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  1. PlasticGalaxy


    I don't know if you're just REALLY awful with backhanded jokes or you just needlessly go for the throat every time you see something you don't necessarily agree with, but I would highly appreciate if you would stop either way. I thought this would be an unnecessary point to make, but here I am...
  2. PlasticGalaxy

    For Colin - just for fun 🙂

    Tell me about it! Back before I moved house in 2019, we had six cats. The eldest two were a pair of sisters - one black, the other tuxedo: Flump was the tuxedo one, Pepper was the black one. Flump always had this thick, curly fur on her tummy where she'd lay down and get a little too warm...
  3. PlasticGalaxy


    This might be a wrong way to look at things but I think if newer members (from the late 2010s to the early 2020s after reactions were implemented) have a large difference between their messages and their reaction score, they probably post too much with too little meaningful or helpful info...
  4. PlasticGalaxy

    Help identifying these fish

    The narrower tail-fins would point to that for sure, as well as the generally dull colours. Didn't know that mosquitofish were sold in the aquarium trade though! Aren't they quite similar as species?
  5. PlasticGalaxy

    For Colin - just for fun 🙂

    What beautiful eyes and such a fluffy tail!! My sister's got a little ginger lad called Ozzy like that. Definitely going to grow up into a ball of ginger fluff!
  6. PlasticGalaxy

    Filter for 55 gallon…

    Cannister filters are the best way to go for big tanks. I personally use the aquamanta EX 400 - pretty sure it's Maidenhead Aquatics' own line - and it's worked great. Used it in my 40g and now in my 60g, absolutely perfect with zero issues. Only problem I've encountered so far is that it can be...
  7. PlasticGalaxy

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Would totally recommend going to independent (and reputable) shops. Steer away from places like petco, petsmart, e.t.c. since their fish are usually riddled with disease.
  8. PlasticGalaxy


    Then it's a non-issue. Thread wasn't necessary.
  9. PlasticGalaxy

    Help identifying these fish

    Yep, definitely guppies lol. Sometimes I doubt myself a little too much lol. It's so cool! Me and my partner kind of want the lifesized Lucario, but sort of have nowhere to put it lol.
  10. PlasticGalaxy

    Help identifying these fish

    I believe guppies, but the last time I identified a fish as a guppy, turned out it was a white cloud mountain minnow lol. Judging from the lack of a dorsal fin in these pics though, I would say these are in fact guppies (for real this time). Once they start breeding, they probably won't stop...
  11. PlasticGalaxy

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Certainly a loaded question! The fish you should get totally depends on your tank, level of free-time, water parameters (water hardness and pH are the ones most referenced here, as they're typically unchanging figures that can make or break the peace in an aquarium), your wants, e.c.t. For a...
  12. PlasticGalaxy


    Welcome! Sorry for your loss, remember to express your feelings properly in a time like this. A distraction might be just what you need. Hope all is well!
  13. PlasticGalaxy


    Doubt this should be in the tropical discussion but w/ever. Unfortunately, this is just how notifications work with the forum. Apologies if this comes across as rude, but are there not bigger things to worry about? For me, knowing that the things I've said are useful is helpful. Click onto your...
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  15. PlasticGalaxy

    Hello everyone nice to see you!

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay! The forum has many members with all different specialties, and no matter what you need, someone will surely come to help out!
  16. PlasticGalaxy

    Badger's Sumatran Rice Paddy

    I've never been big on centerpiece fish... Since my "centerpiece" is my sailfin and he's a bottom dweller, my dad's constantly trying to convince me to get a group of gourami or similar as my centerpiece. Came up with the compromise that I'd get a couple tetra schools. Got rummynose and...
  17. PlasticGalaxy

    Looking to make a small profit with a fishkeeping project. Thoughts and advice?

    Oh wow! You're one lucky fishkeeper! My LFS owners will take any fish off your hands but will grimace at you and not give you anything back for it hahaha.
  18. PlasticGalaxy

    Some of my old friends

    I believe one might be a catfish!
  19. PlasticGalaxy

    Looking to make a small profit with a fishkeeping project. Thoughts and advice?

    Breed zebra plecs! $200 a pop! No, really though... Sounds like a plan! Though I'm not sure how lucrative guppy breeding is for selling in the US. In the UK, you just give them away for free on Gumtree (the UK's equivalent to Craigslist) and ask no questions. If you're lucky enough (incoming...
  20. PlasticGalaxy

    Feeling depressed....not really doing much with the tank

    Lots of us have had to face this, you're not alone. A few months ago, I felt this way as well. Points where I'd get so frustrated with sitting inert and not doing anything, I wanted to tear down my tank and get rid of all my fish; struggling to do basic maintenance; and getting upset with...
  21. PlasticGalaxy

    What Ever Happened to a Fish Only Having a Five Second Memory

    Mine can't back themselves out of the caves they live in 24/7, let alone drive a Mazda. Maybe if you got enough of them and banded them together like some great big fish mecha, I could see it happening!
  22. PlasticGalaxy

    Pregnant Guppy- how often can she have fry?

    When my guppies first started having babies, had one to start with. Went a week or so before getting another, then was overrun with them around a month or so later.
  23. PlasticGalaxy

    Fat corydora?

    Wow, that's a real big one! You got that one at the same time as the others? From the size difference I'm assuming it's female; don't know if it's just the angle or it's just abnormally huge! Could enter that one in a competition. Was it a sudden growth or has it been growing normally? Maybe...
  24. PlasticGalaxy

    My sons new 6ft aquarium. Thoughts?

    Catfish in the photo looks like it's probably in the genus synodontis. Assuming it's a featherfin/synodontis squeaker, they generally grow pretty big, up to 12" but don't tend to grow that large unless in a very big tank. Can be pretty aggressive towards smaller fish, snails, e.c.t. but not...
  25. PlasticGalaxy

    Marcus Fish Tanks

    Our cats were all pretty outdoorsy, had one called Beau who was a right fatty missus. My mum likes to plump up the animals we have though, so you could never really tell what exactly made her such a chubby little lady. ...Secretly loved jiggling their little tummies about though.
  26. PlasticGalaxy

    Help me gender by fry?

    I would say the first is female for sure, but I'm not totally sure on the second. Pretty round for a male, but might just be a fat one.
  27. PlasticGalaxy

    Marcus Fish Tanks

    What cute little ladies! Used to have 6 cats, all quite portly, thought they were royalty the way they got fed!
  28. PlasticGalaxy

    My sons new 6ft aquarium. Thoughts?

    Yes, the "gamble" thing is true, but that doesn't mean you should put any old fish together and wait for sh** to hit the fan. There are fish that are more volatile or aggressive than others, and doing proper research minimises the risk you take. Really, the way it's described in gambling terms...
  29. PlasticGalaxy

    Marcus Fish Tanks

    Haha, look at those fatties!! Little fellers got names?
  30. PlasticGalaxy

    Daily Memes [Aquatic and non-Aquatic Memes]

    Another of my partner's insane creations. Think this was from July... You can tell it was pre-clown loach, since I actually have snails and not just shells.
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    this is far too much.png

  32. PlasticGalaxy

    What Fish Do You Keep?

    You really like your bettas, don't you? We've all got our favourites! Right now, I'm keeping a total of 5 "survivor" fish - one pygmy cory, three c. aeneus, and one otocinclus - all of which are strangely catfish. Got two schools of tetras: rummynose (11) and cardinals (12); two clown loaches -...
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    gobbo bad quality.jpg

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  38. PlasticGalaxy

    New Years Resolutions

    My dad did gymnastics back when he was younger. There was a sort of "boys' thing" up until the (very) late 2000s where if you were a boy who did gymnastics for over two years, it made you gay. Maybe that's why he likes Erasure so much 🤣
  39. PlasticGalaxy

    where to get rare livebearers?

    Considering the way Sgooosh talks, I'm pretty sure he's within the age range of about 10-14 and wouldn't have a spare 30 minutes of sitting parked in his car 🤣
  40. PlasticGalaxy

    Christmas Weather

    Why is it 13c in January?? I hope it snows like it did last year in February. That was brilliant.