and catfish

    Bristlenose do not "need" wood in their diet, some other Plecos do. They are herbivores so they need to eat almost constantly. Cut a piece of Zucchini, rubber band it to a rock and drop it in. If it is gone in 24 hours, drop a bigger piece the next day. You will soon get an idea of how much...
  34. G

    Utility water transfer pump for water changes???

    Yes that Little Wayne pump is great for water changes, I use one all the time. A little loud though, but works great.
  35. G

    Angelfish Fry Died

    The colors will change as they grow. Hard to tell at this age what they will look like when they are bigger. Pretty sure they will look like the parents when they get older.
  36. G

    Cory Eggs and Cory Fry Hatching

    Put some plant matter in with them, Java moss, green hair algae, etc. They always seem to do better with the green stuff in there.
  37. G

    Angelfish Fry Died

    A two liter soda bottle with the bottom cut off and turned upside down works just as good if not better than the commercial hatcheries. And it is cheaper.
  38. G

    Angelfish Fry Died

    Another opinion for newly hatched Baby Brine Shrimp and against egg yolk. Can't speak to other types of fry, but you will lose a lot of baby Angels if you don't feed newly hatched brine shrimp. They need the movement to trigger them to eat. If you are only trying to raise a dozen or so out of...
  39. G

    angelfish are dieing Help!!

    Sounds like transition shock. Your Nitrates are probably too high. A 10% water change once a week is not enough. Get a test kit to check nitrates. Do big water changes to get your nitrates under 20 and they should be OK.
  40. G

    Angelfish Fry Died

    Yes it is pretty normal for some of the fry to be small and sickly. Some people call them belly sliders. These are the ones that the parents cull in the wild or by parent raisers. It is an indication of the relative health of the parents. If one or more parent has weak genes a larger majority of...