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  1. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    Well i couldn't stand to see him like he was this morning :( i ended his little life for him. Never done anything like that before was sobbing while i done it :( was horrid, but he is not suffering anymore. He was curled up at the bottom gasping and i didn't think it was fair :( All the...
  2. Loops

    Happy Birthday Loops.

    Thanks :) To be honest all i bought was some food for my betta. (they had amazing betta's there) It was interesting to go but i wouldn't go again, i just kept thinking oh that's cheaper at home LOL We got totally lost finding the place, was like on a housing estate road!
  3. Loops

    Inured Betta Help!

    Oh no! you got any pics yet?
  4. Loops

    Happy Birthday Loops.

    Awww thanks very much! Well i went to the goldfish bowl in oxford as my day out as it is 1.5hour from me. I must say a place that has everything..very well looked after...more expensive than round by us! Then went the pub for lunch, then had a chinese meal tonight...yum yum had a lovely day xx
  5. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    Thank you very much for your help ... I'm not sure what I can do for him as even if I do move my shrimp (no isolation tank) wouldn't I have to thoroughly scrub the tank to reintroduce them?
  6. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    I have Pygmy (Habrosus) Corydoras and Rainbow Shrimp in the tank, would it be safe to treat the whole tank as I can't isolate him?
  7. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    Thanks for the reply :) I have no way of isolating him :( The other fish poop (from what I've seen) looks normal He may have lost weight due to not eating, he's not eaten for the last 2 days There's definitely no worms coming from his anus Here's a close up pic of him ...
  8. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    His poop ... I haven't seen him poop, I rarely see them poop Anus looks ok, ni inflamation No worms :sick: I would say he has an iregular shape to the rest He's just lying in the corner on the sand :(
  9. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    Water stats are fine. Ammonia 0ppm NitrIte 0ppm NitrAte 5ppm pH 7.6 I bought them all at the same time, April from the same place. He isn't dead yet :huh:
  10. Loops

    One Of My Endlers Is Ill :-(

    Hi guys I have 12 Endlers and one if them is acting strange. All the others are fine, you can see them happily swimming around him, he is just staying on the bottom, he also looks skinny,and belly sucken in? :( I can't get him out of the tank because i rescued a Betta so he is in what was the...
  11. Loops

    My Betta - Wassabi!

    Aww he is lovely! :wub:
  12. Loops

    Need Some Advice On Agressive Female Cockatoo Cichlid

    We have in our bigger tank... Corydoras(Sterbai, Panda & Peppered), ottos, and Ember Tetra's. Some cherry and amano shrimp. We recently added a pair of Cockatoo Cichlids, male and female. They were fine to start with and were getting on great with the cories but today i have noticed the female...
  13. Loops

    Lotus My Betta Is So Inquisitve!

    I will take a vid soon :) He keeps attacking the moss too. He stares at it then attacks! :lol: really funny
  14. Loops

    Lotus My Betta Is So Inquisitve!

    I was just reading on the net that Betta's are very curios. I have just put a bottle of pop near the tank and Lotus comes over having a read of the bottle i think LOL :lol: I now have put a brightly coloured vase by him and he is so interested its brilliant!! I will have to do a video of...
  15. Loops

    Java Moss - I've Tied Some To A Bit Of Wood This is one i did.................. haha i wish, how amzing though :drool:
  16. Loops

    My First Crowntail

    Hi is lovely, I bet if you take a photo of him against a plain background he would look even more stunning! :good:
  17. Loops

    Here Is My Rescued Betta!

    Cheers! I think he will be one to feed from my finger...just so tame bless :wub:
  18. Loops

    Got My First Betta!

    hehe, when you are in photobucket you need to right click on direct link, copy, then on here click on the insert image and paste :)
  19. Loops

    My New Betta

    Its funny thats 3 of us posted same sort of colouring... mine is here only had him a few days...he has red spots too!
  20. Loops

    My New Betta

    Flame would suit him :)
  21. Loops

    Got My First Betta!

    Awww hello Radish....he is lovely :wub: There you go x
  22. Loops

    My New Betta

    Aww he is great ! :wub:
  23. Loops

    Java Moss - I've Tied Some To A Bit Of Wood Or this, floating moss balls, tie moss to ping pong ball, tie ping pong ball to string, tie rock or pebble to string to weigh it down :)
  24. Loops

    Java Moss - I've Tied Some To A Bit Of Wood

    moss wall? type it in google x
  25. Loops

    Got My First Betta!

    You need to send your pics to then its much easier, you don't have to resize just paste the direct link in x
  26. Loops

    Few Tank Pics

    Thats a lovely tank!! :good:
  27. Loops

    Got My First Betta!

    I have called him Lotus, someone suggested it on here :) He is lovely..really friendly :wub: Cmon get some pics on :hyper:
  28. Loops

    Our Baby Peppered Corydora...

    YAY thanks for the reply, i didn't think anyone thought he was cute :( They are always breeding LOL i noticed more eggs earlier today! I can't wait to release him/her to the big tank with mom and dad :) (Don't worry they are not on gravel that's my shrimp tank it was just temp while we got a...
  29. Loops

    Tears In Heaven...

    Aww hun sorry to hear your sad news :( keep your chin up xxx
  30. Loops

    Got My First Betta!

    I think I have Radish's brother then :) one i rescued the other day!
  31. Loops

    Few Pic's I Took Of My Happy Betta Today

    Aww this looks great, I bet you Betta loves you :wub:
  32. Loops

    Here Is My Rescued Betta!

    Here are some pics after buying him a light...obviously could see his reflection he was flaring all the time! haha Lotus!.......
  33. Loops

    Here Is My Rescued Betta!

    Yeah I love the name Lotus! thanks for that.. well i have some better pics of him. He has such a great character, always coming to me bless him..
  34. Loops

    Getting Them To Eat From Your Finger

    Awww i have to try this, I have only had mine since yesterday, he seems really tame, i ran my finger across his fins and he just stayed there :wub:
  35. Loops

    Are These Fish Dyed?

    :-( :-( :-(
  36. Loops

    Our Baby Peppered Corydora...

    One of the babies we rescued from our tank.. he/she is getting bigger every week.. So tiny on the gravel, this is when we found him :) Then moved him to a little breeding tank .. Today
  37. Loops

    Here Is My Rescued Betta!

    Awww he is gorgeous thanks for putting the pic on!! There is some marks on his gills but perhaps i am just worrying too much? I am liking the name Lucky! :good:
  38. Loops

    Here Is My Rescued Betta!

    Awww is that what you call them :wub: You don't think the marks on his face are anything to worry about do you?
  39. Loops

    Here Is My Rescued Betta!

    Hi guys He was floating in a bag at our lfs, no air or food! I have him all on his own, looks really happy. Excuse the pics, with my mobile, will take some clearer ones the weekend.
  40. Loops

    Bought A Betta ... Endlers Scared

    The bags floating in the tanks were tied up at the top :( makes me wonder how they were fed!! :o He is loving the tank, although he hates the filter even though it is quite gentle, I am going to slow it down even more for him. You guys need to help me think of a name for him, he is really...