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  1. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Positive Changes To New Member Restrictions

    Just to confirm, so I will have to PM tcamos before able to edit my information and avatar? Or alternatively wait to get to 60 posts?
  2. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Positive Changes To New Member Restrictions

    Yay!   60 posts just seems so far away.... When will the new changes take effect?
  3. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Starting Up First Tropical Fish Tank.

      Before you get everything set up, I recommend trying to get an idea of what fish you want that you can keep in your tank with your water parameters. When I jumped into the hobby, I quickly learned that I couldn't keep the fish I wanted with the set-up I had!! I have now upgraded...   For...
  4. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Want Some New Ideas

    Yes; just a suggestion of something that will mix well with your tetras. Have you tried just going to your LFS rather than looking online? I found a number of options to research (I have primarily been looking at schooling species however) after going to a couple of my LFS and just looking to...
  5. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Want Some New Ideas

    I'm new to fish keeping, and am not too familiar with the serpae's, so I looked them up. I was surprised to read that they are more on the aggressive side and are fin-nippers. I'm not sure if they pester your platies much, but I wouldn't dare risk a betta. You could try rainbow fish, as some of...
  6. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Corydoras And Ph Help

    I made sure to get sand with neutral pH. It had tons of great reviews from freshwater customers. The water out of my tap has the high pH. I have well water, which is normally extremely hard (my outdoor tap the water comes out brown with iron), but I have a good water softener, so it is soft, but...
  7. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Corydoras And Ph Help

    Thanks so much for getting back to me!!   I currently have driftwood in my tank, two substantial pieces, but they've only brought it down about .2 points.   And I know that at my LFS they said that all of their cories are tank raised locally, and the local water is very very hard and with a pH...
  8. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Corydoras And Ph Help

    Hi all I was wondering about the various species of corydoras in relation to high pH.   Sorry if this is a repeat topic, but if it is available, I couldn't find it easily, and though I've touched on this question in some of my other threads, I was hoping for some more direct and detailed answers...
  9. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Help Cory Fry...

    Sorry, I have no advice for you as I am new to the hobby... but I love cories and that is adorable! :D I would love to hear updates on the fry :) Also, just curious, were you trying to breed them or do you just have them in a regular tank and they happened to breed?
  10. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Still So Many Questions... Ph, Cories, Live Plants, Etc.

    Oh, okay now I'm rereading what you and Nin wrote and I see :)
  11. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Still So Many Questions... Ph, Cories, Live Plants, Etc.

    I have my sand going from about 3/4 inch in the front to 2 inch deep in the back. So maybe just stir the back occasionally during water changes?   And with the plants, so I can't just stick 'em in there? lol Just use regular fishing line to tie them to something?   Since the Sterbai cories are...
  12. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Still So Many Questions... Ph, Cories, Live Plants, Etc.

    Hello again all!   Thank you so much for all previous help, but I'm still feeling a little iffy on a number of things and have been having some difficulty finding clear answers to some of my questions that keep coming up. And once again, I apologize for the length of my post....^^;     First up...
  13. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Someone Help Me Stock My Tank! :)

    I am very new to fish-keeping myself, but from what research I've done so far for my own tank I would recommend for sure getting 3 more cories to round out the group. As atti said, don't add salt with the pleco or the cories.   I was actually looking into the figure 8's as well!! They can do...
  14. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow?

    Oh, okay. Do you happen to know what temp your friend keeps them at? Or if she's ever tried keeping them at low-end tropical temps?
  15. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    The "inch Per Gallon" Rule

    I love the rummynose tetras too! But they seem more sensitive to pH and water chemistry than I feel I can provide as a beginner... I thought the bloodfins would be a good compromise :)     I've read through the debate going on daizeUK and tcamos, and I completely understand where you are both...
  16. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    The "inch Per Gallon" Rule

    Well, I do intend on meeting those two requirements! :)   I suppose now I will just have to wait for my tank to cycle. Maybe I'll start researching plants next..... ;)   Thanks again for all advice! 
  17. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    The "inch Per Gallon" Rule

    Does that mean that I should disregard the high stocking suggestion? I would like to have more fish, but I'd much rather the fish I do have are happy and healthy.
  18. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    The "inch Per Gallon" Rule

    noobgamers- Okay, thank you!! I'm surprised you think I can fit more than that, but that's good news for me :) Gives me more options. Do you happen to know of a good stocking calculator? I'll try googling it too. daizeUK- Yes, I figured I would add slowly...but I am by nature a planner :) For...
  19. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    The "inch Per Gallon" Rule

    I am very new to the aquarium hobby (I have had one 10G with some guppies for a few months now lol) but I have been researching like crazy for my new 29G tank that I will be getting here in a few days. This time I am going to cycle it properly, so I still have quite a bit of time to continue...
  20. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow?

    Really? They are so beautiful and I feel like they would be a perfect fit for my new tank, except for that temp issue... But I AM planning on keeping it at 76F.... Well, I really appreciate your input and I may give them a chance after all. I still have quite of bit of time to consider, as I'm...
  21. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow?

    After going to a couple more fish stores, I'm thinking that maybe these will not be the best fish for my tank. The couple fish stores that keep them in tanks at 78F they have dull colors and are not as active... Even though this may be to other water quality issues and not just the temperature...
  22. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow?

    My tank is 30 inches long. Does a temperate set up just mean the cooler temperatures?   And thanks for the info, that's kind of what I figured. But the fish specialist at my LFS said that they do okay in a tropical tank as long as it is at the lower end of the tropical spectrum temp wise. I had...
  23. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow?

    I am setting up a new tank and was wondering if the White Cloud minnows would be okay. It will be a tropical tank, at about 76-78 degrees. Is that too warm for them? I know that typically they are a cool water fish. I also have water that is fairly high pH (about 7.8).   Beyond the question of...
  24. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    1St Time Tank Owner, Would Appreciate Advice On A Few Things!

    Thanks for sharing!! That makes me feel much better that people have been able to happily keep them in similar water conditions. I'll have to page through a lot of the older forum posts as I wait for my new tank to cycle. And yes, I suppose I will need to reread on proper cycling.... Thanks so...
  25. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    1St Time Tank Owner, Would Appreciate Advice On A Few Things!

    Okay.... so perhaps I AM a crazy fish lady now (as my family and friends have been telling me lately), but I went with #3!!!! I didn't get the 55G, as I really have no room for it lol but I got a great deal on a 29G!! Wheeeee!! xP And this time I'm going to do it right, a month long cycle. And...
  26. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    1St Time Tank Owner, Would Appreciate Advice On A Few Things!

      Thanks so much!! =^-^= I have become a little obsessed with my new tank....   After more research and much deliberation, I'm thinking I have a few options to choose between...   1. Keep the tank as is. Don't mess with the pH or the gravel, and stock the tank with 6-7 guppies, 2 red cherry...
  27. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    1St Time Tank Owner, Would Appreciate Advice On A Few Things!

    Well, if cories won't work well in my current tank, is there something else that will?  I would prefer having more than just one species (guppies) and would love to get some fish that will stay lower in the tank and swim through my decorations. Or alternatively, (because I really really love...
  28. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    1St Time Tank Owner, Would Appreciate Advice On A Few Things!

    I just recently got my very first fish tank, and I have a couple questions that I was hoping you guys would be able to help me answer. I have been trying to research fish stuff like crazy, as I am very excited about my new pets!! Also, sorry if this is kind of a long message, but I figured the...
  29. fish.jpg

