Search results

  1. E

    Ammonia and Nitrite on the Battlefield

    I haven't actually added any chemicals. The treatments I've used add bacteria and are supposed to aid the biological filter media (Cycle, for instance). The exception might be the Tank Buddies, but I seem to recall that product not being harmful to existing bacterial colonies. I could be...
  2. E

    Ammonia and Nitrite on the Battlefield

    Alright, newbie's got a tank sitch. I got a 20 gallon high as a x'mas gift and it's been going for about a month and a half now. The first fish I got was a Betta and he's still there going strong. Since his intro, I've had 4 guppies placed 2 at a time over a couple weeks. They've all passed...
  3. E

    Preferred Small Algae Eaters

    Everybody, thanks for all the good information. I'll check out my lfs (I think I figured out that that is short for local fish store?) for some Ottos or bristlenoses. Wet, my tank is a 20 gallon high. So far, I've only got Green, my Betta in it. :) edgar
  4. E

    Preferred Small Algae Eaters

    Apologies if this has already been covered in another post before. I'm looking to place 1, a pair, or 2 different docile algae eaters in my 20 gallon high tank, but I'd like them to be 4 inches or less max and capable of living with a betta. Can anyone suggest some winners for me? edgar